- c - 在位数组中找到第一个零
- linux - Unix 显示有关匹配两种模式之一的文件的信息
- 正则表达式替换多个文件
- linux - 隐藏来自 xtrace 的命令
我正在使用 python suds基于本地 wsdl 文件制作 SOAP 客户端的库。我的目标是使用 Twisted 作为后端,因此我以异步方式查询 SOAP 服务器。
我见过三种不同的方法来使用 twisted 和 suds:
a) 应用这个 patch到 SOAP 水库。
b) 使用 twisted-suds ,这是泡沫的 fork 。
c) 受 this post 影响,我使用扭曲的 deferToThread
操作实现了 Client_Async
suds 客户端,(可以找到完整的工作要点 here 。我还实现了一个 Client_Sync
# Init approach c) code
from suds.client import Client as SudsClient
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread
class MyClient(SudsClient):
def handleFailure(self, f, key, stats):
logging.error("%s. Failure: %s" % (key, str(f)))
def handleResult(self, result, key, stats):
success, text, res = False, None, None
success = result.MessageResult.MessageResultCode == 200
text = result.MessageResult.MessageResultText
res = result.FooBar
except Exception, err:
logging.debug('%40s : %5s %10s \"%40s\"' % (key, success, text, res))
logging.debug('%40s : %s' % (key, self.last_sent()))
logging.debug('%40s : %s' % (key, self.last_received()))
def call(stats, method, service, key, *a, **kw):
logging.debug('%40s : calling!' % (key))
result = service.__getattr__(method)(*a, **kw)
return result
class Client_Async(MyClient):
""" Twisted based async client"""
def callRemote(self, stats, method, key, *args, **kwargs):
logging.debug('%s. deferring to thread...' % key)
d = deferToThread(call, stats, method, self.service, key, *args, **kwargs)
d.addCallback(self.handleResult, key, stats)
d.addErrback(self.handleFailure, key, stats)
return d
class Client_Sync(MyClient):
def callRemote(self, stats, method, key, *args, **kwargs):
result = None
result = call(stats, method, self.service, key, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception, err:
self.handleFailure(err, key, stats)
self.handleResult(result, key, stats)
# End approach c) code
使用 c) 方法做一个小的基准测试指出了异步模型的好处:
-- Sync model using Client_Sync of approach c).
# python soap_suds_client.py -t 200 --sync
Total requests:800/800. Success:794 Errors:6
Seconds elapsed:482.0
Threads used:1
-- Async model using Client_Async of approach c).
# python soap_suds_client.py -t 200
Total requests:800/800. Success:790 Errors:10
Seconds elapsed:53.0
Threads used:11
我还没有测试方法 a) 或 b),我的问题是:
我在我的项目中使用 SOAP 水。我不需要做任何补丁,也不需要使用扭曲的 SOAP 水。我正在使用 0.4.1-2 版本的 python-suds 包(在 ubuntu 上),它带有非常有用的 nosend 选项。
# This parses the wsdl file. The autoblend option you'd probably skip,
# its needed when name spaces are not strictly preserved (case for Echo Sign).
from suds import client
self._suds = client.Client('file://' + config.wsdl_path, nosend=True,
# Create a context for the call, example sendDocument() call. This doesn't yet
# send anything, only creates an object with the request and capable of parsing
# the response
context = self._suds.service.sendDocument(apiKey=....)
# Actually send the request. Use any web client you want. I actually use
# something more sophisticated, but below I put the example using
# standard twisted web client.
from twisted.web import client
d = client.getPage(url=context.client.location(),
# The callback() of the above Deferred is fired with the body of the
# http response. I parse it using the context object.
# Now in the callback you have the actual python object defined in
# your WSDL file. You can print...
from pprint import pprint
# I the response is a failure, your Deferred would be errbacked with
# the suds.WebFault exception.
关于python - Benefits of twisted-suds - 使用 python suds SOAP 库的异步方式,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19569701/
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