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Python 等效于 Matlab 的 Demcmap(高程 +/- 适当的颜色图)

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-30 02:17:05 28 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在寻找一种方法来为 matplotlib 获取适合高程的颜色图。

cmap 'terrain' 看起来不错,但颜色缩放不是基于零(即,如果比例为 0->5000m,则 0->1000m 范围可能是蓝色阴影,这你会假设是在海平面以下)

例如: enter image description here

等价于 Matlab 的函数是: demcmap

让 matplotlib 在零高程标记周围移动地形颜色图的绿色/棕色和蓝色的最佳方法是什么?


不幸的是,matplotlib 不提供 Matlab 的 demcmap 的功能。python basemap 包中实际上可能有一些我不知道的内置功能。<​​/p>

因此,坚持使用 matplotlib 板载选项,我们可以子类化 Normalize以颜色图中间的一个点为中心构建颜色归一化。此技术可在 another question 中找到在 StackOverflow 上并根据特定需求进行调整,即设置 sealevel(最好选择 0)和颜色图中的值 col_val(介于 0 和 1 之间)该海平面应对应的值。在地形图的情况下,0.22 对应绿松石色似乎是个不错的选择。
然后可以将 Normalize 实例作为参数提供给 imshow。可以在图片的第一行下方看到生成的数字。

由于海平面周围的平滑过渡,0 附近的值显示为蓝绿色,因此很难区分陆地和海洋。
因此,我们可以稍微改变一下地形图并剪掉那些颜色,这样海岸线就更清晰可见了。这是由 combining two parts 完成的 map 的范围,从0到0.17和从0.25到1,从而切掉一部分。

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors

class FixPointNormalize(matplotlib.colors.Normalize):
Inspired by
Subclassing Normalize to obtain a colormap with a fixpoint
somewhere in the middle of the colormap.

This may be useful for a `terrain` map, to set the "sea level"
to a color in the blue/turquise range.
def __init__(self, vmin=None, vmax=None, sealevel=0, col_val = 0.21875, clip=False):
# sealevel is the fix point of the colormap (in data units)
self.sealevel = sealevel
# col_val is the color value in the range [0,1] that should represent the sealevel.
self.col_val = col_val
matplotlib.colors.Normalize.__init__(self, vmin, vmax, clip)

def __call__(self, value, clip=None):
x, y = [self.vmin, self.sealevel, self.vmax], [0, self.col_val, 1]
return, x, y))

# Combine the lower and upper range of the terrain colormap with a gap in the middle
# to let the coastline appear more prominently.
# inspired by
colors_undersea =, 0.17, 56))
colors_land =, 1, 200))
# combine them and build a new colormap
colors = np.vstack((colors_undersea, colors_land))
cut_terrain_map = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('cut_terrain', colors)

# invent some data (height in meters relative to sea level)
data = np.linspace(-1000,2400,15**2).reshape((15,15))

# plot example data
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 2, ncols=3, figsize=(11,6) )
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, right=0.95, bottom=0.05, top=0.92, hspace = 0.28, wspace = 0.15)

plt.figtext(.5, 0.95, "Using 'terrain' and FixedPointNormalize", ha="center", size=14)
norm = FixPointNormalize(sealevel=0, vmax=3400)
im = ax[0,0].imshow(data+1000, norm=norm,
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax[0,0])

norm2 = FixPointNormalize(sealevel=0, vmax=3400)
im2 = ax[0,1].imshow(data, norm=norm2,
fig.colorbar(im2, ax=ax[0,1])

norm3 = FixPointNormalize(sealevel=0, vmax=0)
im3 = ax[0,2].imshow(data-2400.1, norm=norm3,
fig.colorbar(im3, ax=ax[0,2])

plt.figtext(.5, 0.46, "Using custom cut map and FixedPointNormalize (adding hard edge between land and sea)", ha="center", size=14)
norm4 = FixPointNormalize(sealevel=0, vmax=3400)
im4 = ax[1,0].imshow(data+1000, norm=norm4, cmap=cut_terrain_map)
fig.colorbar(im4, ax=ax[1,0])

norm5 = FixPointNormalize(sealevel=0, vmax=3400)
im5 = ax[1,1].imshow(data, norm=norm5, cmap=cut_terrain_map)
cbar = fig.colorbar(im5, ax=ax[1,1])

norm6 = FixPointNormalize(sealevel=0, vmax=0)
im6 = ax[1,2].imshow(data-2400.1, norm=norm6, cmap=cut_terrain_map)
fig.colorbar(im6, ax=ax[1,2])

for i, name in enumerate(["land only", "coast line", "sea only"]):
for j in range(2):
ax[j,i].text(0.96,0.96,name, ha="right", va="top", transform=ax[j,i].transAxes, color="w" )

enter image description here

关于Python 等效于 Matlab 的 Demcmap(高程 +/- 适当的颜色图),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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