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python - 这个python图像模糊函数有什么问题?

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-30 01:30:24 24 4
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EDIT2:我更新了代码以包含最初预期的垂直模糊。使用各种设置生成的示例输出:Blur comparison images.jpg

模糊操作的另一个引用 (Java):Blurring for Beginners


我正在尝试学习基本图像处理并复制这个简单的 Blur method (“重用结果”下的第二个函数 BlurHorizo​​ntal)在 python 中。我知道 PIL 中已经有模糊功能,但我想自己尝试一下基本的像素操作。

此函数应获取源图像,然后根据特定半径对 RGB 像素值进行平均,并将处理后的图像写入新文件。我的问题是我得到了很多平均值完全错误的像素(例如,在某些区域,亮绿色线条而不是红色线条)。

模糊半径为 2 时,平均法将以输入像素为中心的 5 个像素的 RGB 值相加。它使用“滑动窗口”来保持总计,减去传出像素(左侧)并添加新的传入像素(窗口右侧)。 Blur method explained here

样本:Blur test image output.jpg



FIXED WORKING 代码(感谢 Howard)

import Image, numpy, ImageFilter
img ='testimage.jpg')

imgArr = numpy.asarray(img) # readonly

# blur radius in pixels
radius = 2

# blur window length in pixels
windowLen = radius*2+1

# columns (x) image width in pixels
imgWidth = imgArr.shape[1]

# rows (y) image height in pixels
imgHeight = imgArr.shape[0]

#simple box/window blur
def doblur(imgArr):
# create array for processed image based on input image dimensions
imgB = numpy.zeros((imgHeight,imgWidth,3),numpy.uint8)
imgC = numpy.zeros((imgHeight,imgWidth,3),numpy.uint8)

# blur horizontal row by row
for ro in range(imgHeight):
# RGB color values
totalR = 0
totalG = 0
totalB = 0

# calculate blurred value of first pixel in each row
for rads in range(-radius, radius+1):
if (rads) >= 0 and (rads) <= imgWidth-1:
totalR += imgArr[ro,rads][0]/windowLen
totalG += imgArr[ro,rads][1]/windowLen
totalB += imgArr[ro,rads][2]/windowLen

imgB[ro,0] = [totalR,totalG,totalB]

# calculate blurred value of the rest of the row based on
# unweighted average of surrounding pixels within blur radius
# using sliding window totals (add incoming, subtract outgoing pixels)
for co in range(1,imgWidth):
if (co-radius-1) >= 0:
totalR -= imgArr[ro,co-radius-1][0]/windowLen
totalG -= imgArr[ro,co-radius-1][1]/windowLen
totalB -= imgArr[ro,co-radius-1][2]/windowLen
if (co+radius) <= imgWidth-1:
totalR += imgArr[ro,co+radius][0]/windowLen
totalG += imgArr[ro,co+radius][1]/windowLen
totalB += imgArr[ro,co+radius][2]/windowLen

# put average color value into imgB pixel

imgB[ro,co] = [totalR,totalG,totalB]

# blur vertical

for co in range(imgWidth):
totalR = 0
totalG = 0
totalB = 0

for rads in range(-radius, radius+1):
if (rads) >= 0 and (rads) <= imgHeight-1:
totalR += imgB[rads,co][0]/windowLen
totalG += imgB[rads,co][1]/windowLen
totalB += imgB[rads,co][2]/windowLen

imgC[0,co] = [totalR,totalG,totalB]

for ro in range(1,imgHeight):
if (ro-radius-1) >= 0:
totalR -= imgB[ro-radius-1,co][0]/windowLen
totalG -= imgB[ro-radius-1,co][1]/windowLen
totalB -= imgB[ro-radius-1,co][2]/windowLen
if (ro+radius) <= imgHeight-1:
totalR += imgB[ro+radius,co][0]/windowLen
totalG += imgB[ro+radius,co][1]/windowLen
totalB += imgB[ro+radius,co][2]/windowLen

imgC[ro,co] = [totalR,totalG,totalB]

return imgC

# number of times to run blur operation
blurPasses = 3

# temporary image array for multiple passes
imgTmp = imgArr

for k in range(blurPasses):
imgTmp = doblur(imgTmp)
print "pass #",k,"done."

imgOut = Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(imgTmp))'testimage-processed.png', 'PNG')



for rads in range(-radius, radius):

仅运行到 radius-1(范围不包括最后一个)。将 1 添加到第二个范围参数。


if (co-radius-1) > 0:


if (co-radius-1) >= 0:

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