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python - 递归地将立方体分解为 8 个更小的立方体(当立方体由中点和大小定义时)

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-30 01:28:41 28 4
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简短版本:给定立方体的中点和大小,我需要将它分成 8 个较小的部分 (2x2x2),并且可能对每个部分重复。生成的坐标是唯一需要的东西。

我正在写一些八叉树风格的代码,我试图让它接受不同深度的输入(深度与点之间的间距有关,即 2^depth,例如。深度 0 有 1 个单位网格,深度 -1 有 0.5,深度 1 有 2)。我需要它能够获得更高深度的坐标,并将其分解为适合实际深度的立方体。

例如,如果我在深度 1 处有点 (0,0,0),而场景的深度为 0,我需要将它分成 8 block ,然后移动每一个 +-0.5 单位以适应旧立方体 (2^(depth-1))。

如果场景的深度为 -1,我需要将其分成 8 block ,然后再将其分成 8 block 。我基本上需要它来给出 8^(difference in depth) 结果,这听起来很容易做到,但它完全让我难过,因为它出错了。

#Set up structure
octreeRange = ( 1, -1 )
octreeStructure = set()
for x in octreeRange:
for y in octreeRange:
for z in octreeRange:
octreeStructure.add( ( x, y, z ) )

#octreeStructure is the 8 coordinates that a cube can split into

def recursiveCoordinate( coordinate, coordinateInfo, minDepthLevel, octreeStructure ):

newDictionary = {}

#Turn into list if isn't already list
if type( coordinateInfo ) != list:
coordinateInfo = [coordinateInfo,minDepthLevel]

coordinateDepth = coordinateInfo[1]

#Run function again for each coordinate that has a depth too high
if coordinateDepth > minDepthLevel:
coordinateInfo[1] -= 1
moveAmount = pow( 2, coordinateDepth-1 )
for i in octreeStructure:
newCoordinate = [i[j]*moveAmount+coordinate[j] for j in xrange( 3 )]
newDictionary.update( recursiveCoordinate( newCoordinate, coordinateInfo, minDepthLevel, octreeStructure ) )

newDictionary[tuple( coordinate )] = coordinateInfo

return newDictionary

minDepthLevel = 0
grid = {}
#grid[(x, y, z)] = [block ID, depth level]
grid[(1.5,0,0)] = [1,2]

newGrid = {}
for coordinate in grid:
newGrid.update( recursiveCoordinate( coordinate, grid[coordinate], minDepthLevel, octreeStructure ) )
print len( newGrid.keys() )

为了获得视觉效果,请拍摄这张照片。当场景级别为 0 时,中点在中间,定义为深度级别 2。黑色实线是第一次迭代,虚线是第二次也是最后一次迭代。我需要虚线立方体所有中点的坐标。 enter image description here

我想另一种方法是根据深度计算立方体的大小,然后将其分成所需数量的部分,但这需要 3 个嵌套循环,可能会遍历数千个值,所以我想尽可能避免嵌套循环方式。

编辑:作为 2D 示例,我在绘画中做了一个快速的事情,你可以明白为什么我认为它会 super 简单。经过 3 次迭代后的最终结果将产生适合场景的 64 个坐标。

enter image description here



首先,我将创建一个表示 3D 空间中的点的类:

class Point3D:
"""Representation of a point in 3D space."""
def __init__(self, x, y, z):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z

def __add__(self, other):
"""Add two points.

>>> Point3D(1, 2, 3) + Point3D(100, 200, 300)
Point3D(101, 202, 303)
x = self.x + other.x
y = self.y + other.y
z = self.z + other.z
return Point3D(x, y, z)

def __mul__(self, a):
"""Multiply a point with a number.

>>> Point3D(1, 2, 3) * 2
Point3D(2, 4, 6)
x = self.x * a
y = self.y * a
z = self.z * a
return Point3D(x, y, z)

def __rmul__(self, a):
"""Multiply a number with a point.

>>> 2 * Point3D(1, 2, 3)
Point3D(2, 4, 6)
return self.__mul__(a)

def __repr__(self):
return 'Point3D({p.x}, {p.y}, {p.z})'.format(p=self)



中心点必须移动的八个方向是使用 itertools.product 获得并表示为 Point3D各自坐标设置为 -1/+1 的对象。 (我已将较短的名称 DIR 命名为您所谓的 octreeStructure。)

立方体对象有一个辅助函数 _divide 向下一层,这用于递归函数 divide 从立方体的深度向下到目标深度。


from __future__ import division
from itertools import product

class Cube:
"""Representation of a cube."""

# directions to all eight corners of a cube
DIR = [Point3D(*s) for s in product([-1, +1], repeat=3)]

def __init__(self, center, size, depth=0):
if not isinstance(center, Point3D):
center = Point3D(*center) = center
self.size = size
self.depth = depth

def __repr__(self):
return 'Cube(center={}, size={c.size}, depth={c.depth})'.format(c=self)

def _divide(self):
"""Divide into eight cubes of half the size and one level deeper."""
c =
a = self.size/2
d = self.depth - 1
return [Cube(c + a/2*e, a, d) for e in Cube.DIR]

def divide(self, target_depth=0):
"""Recursively divide down to the given depth and return a list of
all 8^d cubes, where d is the difference between the depth of the
cube and the target depth, or 0 if the depth of the cube is already
equal to or less than the target depth.

>>> c = Cube(center=(0, 0, 0), size=2, depth=1)
>>> len(c.divide(0))
>>> len(c.divide(-1))
>>> c.divide(5)[0] is c
>>> c.divide(-1)[0].size
if self.depth <= target_depth:
return [self]
smaller_cubes = self._divide()
return [c for s in smaller_cubes for c in s.divide(target_depth)]


# minDepthLevel = 0
# grid = {}
# grid[(1.5,0,0)] = [1,2]
# not sure what this ^ 1 means

cube = Cube((1.5, 0, 0), 4, 2)
grid = { [1, c.depth] for c in cube.divide(0)}

关于python - 递归地将立方体分解为 8 个更小的立方体(当立方体由中点和大小定义时),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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