- c - 在位数组中找到第一个零
- linux - Unix 显示有关匹配两种模式之一的文件的信息
- 正则表达式替换多个文件
- linux - 隐藏来自 xtrace 的命令
我一直在使用 Vader Sentiment 进行一些文本情感分析,我注意到我的数据中有很多“有待改进”的短语被错误地归类为中性:
In[11]: sentiment('way to go John')
Out[11]: {'compound': 0.0, 'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0}
在深入研究 Vader 源代码后,我发现了以下字典:
# check for special case idioms using a sentiment-laden keyword known to SAGE
SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS = {"the shit": 3, "the bomb": 3, "bad ass": 1.5, "yeah right": -2,
"cut the mustard": 2, "kiss of death": -1.5, "hand to mouth": -2,
"way to go": 3}
如您所见,我手动添加了“Way to go”条目。不过好像没什么效果:
In [12]: sentiment('way to go John')
Out[12]: {'compound': 0.0, 'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0}
知道我错过了什么吗?或者更具体地说,我需要做什么才能使添加自定义习语起作用?这是 Vader Sentiment 源代码:
Created on July 04, 2013
@author: C.J. Hutto
Hutto, C.J. & Gilbert, E.E. (2014). VADER: A Parsimonious Rule-based Model for
Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Text. Eighth International Conference on
Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-14). Ann Arbor, MI, June 2014.
import os, math, re, sys, fnmatch, string
f = 'C:\\Users\\jamacwan\\Code\\Python\\Twitter API\\Sentiment Analysis\\vader_sentiment_lexicon.txt'
def make_lex_dict(f):
return dict(map(lambda (w, m): (w, float(m)), [wmsr.strip().split('\t')[0:2] for wmsr in open(f) ]))
WORD_VALENCE_DICT = make_lex_dict(f)
# empirically derived valence ratings for words, emoticons, slang, swear words, acronyms/initialisms
#(empirically derived mean sentiment intensity rating increase for booster words)
B_INCR = 0.293
B_DECR = -0.293
#(empirically derived mean sentiment intensity rating increase for using ALLCAPs to emphasize a word)
c_INCR = 0.733
# for removing punctuation
REGEX_REMOVE_PUNCTUATION = re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation))
PUNC_LIST = [".", "!", "?", ",", ";", ":", "-", "'", "\"",
"!!", "!!!", "??", "???", "?!?", "!?!", "?!?!", "!?!?"]
NEGATE = ["aint", "arent", "cannot", "cant", "couldnt", "darent", "didnt", "doesnt",
"ain't", "aren't", "can't", "couldn't", "daren't", "didn't", "doesn't",
"dont", "hadnt", "hasnt", "havent", "isnt", "mightnt", "mustnt", "neither",
"don't", "hadn't", "hasn't", "haven't", "isn't", "mightn't", "mustn't",
"neednt", "needn't", "never", "none", "nope", "nor", "not", "nothing", "nowhere",
"oughtnt", "shant", "shouldnt", "uhuh", "wasnt", "werent",
"oughtn't", "shan't", "shouldn't", "uh-uh", "wasn't", "weren't",
"without", "wont", "wouldnt", "won't", "wouldn't", "rarely", "seldom", "despite"]
# booster/dampener 'intensifiers' or 'degree adverbs' http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category:English_degree_adverbs
BOOSTER_DICT = {"absolutely": B_INCR, "amazingly": B_INCR, "awfully": B_INCR, "completely": B_INCR, "considerably": B_INCR,
"decidedly": B_INCR, "deeply": B_INCR, "effing": B_INCR, "enormously": B_INCR,
"entirely": B_INCR, "especially": B_INCR, "exceptionally": B_INCR, "extremely": B_INCR,
"fabulously": B_INCR, "flipping": B_INCR, "flippin": B_INCR,
"fricking": B_INCR, "frickin": B_INCR, "frigging": B_INCR, "friggin": B_INCR, "fully": B_INCR, "fucking": B_INCR,
"greatly": B_INCR, "hella": B_INCR, "highly": B_INCR, "hugely": B_INCR, "incredibly": B_INCR,
"intensely": B_INCR, "majorly": B_INCR, "more": B_INCR, "most": B_INCR, "particularly": B_INCR,
"purely": B_INCR, "quite": B_INCR, "really": B_INCR, "remarkably": B_INCR,
"so": B_INCR, "substantially": B_INCR,
"thoroughly": B_INCR, "totally": B_INCR, "tremendously": B_INCR,
"uber": B_INCR, "unbelievably": B_INCR, "unusually": B_INCR, "utterly": B_INCR,
"very": B_INCR,
"almost": B_DECR, "barely": B_DECR, "hardly": B_DECR, "just enough": B_DECR,
"kind of": B_DECR, "kinda": B_DECR, "kindof": B_DECR, "kind-of": B_DECR,
"less": B_DECR, "little": B_DECR, "marginally": B_DECR, "occasionally": B_DECR, "partly": B_DECR,
"scarcely": B_DECR, "slightly": B_DECR, "somewhat": B_DECR,
"sort of": B_DECR, "sorta": B_DECR, "sortof": B_DECR, "sort-of": B_DECR}
# check for special case idioms using a sentiment-laden keyword known to SAGE
SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS = {"the shit": 3, "the bomb": 3, "bad ass": 1.5, "yeah right": -2,
"cut the mustard": 2, "kiss of death": -1.5, "hand to mouth": -2,
"way to go": 6}
def negated(list, nWords=[], includeNT=True):
for word in nWords:
if word in list:
return True
if includeNT:
for word in list:
if "n't" in word:
return True
if "least" in list:
i = list.index("least")
if i > 0 and list[i-1] != "at":
return True
return False
def normalize(score, alpha=15):
# normalize the score to be between -1 and 1 using an alpha that approximates the max expected value
normScore = score/math.sqrt( ((score*score) + alpha) )
return normScore
def wildCardMatch(patternWithWildcard, listOfStringsToMatchAgainst):
listOfMatches = fnmatch.filter(listOfStringsToMatchAgainst, patternWithWildcard)
return listOfMatches
def isALLCAP_differential(wordList):
countALLCAPS= 0
for w in wordList:
if w.isupper():
countALLCAPS += 1
cap_differential = len(wordList) - countALLCAPS
if cap_differential > 0 and cap_differential < len(wordList):
isDiff = True
else: isDiff = False
return isDiff
#check if the preceding words increase, decrease, or negate/nullify the valence
def scalar_inc_dec(word, valence, isCap_diff):
scalar = 0.0
word_lower = word.lower()
if word_lower in BOOSTER_DICT:
scalar = BOOSTER_DICT[word_lower]
if valence < 0: scalar *= -1
#check if booster/dampener word is in ALLCAPS (while others aren't)
if word.isupper() and isCap_diff:
if valence > 0: scalar += c_INCR
else: scalar -= c_INCR
return scalar
def sentiment(text):
Returns a float for sentiment strength based on the input text.
Positive values are positive valence, negative value are negative valence.
if not isinstance(text, unicode) and not isinstance(text, str):
text = str(text)
wordsAndEmoticons = text.split() #doesn't separate words from adjacent punctuation (keeps emoticons & contractions)
text_mod = REGEX_REMOVE_PUNCTUATION.sub('', text) # removes punctuation (but loses emoticons & contractions)
wordsOnly = text_mod.split()
# get rid of empty items or single letter "words" like 'a' and 'I' from wordsOnly
for word in wordsOnly:
if len(word) <= 1:
# now remove adjacent & redundant punctuation from [wordsAndEmoticons] while keeping emoticons and contractions
for word in wordsOnly:
for p in PUNC_LIST:
pword = p + word
x1 = wordsAndEmoticons.count(pword)
while x1 > 0:
i = wordsAndEmoticons.index(pword)
wordsAndEmoticons.insert(i, word)
x1 = wordsAndEmoticons.count(pword)
wordp = word + p
x2 = wordsAndEmoticons.count(wordp)
while x2 > 0:
i = wordsAndEmoticons.index(wordp)
wordsAndEmoticons.insert(i, word)
x2 = wordsAndEmoticons.count(wordp)
# get rid of residual empty items or single letter "words" like 'a' and 'I' from wordsAndEmoticons
for word in wordsAndEmoticons:
if len(word) <= 1:
# remove stopwords from [wordsAndEmoticons]
#stopwords = [str(word).strip() for word in open('stopwords.txt')]
#for word in wordsAndEmoticons:
# if word in stopwords:
# wordsAndEmoticons.remove(word)
# check for negation
isCap_diff = isALLCAP_differential(wordsAndEmoticons)
sentiments = []
for item in wordsAndEmoticons:
v = 0
i = wordsAndEmoticons.index(item)
if (i < len(wordsAndEmoticons)-1 and item.lower() == "kind" and \
wordsAndEmoticons[i+1].lower() == "of") or item.lower() in BOOSTER_DICT:
item_lowercase = item.lower()
if item_lowercase in WORD_VALENCE_DICT:
#get the sentiment valence
v = float(WORD_VALENCE_DICT[item_lowercase])
#check if sentiment laden word is in ALLCAPS (while others aren't)
if item.isupper() and isCap_diff:
if v > 0: v += c_INCR
else: v -= c_INCR
n_scalar = -0.74
if i > 0 and wordsAndEmoticons[i-1].lower() not in WORD_VALENCE_DICT:
s1 = scalar_inc_dec(wordsAndEmoticons[i-1], v,isCap_diff)
v = v+s1
if negated([wordsAndEmoticons[i-1]]): v = v*n_scalar
if i > 1 and wordsAndEmoticons[i-2].lower() not in WORD_VALENCE_DICT:
s2 = scalar_inc_dec(wordsAndEmoticons[i-2], v,isCap_diff)
if s2 != 0: s2 = s2*0.95
v = v+s2
# check for special use of 'never' as valence modifier instead of negation
if wordsAndEmoticons[i-2] == "never" and (wordsAndEmoticons[i-1] == "so" or wordsAndEmoticons[i-1] == "this"):
v = v*1.5
# otherwise, check for negation/nullification
elif negated([wordsAndEmoticons[i-2]]): v = v*n_scalar
if i > 2 and wordsAndEmoticons[i-3].lower() not in WORD_VALENCE_DICT:
s3 = scalar_inc_dec(wordsAndEmoticons[i-3], v,isCap_diff)
if s3 != 0: s3 = s3*0.9
v = v+s3
# check for special use of 'never' as valence modifier instead of negation
if wordsAndEmoticons[i-3] == "never" and \
(wordsAndEmoticons[i-2] == "so" or wordsAndEmoticons[i-2] == "this") or \
(wordsAndEmoticons[i-1] == "so" or wordsAndEmoticons[i-1] == "this"):
v = v*1.25
# otherwise, check for negation/nullification
elif negated([wordsAndEmoticons[i-3]]): v = v*n_scalar
# future work: consider other sentiment-laden idioms
#other_idioms = {"back handed": -2, "blow smoke": -2, "blowing smoke": -2, "upper hand": 1, "break a leg": 2,
# "cooking with gas": 2, "in the black": 2, "in the red": -2, "on the ball": 2,"under the weather": -2}
onezero = u"{} {}".format(wordsAndEmoticons[i-1], wordsAndEmoticons[i])
twoonezero = u"{} {} {}".format(wordsAndEmoticons[i-2], wordsAndEmoticons[i-1], wordsAndEmoticons[i])
twoone = u"{} {}".format(wordsAndEmoticons[i-2], wordsAndEmoticons[i-1])
threetwoone = u"{} {} {}".format(wordsAndEmoticons[i-3], wordsAndEmoticons[i-2], wordsAndEmoticons[i-1])
threetwo = u"{} {}".format(wordsAndEmoticons[i-3], wordsAndEmoticons[i-2])
if onezero in SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS:
elif twoonezero in SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS:
v = SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS[twoonezero]
elif twoone in SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS:
elif threetwoone in SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS:
v = SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS[threetwoone]
elif threetwo in SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS:
if len(wordsAndEmoticons)-1 > i:
zeroone = u"{} {}".format(wordsAndEmoticons[i], wordsAndEmoticons[i+1])
if zeroone in SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS:
if len(wordsAndEmoticons)-1 > i+1:
zeroonetwo = u"{} {}".format(wordsAndEmoticons[i], wordsAndEmoticons[i+1], wordsAndEmoticons[i+2])
if zeroonetwo in SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS:
v = SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS[zeroonetwo]
# check for booster/dampener bi-grams such as 'sort of' or 'kind of'
if threetwo in BOOSTER_DICT or twoone in BOOSTER_DICT:
v = v+B_DECR
# check for negation case using "least"
if i > 1 and wordsAndEmoticons[i-1].lower() not in WORD_VALENCE_DICT \
and wordsAndEmoticons[i-1].lower() == "least":
if (wordsAndEmoticons[i-2].lower() != "at" and wordsAndEmoticons[i-2].lower() != "very"):
v = v*n_scalar
elif i > 0 and wordsAndEmoticons[i-1].lower() not in WORD_VALENCE_DICT \
and wordsAndEmoticons[i-1].lower() == "least":
v = v*n_scalar
# check for modification in sentiment due to contrastive conjunction 'but'
if 'but' in wordsAndEmoticons or 'BUT' in wordsAndEmoticons:
try: bi = wordsAndEmoticons.index('but')
except: bi = wordsAndEmoticons.index('BUT')
for s in sentiments:
si = sentiments.index(s)
if si < bi:
sentiments.insert(si, s*0.5)
elif si > bi:
sentiments.insert(si, s*1.5)
if sentiments:
sum_s = float(sum(sentiments))
#print sentiments, sum_s
# check for added emphasis resulting from exclamation points (up to 4 of them)
ep_count = text.count("!")
if ep_count > 4: ep_count = 4
ep_amplifier = ep_count*0.292 #(empirically derived mean sentiment intensity rating increase for exclamation points)
if sum_s > 0: sum_s += ep_amplifier
elif sum_s < 0: sum_s -= ep_amplifier
# check for added emphasis resulting from question marks (2 or 3+)
qm_count = text.count("?")
qm_amplifier = 0
if qm_count > 1:
if qm_count <= 3: qm_amplifier = qm_count*0.18
else: qm_amplifier = 0.96
if sum_s > 0: sum_s += qm_amplifier
elif sum_s < 0: sum_s -= qm_amplifier
compound = normalize(sum_s)
# want separate positive versus negative sentiment scores
pos_sum = 0.0
neg_sum = 0.0
neu_count = 0
for sentiment_score in sentiments:
if sentiment_score > 0:
pos_sum += (float(sentiment_score) +1) # compensates for neutral words that are counted as 1
if sentiment_score < 0:
neg_sum += (float(sentiment_score) -1) # when used with math.fabs(), compensates for neutrals
if sentiment_score == 0:
neu_count += 1
if pos_sum > math.fabs(neg_sum): pos_sum += (ep_amplifier+qm_amplifier)
elif pos_sum < math.fabs(neg_sum): neg_sum -= (ep_amplifier+qm_amplifier)
total = pos_sum + math.fabs(neg_sum) + neu_count
pos = math.fabs(pos_sum / total)
neg = math.fabs(neg_sum / total)
neu = math.fabs(neu_count / total)
compound = 0.0; pos = 0.0; neg = 0.0; neu = 0.0
s = {"neg" : round(neg, 3),
"neu" : round(neu, 3),
"pos" : round(pos, 3),
"compound" : round(compound, 4)}
return s
if __name__ == '__main__':
# --- examples -------
sentences = [
u"VADER is smart, handsome, and funny.", # positive sentence example
u"VADER is smart, handsome, and funny!", # punctuation emphasis handled correctly (sentiment intensity adjusted)
u"VADER is very smart, handsome, and funny.", # booster words handled correctly (sentiment intensity adjusted)
u"VADER is VERY SMART, handsome, and FUNNY.", # emphasis for ALLCAPS handled
u"VADER is VERY SMART, handsome, and FUNNY!!!",# combination of signals - VADER appropriately adjusts intensity
u"VADER is VERY SMART, really handsome, and INCREDIBLY FUNNY!!!",# booster words & punctuation make this close to ceiling for score
u"The book was good.", # positive sentence
u"The book was kind of good.", # qualified positive sentence is handled correctly (intensity adjusted)
u"The plot was good, but the characters are uncompelling and the dialog is not great.", # mixed negation sentence
u"A really bad, horrible book.", # negative sentence with booster words
u"At least it isn't a horrible book.", # negated negative sentence with contraction
u":) and :D", # emoticons handled
u"", # an empty string is correctly handled
u"Today sux", # negative slang handled
u"Today sux!", # negative slang with punctuation emphasis handled
u"Today SUX!", # negative slang with capitalization emphasis
u"Today kinda sux! But I'll get by, lol" # mixed sentiment example with slang and constrastive conjunction "but"
paragraph = "It was one of the worst movies I've seen, despite good reviews. \
Unbelievably bad acting!! Poor direction. VERY poor production. \
The movie was bad. Very bad movie. VERY bad movie. VERY BAD movie. VERY BAD movie!"
from nltk import tokenize
lines_list = tokenize.sent_tokenize(paragraph)
tricky_sentences = [
"Most automated sentiment analysis tools are shit.",
"VADER sentiment analysis is the shit.",
"Sentiment analysis has never been good.",
"Sentiment analysis with VADER has never been this good.",
"Warren Beatty has never been so entertaining.",
"I won't say that the movie is astounding and I wouldn't claim that the movie is too banal either.",
"I like to hate Michael Bay films, but I couldn't fault this one",
"It's one thing to watch an Uwe Boll film, but another thing entirely to pay for it",
"The movie was too good",
"This movie was actually neither that funny, nor super witty.",
"This movie doesn't care about cleverness, wit or any other kind of intelligent humor.",
"Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming.",
"There are slow and repetitive parts, BUT it has just enough spice to keep it interesting.",
"The script is not fantastic, but the acting is decent and the cinematography is EXCELLENT!",
"Roger Dodger is one of the most compelling variations on this theme.",
"Roger Dodger is one of the least compelling variations on this theme.",
"Roger Dodger is at least compelling as a variation on the theme.",
"they fall in love with the product",
"but then it breaks",
"usually around the time the 90 day warranty expires",
"the twin towers collapsed today",
"However, Mr. Carter solemnly argues, his client carried out the kidnapping under orders and in the ''least offensive way possible.''"
for sentence in sentences:
print sentence
ss = sentiment(sentence)
print "\t" + str(ss)
print "\n\n Done!"
特殊情况仅适用于 vader_sentiment_lexicon.txt
if item_lowercase in WORD_VALENCE_DICT:
#get the sentiment valence
if onezero in SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS:
if item_lowercase in WORD_VALENCE_DICT:
#get the sentiment valence
v = float(WORD_VALENCE_DICT[item_lowercase])
v = 0
#move next statements out of if
#check if sentiment laden word is in ALLCAPS (while others aren't)
if item.isupper() and isCap_diff:
if v > 0: v += c_INCR
else: v -= c_INCR
仅当特殊词至少位于第 3 个位置(索引 > 2)时才检查特殊情况。
if i > 0 and wordsAndEmoticons[i-1].lower() not in WORD_VALENCE_DICT:
if i > 1 and wordsAndEmoticons[i-2].lower() not in WORD_VALENCE_DICT:
if i > 2 and wordsAndEmoticons[i-3].lower() not in WORD_VALENCE_DICT:
twoonezero = u"{} {} {}".format(wordsAndEmoticons[i-2], wordsAndEmoticons[i-1], wordsAndEmoticons[i])
elif twoonezero in SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS: ...
这里对于短语 way to abandon John
词 abandon
有索引 2,但没有这种情况。如果我们将短语更改为 you way to abandon John
,那么它就会开始工作。如何修复:将 SPECIAL cases 上移一个分支。或者更好地使用实际长度的特殊情况,而不是尝试硬编码。
关于python - 在 Python Vader Sentiment 中添加特例习语,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34400485/
我需要将文本放在 中在一个 Div 中,在另一个 Div 中,在另一个 Div 中。所以这是它的样子: #document Change PIN
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看下面的代码 for story in book if story.title.length < 140 - var story
我正在尝试用 C 语言学习字符串处理。我写了一个程序,它存储了一些音乐轨道,并帮助用户检查他/她想到的歌曲是否存在于存储的轨道中。这是通过要求用户输入一串字符来完成的。然后程序使用 strstr()
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def char_check(x,y): if (str(x) in y or x.find(y) > -1) or (str(y) in x or y.find(x) > -1):
我有一种情况,我想将文本文件中的现有行包含到一个新 block 中。 line 1 line 2 line in block line 3 line 4 应该变成 line 1 line 2 line
我有一个新项目,我正在尝试设置 Django 调试工具栏。首先,我尝试了快速设置,它只涉及将 'debug_toolbar' 添加到我的已安装应用程序列表中。有了这个,当我转到我的根 URL 时,调试
在 Matlab 中,如果我有一个函数 f,例如签名是 f(a,b,c),我可以创建一个只有一个变量 b 的函数,它将使用固定的 a=a1 和 c=c1 调用 f: g = @(b) f(a1, b,
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假设我用两种不同的方式初始化信号量 sem_init(&randomsem,0,1) sem_init(&randomsem,0,0) 现在, sem_wait(&randomsem) 在这两种情况下
我怀疑该值如何存储在“WORD”中,因为 PStr 包含实际输出。? 既然Pstr中存储的是小写到大写的字母,那么在printf中如何将其给出为“WORD”。有人可以吗?解释一下? #include
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我意识到您可以使用如下方式轻松检查焦点: var hasFocus = true; $(window).blur(function(){ hasFocus = false; }); $(win