gpt4 book ai didi

python - 使用 Pandas 从按 id 分组的滚动回归返回预测值

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-30 01:19:57 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在尝试计算每月滚动窗口回归并将预测值作为数据框中的新列返回。我知道 Pandas 的滚动回归功能 (pandas.ols) 正在被折旧,所以我对使用 statsmodels 或类似东西的解决方案很感兴趣.

我想计算每月滚动回归(12 个月窗口,最少 6 个月)并将每个月的预测保存回原始数据框中的新列。虽然我的问题不同,但我找到的最接近的解决方案是在 answer to this question 中。基于这个答案,我试过了(数据如下):

import pandas as pd 
import statsmodels.api as sm

def grp_ols_predict(df, xcols, ycol):
return sm.OLS(df[ycol], df[xcols]).fit().predict()
retdata['predicted_y'] = retdata.groupby('id').apply(grp_ols_predict, xcols=['constant','x1', 'x2', 'x3'], ycol='y')

1. 此代码运行没有错误,但返回 predicted_y 的所有 NaN 值。
2.上面的回归不是滚动窗口。此语法在 pandas.ols 中很简单,但在 statsmodels 中则不然。然而,这个想法似乎是让 pandas.ols 语法在某个时候在 statsmodels 中工作。下面的代码是滚动窗口,但会在以后的版本中降级,不按id分组:

model = pd.ols(y='y', x=retdata[['x1','x2','x3']], window_type='rolling', window=12, min_periods=6, intercept=True)
retdata['predicted_y'] = model.y_predict

我的问题本质上是 "appending predicted values and residuals to pandas dataframe",有两个额外的并发症(1)滚动窗口和(2)按 id 分组。


{'constant': {0: 1,  1: 1,  2: 1,  3: 1,  4: 1,  5: 1,  6: 1,  7: 1,  8: 1,  9: 1,  10: 1,  11: 1,  12: 1,  13: 1,  14: 1,  15: 1,  16: 1,  17: 1,  18: 1,  19: 1,  20: 1,  21: 1,  22: 1,  23: 1,  24: 1,  25: 1,  26: 1,  27: 1,  28: 1,  29: 1,  30: 1,  31: 1,  32: 1,  33: 1,  34: 1,  35: 1,  36: 1,  37: 1,  38: 1,  39: 1,  40: 1,  41: 1,  42: 1,  43: 1,  44: 1,  45: 1,  46: 1,  47: 1,  48: 1,  49: 1,  50: 1,  51: 1,  52: 1,  53: 1,  54: 1,  55: 1,  56: 1,  57: 1,  58: 1,  59: 1,  60: 1,  61: 1,  62: 1,  63: 1,  64: 1,  65: 1,  66: 1,  67: 1,  68: 1,  69: 1,  70: 1,  71: 1,  72: 1,  73: 1,  74: 1,  75: 1,  76: 1,  77: 1,  78: 1,  79: 1,  80: 1,  81: 1,  82: 1,  83: 1},
'id': {0: 11111, 1: 11111, 2: 11111, 3: 11111, 4: 11111, 5: 11111, 6: 11111, 7: 11111, 8: 11111, 9: 11111, 10: 11111, 11: 11111, 12: 11111, 13: 11111, 14: 11111, 15: 11111, 16: 11111, 17: 11111, 18: 11111, 19: 11111, 20: 11111, 21: 11111, 22: 11111, 23: 11111, 24: 22222, 25: 22222, 26: 22222, 27: 22222, 28: 22222, 29: 22222, 30: 22222, 31: 22222, 32: 22222, 33: 22222, 34: 22222, 35: 22222, 36: 22222, 37: 22222, 38: 22222, 39: 22222, 40: 22222, 41: 22222, 42: 22222, 43: 22222, 44: 22222, 45: 22222, 46: 22222, 47: 22222, 48: 22222, 49: 22222, 50: 22222, 51: 22222, 52: 22222, 53: 22222, 54: 22222, 55: 22222, 56: 22222, 57: 22222, 58: 22222, 59: 22222, 60: 33333, 61: 33333, 62: 33333, 63: 33333, 64: 33333, 65: 33333, 66: 33333, 67: 33333, 68: 33333, 69: 33333, 70: 33333, 71: 33333, 72: 33333, 73: 33333, 74: 33333, 75: 33333, 76: 33333, 77: 33333, 78: 33333, 79: 33333, 80: 33333, 81: 33333, 82: 33333, 83: 33333},
'month': {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: 5, 5: 6, 6: 7, 7: 8, 8: 9, 9: 10, 10: 11, 11: 12, 12: 1, 13: 2, 14: 3, 15: 4, 16: 5, 17: 6, 18: 7, 19: 8, 20: 9, 21: 10, 22: 11, 23: 12, 24: 1, 25: 2, 26: 3, 27: 4, 28: 5, 29: 6, 30: 7, 31: 8, 32: 9, 33: 10, 34: 11, 35: 12, 36: 1, 37: 2, 38: 3, 39: 4, 40: 5, 41: 6, 42: 7, 43: 8, 44: 9, 45: 10, 46: 11, 47: 12, 48: 1, 49: 2, 50: 3, 51: 4, 52: 5, 53: 6, 54: 7, 55: 8, 56: 9, 57: 10, 58: 11, 59: 12, 60: 1, 61: 2, 62: 3, 63: 4, 64: 5, 65: 6, 66: 7, 67: 8, 68: 9, 69: 10, 70: 11, 71: 12, 72: 1, 73: 2, 74: 3, 75: 4, 76: 5, 77: 6, 78: 7, 79: 8, 80: 9, 81: 10, 82: 11, 83: 12},
'x1': {0: 4.8399999999999999, 1: 1.4099999999999999, 2: 4.1299999999999999, 3: 3.1499999999999999, 4: -3.98, 5: -0.10000000000000001, 6: -4.5, 7: 3.79, 8: -0.84999999999999998, 9: -4.4199999999999999, 10: -0.46000000000000002, 11: 8.7100000000000009, 12: 2.4900000000000002, 13: 2.8700000000000001, 14: 0.63, 15: 0.28999999999999998, 16: 1.25, 17: -2.4300000000000002, 18: -0.80000000000000004, 19: 3.2599999999999998, 20: -1.1399999999999999, 21: 0.52000000000000002, 22: 4.5999999999999996, 23: 0.62, 24: 4.8399999999999999, 25: 1.4099999999999999, 26: 4.1299999999999999, 27: 3.1499999999999999, 28: -3.98, 29: -0.10000000000000001, 30: -4.5, 31: 3.79, 32: -0.84999999999999998, 33: -4.4199999999999999, 34: -0.46000000000000002, 35: 8.7100000000000009, 36: 2.4900000000000002, 37: 2.8700000000000001, 38: 0.63, 39: 0.28999999999999998, 40: 1.25, 41: -2.4300000000000002, 42: -0.80000000000000004, 43: 3.2599999999999998, 44: -1.1399999999999999, 45: 0.52000000000000002, 46: 4.5999999999999996, 47: 0.62, 48: -3.29, 49: -4.8499999999999996, 50: -1.29, 51: -5.6799999999999997, 52: -2.9399999999999999, 53: -1.5600000000000001, 54: 5.04, 55: -3.8399999999999999, 56: 4.75, 57: -0.85999999999999999, 58: -12.74, 59: 0.57999999999999996, 60: 5.5700000000000003, 61: 1.29, 62: 4.0300000000000002, 63: 1.55, 64: 2.7999999999999998, 65: -1.2, 66: 5.6500000000000004, 67: -2.71, 68: 3.77, 69: 4.1799999999999997, 70: 3.1200000000000001, 71: 2.8100000000000001, 72: -3.3199999999999998, 73: 4.6500000000000004, 74: 0.42999999999999999, 75: -0.19, 76: 2.0600000000000001, 77: 2.6099999999999999, 78: -2.04, 79: 4.2400000000000002, 80: -1.97, 81: 2.52, 82: 2.5499999999999998, 83: -0.059999999999999998},
'x2': {0: 7.4400000000000004, 1: 1.8999999999999999, 2: 2.5699999999999998, 3: -0.47999999999999998, 4: -1.1000000000000001, 5: -1.4299999999999999, 6: -1.5, 7: -0.19, 8: 0.40999999999999998, 9: -1.78, 10: -2.8300000000000001, 11: 3.2799999999999998, 12: 6.1100000000000003, 13: 1.3899999999999999, 14: -0.27000000000000002, 15: -0.02, 16: -2.79, 17: 0.32000000000000001, 18: -2.8900000000000001, 19: -4.0700000000000003, 20: -2.6899999999999999, 21: -2.71, 22: -1.1200000000000001, 23: -1.8600000000000001, 24: 7.4400000000000004, 25: 1.8999999999999999, 26: 2.5699999999999998, 27: -0.47999999999999998, 28: -1.1000000000000001, 29: -1.4299999999999999, 30: -1.5, 31: -0.19, 32: 0.40999999999999998, 33: -1.78, 34: -2.8300000000000001, 35: 3.2799999999999998, 36: 6.1100000000000003, 37: 1.3899999999999999, 38: -0.27000000000000002, 39: -0.02, 40: -2.79, 41: 0.32000000000000001, 42: -2.8900000000000001, 43: -4.0700000000000003, 44: -2.6899999999999999, 45: -2.71, 46: -1.1200000000000001, 47: -1.8600000000000001, 48: -3.5, 49: -3.9900000000000002, 50: -2.8700000000000001, 51: -3.9900000000000002, 52: -6.1200000000000001, 53: -2.9399999999999999, 54: 7.8600000000000003, 55: -2.04, 56: 2.9100000000000001, 57: -0.17000000000000001, 58: -7.7000000000000002, 59: -5.3300000000000001, 60: 0.44, 61: -0.42999999999999999, 62: 0.83999999999999997, 63: -2.4300000000000002, 64: 1.6899999999999999, 65: 1.1699999999999999, 66: 1.8799999999999999, 67: 0.25, 68: 2.9399999999999999, 69: -1.52, 70: 1.25, 71: -0.47999999999999998, 72: 0.87, 73: 0.34000000000000002, 74: -1.8500000000000001, 75: -4.1900000000000004, 76: -1.8500000000000001, 77: 3.0099999999999998, 78: -4.2199999999999998, 79: 0.40000000000000002, 80: -3.7999999999999998, 81: 4.2800000000000002, 82: -2.0499999999999998, 83: 2.5899999999999999},
'x3': {0: 1.3500000000000001, 1: -1.3400000000000001, 2: -4.0, 3: 0.73999999999999999, 4: -1.3799999999999999, 5: -2.0, 6: 0.14000000000000001, 7: 2.7200000000000002, 8: -2.9500000000000002, 9: -0.47999999999999998, 10: -1.75, 11: -0.23999999999999999, 12: 2.0600000000000001, 13: -2.75, 14: -1.6599999999999999, 15: 0.39000000000000001, 16: -2.73, 17: -2.4199999999999999, 18: 0.77000000000000002, 19: 4.6399999999999997, 20: 0.5, 21: 1.3200000000000001, 22: 4.7599999999999998, 23: -2.2599999999999998, 24: 1.3500000000000001, 25: -1.3400000000000001, 26: -4.0, 27: 0.73999999999999999, 28: -1.3799999999999999, 29: -2.0, 30: 0.14000000000000001, 31: 2.7200000000000002, 32: -2.9500000000000002, 33: -0.47999999999999998, 34: -1.75, 35: -0.23999999999999999, 36: 2.0600000000000001, 37: -2.75, 38: -1.6599999999999999, 39: 0.39000000000000001, 40: -2.73, 41: -2.4199999999999999, 42: 0.77000000000000002, 43: 4.6399999999999997, 44: 0.5, 45: 1.3200000000000001, 46: 4.7599999999999998, 47: -2.2599999999999998, 48: 2.7000000000000002, 49: 1.7, 50: 2.8300000000000001, 51: 5.6900000000000004, 52: 0.20999999999999999, 53: 1.4199999999999999, 54: -5.1799999999999997, 55: 1.1899999999999999, 56: 2.1099999999999999, 57: 1.74, 58: 4.0099999999999998, 59: 4.2400000000000002, 60: 0.94999999999999996, 61: 0.11, 62: -0.26000000000000001, 63: 0.56999999999999995, 64: 2.4900000000000002, 65: -0.13, 66: 0.60999999999999999, 67: -2.77, 68: -1.2, 69: 1.1000000000000001, 70: 0.26000000000000001, 71: -0.31, 72: -2.1299999999999999, 73: -0.37, 74: 5.0300000000000002, 75: 1.1000000000000001, 76: -0.35999999999999999, 77: -0.66000000000000003, 78: -0.02, 79: -0.55000000000000004, 80: -1.1899999999999999, 81: -1.6799999999999999, 82: -2.98, 83: 2.1200000000000001},
'y': {0: 37.543945819999998, 1: 8.9742475529999997, 2: -2.3528754309999997, 3: 13.13251636, 4: -1.60429428, 5: -11.956497779999999, 6: -19.876604879999999, 7: -2.325516618, 8: -4.7618724569999999, 9: 3.1666054689999998, 10: -1.625982086, 11: 23.14051619, 12: 36.241578869999998, 13: -4.0393970439999993, 14: -1.5464071159999999, 15: -5.8638777849999997, 16: 1.1173513309999998, 17: -7.7348398829999994, 18: 1.1975707259999999, 19: 8.1657380679999996, 20: 1.0988696200000001, 21: -4.8912916910000002, 22: 15.31432558, 23: -0.49755575099999999, 24: 2.439007991, 25: 3.7788248100000001, 26: 6.2406021170000008, 27: 0.070041193000000002, 28: -8.2320061649999996, 29: -3.0580604539999996, 30: -8.1230234560000003, 31: 4.824015073, 32: -0.082216824000000008, 33: -1.0699493369999999, 34: 2.0965058669999999, 35: 10.147223650000001, 36: 9.3610165409999997, 37: 0.50276726500000002, 38: 3.731305892, 39: 0.98107468400000009, 40: 3.3937931360000002, 41: -1.445663699, 42: 2.2321845640000002, 43: 2.2707284099999998, 44: -0.48955173399999996, 45: -5.1661444639999994, 46: 1.776962626, 47: 2.8132786730000001, 48: 8.3333586369999999, 49: -0.59700207599999999, 50: 0.0, 51: -5.4461723210000006, 52: -3.2260780789999997, 53: 0.71489267299999992, 54: -0.78864414099999991, 55: -3.936371727, 56: -14.285801190000001, 57: 8.6241378770000008, 58: -5.0419731539999999, 59: -6.8867527329999998, 60: 2.7716522460000004, 61: 2.1129326050000001, 62: 2.8956834530000002, 63: 15.714036009999999, 64: 6.1329305139999999, 65: -1.017191977, 66: -7.8303661889999994, 67: 5.6218592960000002, 68: -0.35928143700000004, 69: 6.385216346, 70: 8.4875017649999993, 71: -1.8882769469999998, 72: 1.1494252870000001, 73: 1.9820295980000002, 74: 6.9955625160000006, 75: -1.4393754569999999, 76: 2.0297029700000002, 77: 1.8563751830000002, 78: 3.5011990410000005, 79: 5.9082483779999997, 80: 2.0471054369999999, 81: 1.272648835, 82: 2.49201278, 83: -2.844593181},
'year': {0: 1971, 1: 1971, 2: 1971, 3: 1971, 4: 1971, 5: 1971, 6: 1971, 7: 1971, 8: 1971, 9: 1971, 10: 1971, 11: 1971, 12: 1972, 13: 1972, 14: 1972, 15: 1972, 16: 1972, 17: 1972, 18: 1972, 19: 1972, 20: 1972, 21: 1972, 22: 1972, 23: 1972, 24: 1971, 25: 1971, 26: 1971, 27: 1971, 28: 1971, 29: 1971, 30: 1971, 31: 1971, 32: 1971, 33: 1971, 34: 1971, 35: 1971, 36: 1972, 37: 1972, 38: 1972, 39: 1972, 40: 1972, 41: 1972, 42: 1972, 43: 1972, 44: 1972, 45: 1972, 46: 1972, 47: 1972, 48: 1973, 49: 1973, 50: 1973, 51: 1973, 52: 1973, 53: 1973, 54: 1973, 55: 1973, 56: 1973, 57: 1973, 58: 1973, 59: 1973, 60: 2013, 61: 2013, 62: 2013, 63: 2013, 64: 2013, 65: 2013, 66: 2013, 67: 2013, 68: 2013, 69: 2013, 70: 2013, 71: 2013, 72: 2014, 73: 2014, 74: 2014, 75: 2014, 76: 2014, 77: 2014, 78: 2014, 79: 2014, 80: 2014, 81: 2014, 82: 2014, 83: 2014}}


pandas 的 rolling 似乎有一些限制。首先,似乎不可能通过apply 传递整个数据帧。相反,仅传递单个列的值。为了解决这个问题,我们通过 apply 传递索引,它允许在 apply 函数本身中获取相关的数据框子集。

其次,返回值需要是一个 float 。这在这里没有用,因为 sm.OLS.predict返回一个可迭代的值。为了解决这个问题,我们将结果保存在一个额外的容器中作为副作用,并在稍后提取它。

def ols_predict(indices, result, ycol, xcols):
roll_df = df.loc[indices] # get relevant data frame subset
result[indices[-1]] = sm.OLS(roll_df[ycol], roll_df[xcols]).fit().predict()
return 0 # value is irrelvant here

# define kwargs to be fet to the ols_predict
kwargs = {"xcols": ['constant','x1', 'x2', 'x3'],
"ycol": 'y', "result": {}}

# iterate id's sub data frames and call ols for rolling windows
df["identifier"] = df.index
for idx, sub_df in df.groupby("id"):
sub_df["identifier"].rolling(12, min_periods=6).apply(ols_predict, kwargs=kwargs)

# write results back to original df
df["parameters"] = pd.Series(kwargs["result"])

# showing the last 5 computed values

79 [2.71069564365, 3.86510820198, 3.65972798601, ...
80 [4.05363775104, 4.22653362401, 3.03918230523, ...
81 [3.55589161647, 2.49348201521, 1.20113347853, ...
82 [2.28561308212, 1.0537258681, 2.40806914305, 4...
83 [-0.428928897229, 3.22009689097, 3.30943586961...
Name: parameters, dtype: object

总的来说,使用副作用的解决方法相当丑陋。但是,它可以满足您的要求。您现在可以根据需要修改 OLS 函数。

关于python - 使用 Pandas 从按 id 分组的滚动回归返回预测值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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