gpt4 book ai didi

python - 伊辛模型 [Python]

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-30 01:19:54 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在尝试在 Barabasi-Albert 网络中模拟 Ising 相变,并尝试复制一些可观察量的结果,例如在 Ising 网格模拟中观察到的磁化和能量。但是,我在解释我的结果时遇到了麻烦:不确定物理是错误的还是实现中存在错误。这是一个最小的工作示例:

import numpy as np 
import networkx as nx
import random
import math

## sim params

# coupling constant
J = 1.0 # ferromagnetic

# temperature range, in units of J/kT
t0 = 1.0
tn = 10.0
nt = 10.
T = np.linspace(t0, tn, nt)

# mc steps
steps = 1000

# generate BA network, 200 nodes with preferential attachment to 3rd node
G = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(200, 3)

# convert csr matrix to adjacency matrix, a_{ij}
adj_matrix = nx.adjacency_matrix(G)
top = adj_matrix.todense()
N = len(top)

# initialize spins in the network, ferromagnetic
def init(N):
return np.ones(N)

# calculate net magnetization
def netmag(state):
return np.sum(state)

# calculate net energy, E = \sum J *a_{ij} *s_i *s_j
def netenergy(N, state):
en = 0.
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
en += (-J)* top[i,j]*state[i]*state[j]
return en

# random sampling, metropolis local update
def montecarlo(state, N, beta, top):

# initialize difference in energy between E_{old} and E_{new}
delE = []

# pick a random source node
rsnode = np.random.randint(0,N)

# get the spin of this node
s2 = state[rsnode]

# calculate energy by summing up its interaction and append to delE
for tnode in range(N):
s1 = state[tnode]
delE.append(J * top[tnode, rsnode] *state[tnode]* state[rsnode])

# calculate probability of a flip
prob = math.exp(-np.sum(delE)*beta)

# if this probability is greater than rand[0,1] drawn from an uniform distribution, accept it
# else retain current state
if prob> random.random():
s2 *= -1
state[rsnode] = s2

return state

def simulate(N, top):

# initialize arrays for observables
magnetization = []
energy = []
specificheat = []
susceptibility = []

for count, t in enumerate(T):

# some temporary variables
e0 = m0 = e1 = m1 = 0.

print 't=', t

# initialize spin vector
state = init(N)

for i in range(steps):

montecarlo(state, N, 1/t, top)

mag = netmag(state)
ene = netenergy(N, state)

e0 = e0 + ene
m0 = m0 + mag
e1 = e0 + ene * ene
m1 = m0 + mag * mag

# calculate thermodynamic variables and append to initialized arrays
energy.append(e0/( steps * N))
magnetization.append( m0 / ( steps * N))
specificheat.append( e1/steps - e0*e0/(steps*steps) /(N* t * t))
susceptibility.append( m1/steps - m0*m0/(steps*steps) /(N* t *t))

print energy, magnetization, specificheat, susceptibility

plt.plot(T, np.abs(magnetization), '-ko' )
plt.xlabel('Temperature (kT)')
plt.ylabel('Average Magnetization per spin')

plt.plot(T, energy, '-ko' )
plt.xlabel('Temperature (kT)')
plt.ylabel('Average energy')

plt.plot(T, specificheat, '-ko' )
plt.xlabel('Temperature (kT)')
plt.ylabel('Specific Heat')

plt.plot(T, susceptibility, '-ko' )
plt.xlabel('Temperature (kT)')

simulate(N, top)


  1. Magnetization trend as a function of temperature
  2. Specific Heat



  1. 磁化趋势是否正确?磁化强度随温度升高而降低,但无法确定相变的临界温度。
  2. 随着温度的升高,能量接近于零,这似乎与在伊辛电网中观察到的情况一致。为什么我会得到负比热值?
  3. 如何选择蒙特卡罗步数?这只是基于网络节点数量的命中和试验吗?

编辑:02.06:simulation breaks down for anti-ferromagnetic configuration : 反铁磁配置的模拟崩溃


首先,由于这是一个编程网站,让我们来分析一下程序。您的计算效率非常低,这使得探索更大的图变得不切实际。在您的情况下,邻接矩阵是 200x200 (40000) 元素,只有大约 3% 非零。将其转换为密集矩阵意味着在评估 montecarlo 例程中的能量差异和 netenergy 中的净能量时需要更多的计算。以下代码在我的系统上的执行速度提高了 5 倍,并且在使用更大的图表时预期速度会更好:

# keep the topology as a sparse matrix
top = nx.adjacency_matrix(G)

def netenergy(N, state):
en = 0.
for i in range(N):
ss = np.sum(state[top[i].nonzero()[1]])
en += state[i] * ss
return -0.5 * J * en

注意因子中的 0.5 - 因为邻接矩阵是对称的,所以每对自旋都会计算两次!

def montecarlo(state, N, beta, top):
# pick a random source node
rsnode = np.random.randint(0, N)
# get the spin of this node
s = state[rsnode]
# sum of all neighbouring spins
ss = np.sum(state[top[rsnode].nonzero()[1]])
# transition energy
delE = 2.0 * J * ss * s
# calculate transition probability
prob = math.exp(-delE * beta)
# conditionally accept the transition
if prob > random.random():
s = -s
state[rsnode] = s

return state

请注意转换能量中的因子 2.0 - 您的代码中缺少它!

这里有一些 numpy 索引魔法。 top[i] 是节点 i 的稀疏邻接行向量,top[i].nonzero()[1] 是列非零元素的索引(top[i].nonzero()[0] 是行索引,因为它是行向量,所以它们都等于 0)。 state[top[i].nonzero()[1]] 因此是节点 i 的相邻节点的值。


e1 = e0 + ene * ene
m1 = m0 + mag * mag


e1 = e1 + ene * ene
m1 = m1 + mag * mag


specificheat.append( e1/steps - e0*e0/(steps*steps) /(N* t * t))
susceptibility.append( m1/steps - m0*m0/(steps*steps) /(N* t *t))


specificheat.append((e1/steps/N - e0*e0/(steps*steps*N*N)) / (t * t))
susceptibility.append((m1/steps/N - m0*m0/(steps*steps*N*N)) / t)


这将热容量和磁化率带到正值的土地上。注意易感性分母中的单个 t

既然程序(希望)是正确的,让我们来谈谈物理吧。对于每个温度,您都从一个完整的自旋状态开始,然后让它一次演变一个自旋。显然,除非温度为零,否则该初始状态远离热平衡,因此系统将开始向与给定温度对应的状态空间部分漂移。这个过程被称为热化,在此期间收集静态信息是没有意义的。您必须始终将给定温度下的模拟分为两部分 - 热化和实际显着运行。需要多少次迭代才能达到平衡?很难说 - 使用能量的移动平均值并监控它何时变得(相对)稳定。

其次,更新算法每次迭代都会改变一次自旋,这意味着程序将非常缓慢地探索状态空间,并且您将需要大量迭代才能获得分区函数的良好近似值。对于 200 次旋转,1000 次迭代可能就足够了。


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