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python - 桶排序以查找附近的几乎重复项

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-30 01:10:54 26 4
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我正在处理问题 Contains Duplicate III - LeetCode

Given an array of integers, find out whether there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that the absolute difference between nums[i] and nums[j]**is at most t and the **absolute difference between i and j is at most k.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [1,2,3,1], k = 3, t = 0
Output: true

Example 2:

Input: nums = [1,0,1,1], k = 1, t = 2
Output: true

Example 3:

Input: nums = [1,5,9,1,5,9], k = 2, t = 3
Output: false


class Solution2:
def containsNearbyAlmostDuplicate(self, nums, k, t):
if t < 0: return False
lookup = {}
for i in range(len(nums)):
b_idx = nums[i] // (t+1)
if b_idx in lookup:
return True
if b_idx - 1 in lookup and abs(nums[i] - lookup[b_idx - 1]) < t+1:
return True
if b_idx + 1 in lookup and abs(nums[i] - lookup[b_idx + 1]) < t+1:
return True
lookup[b_idx] = nums[i]
if i >= k: del lookup[nums[i-k] // (t+1)]
return False


The idea is like the bucket sort algorithm. Suppose we have consecutive buckets covering the range of nums with each bucket a width of (t+1). If there are two item with difference <= t, one of the two will happen:
(1) the two in the same bucket
(2) the two in neighbor buckets



del lookup[num[i-k],我不明白这个操作的目的是什么。



如作者所说,如果(a, b)有两种情况是一个有效的对:

(1) the two in the same bucket
(2) the two in neighbor buckets

如果b - a <= t那么只有上面说的两种情况,你可以通过这里的桶例子来理解:

<--a-- t+1 ---b-><----- t+1 -----> in same bucket
<----- t+1 --a--><---b- t+1 -----> in neighbor buckets


第二个问题:为什么del lookup[num[i-k]

因为第二个限制是差异索引i , j应该最多 k。

所以在for i in range(len(nums)):如果 i - j == k,我们应该从桶中删除之前的索引 j .并且包含了差等于k,所以我们应该在逻辑之后删除。

如果不这样做,您将找到 abs(nums[i]-nums[j])<=t 的对,但是abs(i-j)>t

希望我说清楚,如果您还有其他问题,请发表评论。 :)


关于python - 桶排序以查找附近的几乎重复项,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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