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c# - 如何在 StyleCop 设置和并发性中的单个 "Custom Rules"节点下组合多个自定义 StyleCop 规则

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-30 01:09:49 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

基于几篇好文章,我已经能够成功地创建一些自定义 StyleCop 规则。作为引用,这里列出了一些我发现对这个主题非常有用的文章:

我使用的是 Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 版和 StyleCop 版。

创建自定义 StyleCop 规则需要创建一个类文件以及相应的 XML 文件,该文件用于将规则添加到 StyleCop 设置。当我这样做时,我所有的自定义规则都会正确执行。然而,我不喜欢的是,在 StyleCop 设置树中,您最终会得到多个“自定义规则”节点,每个 XML 文件一个。

跳过不同规则的实现细节,这就是我所做的。让我们将以下两个简单的自定义规则类及其相应的 XML 文件放在一起:


namespace StyleCop.CustomRules
public class CustomRule1 : SourceAnalyzer
public override void AnalyzeDocument(CodeDocument document)
Param.RequireNotNull(document, "document");
CsDocument csDocument = document as CsDocument;
if ((csDocument.RootElement != null) && !csDocument.RootElement.Generated)
// Do something...


namespace StyleCop.CustomRules
public class CustomRule2 : SourceAnalyzer
public override void AnalyzeDocument(CodeDocument document)
Param.RequireNotNull(document, "document");
CsDocument csDocument = document as CsDocument;
if ((csDocument.RootElement != null) && !csDocument.RootElement.Generated)
// Do something...


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<SourceAnalyzer Name="Custom Rules">
These custom rules provide extensions to the ones provided with StyleCop.
<Rule Name="CustomRule1" CheckId="CR1001">
<Context>Test rule 1.</Context>
<Description>Test rule 1.</Description>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<SourceAnalyzer Name="Custom Rules">
These custom rules provide extensions to the ones provided with StyleCop.
<Rule Name="CustomRule2" CheckId="CR1002">
<Context>Test rule 2.</Context>
<Description>Test rule 2.</Description>

有了上面的内容,我的所有(两个)规则都得到了正确执行。以下出现在 StyleCop 设置树中(方括号代表一个复选框):

[] C#
[] {} Custom Rules
[] {} CR1001: CustomRule1
[] {} Custom Rules
[] {} CR1002: CustomRule2
[] {} Documentation Rules
[] {} Layout Rules

我想要的是在 StyleCop 设置文件中将我的自定义规则置于一个名为“自定义规则”的节点下,如下所示:

[] C#
[] {} Custom Rules
[] {} CR1001: CustomRule1
[] {} CR1002: CustomRule2
[] {} Documentation Rules
[] {} Layout Rules

通过将两个 XML 文件合并为一个,我能够将规则合并到 StyleCop 设置中的单个“自定义规则”节点中,如下所示:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<SourceAnalyzer Name="Custom Rules">
These custom rules provide extensions to the ones provided with StyleCop.
<Rule Name="CustomRule1" CheckId="CR1001">
<Context>Test rule 1.</Context>
<Description>Test rule 1.</Description>
<Rule Name="CustomRule2" CheckId="CR1002">
<Context>Test rule 2.</Context>
<Description>Test rule 2.</Description>

但是,一旦我这样做,只有一个自定义规则被执行,即 CustomRule1,即类(文件)名称与 XML 文件名称匹配的规则。

我试图在 CustomRule2 上设置属性以指示 XML 文件,如下所示:

namespace StyleCop.CustomRules
[SourceAnalyzer(typeof(CsParser), "CustomRule1.xml")]
public class CustomRule2 : SourceAnalyzer
public override void AnalyzeDocument(CodeDocument document)
Param.RequireNotNull(document, "document");
CsDocument csDocument = document as CsDocument;
if ((csDocument.RootElement != null) && !csDocument.RootElement.Generated)
// Do nothing.

如上所示将属性设置到 XML 文件也没有解决此问题。这两个规则都出现在 StyleCop 设置中,但只有 CustomRule1 被执行。





public class CustomRules : SourceAnalyzer
private enum CustomRuleName

private CustomRuleName currentRule;

public override void AnalyzeDocument(CodeDocument document)
Param.RequireNotNull(document, "document");
CsDocument doc = document as CsDocument;

// Do not analyze empty documents, code generated files and files that
// are to be skipped.
if (doc.RootElement == null || doc.RootElement.Generated)

// Check Rule: CustomRule1
this.currentRule = CustomRuleName.CustomRule1;

// Check Rule: CustomRule2
this.currentRule = CustomRuleName.CustomRule2;

private bool VisitElement(CsElement element, CsElement parentElement, object context)
if (this.currentRule == CustomRuleName.CustomRule1)
// Do checks only applicable to custom rule #1
else if (this.currentRule == CustomRuleName.CustomRule2)
// Do checks only applicable to custom rule #2



  1. 在具有多个源代码文件的项目上运行 StyleCop 时,多个线程将共享同一个分析器实例。

  2. 此外,给定以下代码,当调用 doc.WalkDocument(...) 方法时,多线程和并发性也会对正在分析的每个源代码文档发挥作用.每个表达式树遍历器都在自己的线程上运行。

换句话说,除了可以在多个线程上同时分析多个源代码文件这一事实之外,回调 VisitElementStatementWalkerExpressionWalker 也在单独的线程上执行。

public class CustomRules : SourceAnalyzer
public override void AnalyzeDocument(CodeDocument document)
Param.RequireNotNull(document, "document");
CsDocument doc = document as CsDocument;

// Do not analyze empty documents, code generated files and files that
// are to be skipped.
if (doc.RootElement == null || doc.RootElement.Generated)

IDictionary<string, Field> fields = new Dictionary<string, Field>();
doc.WalkDocument(VisitElement, StatementWalker, ExpressionWalker, fields);

private bool VisitElement(CsElement element, CsElement parentElement, object context)
// Do something...
return true;

private bool StatementWalker(Statement statement, Expression parentExpression, Statement parentStatement, CsElement parentElement, object context)
// Do something...
return true;

private bool ExpressionWalker(Expression expression, Expression parentExpression, Statement parentStatement, CsElement parentElement, object context)
// Do something...
return true;


通常分析器包含不止一条规则(否则会很奇怪)。每个分析器在设置 UI 中显示为一个单独的节点。

如果您想要在设置 UI 中使用单个节点,您肯定只需要一个分析器,它将执行您的两项检查。

namespace StyleCop.CustomRules
public class MyCustomRules : SourceAnalyzer
public override void AnalyzeDocument(CodeDocument document)
// ...
// code here can raise CR1001 as well as CR1002


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<SourceAnalyzer Name="My Custom Rules">
These custom rules provide extensions to the ones provided with StyleCop.
<Rule Name="CustomRule1" CheckId="CR1001">
<Context>Test rule 1.</Context>
<Description>Test rule 1.</Description>
<Rule Name="CustomRule2" CheckId="CR1002">
<Context>Test rule 2.</Context>
<Description>Test rule 2.</Description>

关于c# - 如何在 StyleCop 设置和并发性中的单个 "Custom Rules"节点下组合多个自定义 StyleCop 规则,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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