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C# 枚举类型安全

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-30 01:02:47 25 4
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有没有办法强制 C# 枚举只接受几个明确命名的常量之一,或者是否有其他功能可以做到? C# 引用有这个事后的想法:

It is possible to assign any arbitrary integer value to an enum type. However, you should not do this because the implicit expectation is that an enum variable will only hold one of the values defined by the enum. To assign an arbitrary value to a variable of an enumeration type is to introduce a high risk for errors.



据我所知,您无法阻止 C# 允许枚举和整数之间的转换。



enum DayOfWeek
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

您可以使用密封类代替它。优点是您可以免费进行比较(因为在这种情况下,值比较和引用比较是等效的)。缺点是(与 C# 中的所有引用类型一样),它可以为 null。

sealed class DayOfWeek
public static readonly DayOfWeek Monday = new DayOfWeek(0);
public static readonly DayOfWeek Tuesday = new DayOfWeek(1);
public static readonly DayOfWeek Wednesday = new DayOfWeek(2);
public static readonly DayOfWeek Thursday = new DayOfWeek(3);
public static readonly DayOfWeek Friday = new DayOfWeek(4);
public static readonly DayOfWeek Saturday = new DayOfWeek(5);
public static readonly DayOfWeek Sunday = new DayOfWeek(6);

private readonly int _value;

private DayOfWeek(int value)
_value = value;


struct DayOfWeek
public static readonly DayOfWeek Monday = new DayOfWeek(0);
public static readonly DayOfWeek Tuesday = new DayOfWeek(1);
public static readonly DayOfWeek Wednesday = new DayOfWeek(2);
public static readonly DayOfWeek Thursday = new DayOfWeek(3);
public static readonly DayOfWeek Friday = new DayOfWeek(4);
public static readonly DayOfWeek Saturday = new DayOfWeek(5);
public static readonly DayOfWeek Sunday = new DayOfWeek(6);

private readonly int _value;

private DayOfWeek(int value)
_value = value;

public bool Equals(DayOfWeek other)
return _value == other._value;

public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj))
return false;
return obj is DayOfWeek && Equals((DayOfWeek)obj);

public override int GetHashCode()
return _value;

public static bool operator ==(DayOfWeek op1, DayOfWeek op2)
return op1.Equals(op2);

public static bool operator !=(DayOfWeek op1, DayOfWeek op2)
return !(op1 == op2);

关于C# 枚举类型安全,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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