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c# - 添加代表 : unexpected results when adding two Func

转载 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-30 00:51:49 26 4
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public int Age { get; set; }
public EyeColor EyeColor { get; set; }
public int Weight { get; set; }

public Func<Person, bool> AgeAndEyesMatch
get { return IsPersonYoung().Compile() + PersonHasRightEyeColor().Compile(); }

public Func<Person,bool> AgeAndWeightMatch
get { return IsPersonYoung().Compile() + IsPersonInShape().Compile(); }

private Expression<Func<Person, bool>> PersonHasRightEyeColor()
return person => person.EyeColor == EyeColor;

private Expression<Func<Person, bool>> IsPersonYoung()
return person => person.Age <= Age;

private Expression<Func<Person, bool>> IsPersonInShape()
return person => person.Weight <= Weight;


var mark = new Person
Age = 30,
EyeColor = EyeColor.Blue,
Height = 69,
Name = "Mark",
Weight = 185
var austin = new Person
Age = 70,
EyeColor = EyeColor.Brown,
Height = 64,
Name = "Austin Powers",
Weight = 135
var napolean = new Person
Age = 17,
EyeColor = EyeColor.Green,
Height = 71,
Name = "Napolean Dynamite",
Weight = 125

主程序列出了这些人并将其称为“人”,只是要求用户提供年龄、眼睛颜色和体重的搜索参数。然后按如下方式调用人员列表:newList = people.Where(person => coolKidCriteria.AgeAndEyesMatch(person)).ToList();newNewList = people.Where(person => coolKidCriteria.AgeAndWeightMatch(person)).ToList();

鉴于 MaxAge = 20、EyeColor = EyeColor.Blue、MaxWeight=150 的参数,我希望第一个列表为空,第二个列表仅包含 Napolean Dynamite...但是我收到的是第一个列表与 Mark,第二个列表填充了 Austin Powers 和 Napolean Dynamite...我能想到的意外行为的唯一原因是两个 Func 的“+”运算符导致了问题。只是想知道是否有人可以解释为什么。我推断只有两个函数中的第二个函数被评估:AgeAndEyeColor = (age does not evaluate) + (eye color match for Mark only) and AgeAndInShape = (age does not evaluate) + (Austin and Napolean .InShape = = 真)



当您使用 + 时在两个 Func<int, bool> s,您没有告诉 C# 创建单个 Func<int, bool>调用你的两个原始函数和&&结果在一起。相反,您是在告诉 C# 创建一个 multicast delegate调用两个函数并返回最后一个结果


static Func<int, bool> Fizz = i => i % 3 == 0;
static Func<int, bool> Buzz = i => i % 5 == 0;
static Func<int, bool> FizzBuzz = Fizz + Buzz;

static void Main(string[] args)
var fiveIsFizzBuzz = FizzBuzz(5); // gives true

如果你想要一个 && ,您必须手动执行此操作:

static Func<int, bool> FizzBuzz = i => Fizz(i) && Buzz(i);


static Expression<Func<int, bool>> Fizz = i => i % 3 == 0;
static Expression<Func<int, bool>> Buzz = i => i % 5 == 0;
static Expression<Func<int, bool>> FizzBuzz = Expression.Lambda<Func<int, bool>>(
Expression.AndAlso(Fizz.Body, Expression.Invoke(Buzz, Fizz.Parameters[0])),

关于c# - 添加代表 : unexpected results when adding two Func<T, TResult>,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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