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我正在尝试使用 Python 2.7 和 ReportLab 生成具有不同奇数/偶数页面布局(以允许不对称边框进行装订)的 PDF 文档。为了使事情更加复杂,我试图在每页上生成两列。
def WritePDF(files):
story = []
doc = BaseDocTemplate("Polar.pdf", pagesize=A4, title = "Polar Document 5th Edition")
oddf1 = Frame(doc.leftMargin, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width/2-6, doc.height, id='oddcol1')
oddf2 = Frame(doc.leftMargin+doc.width/2+6, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width/2-6, doc.height, id='oddcol2')
evenf1 = Frame(doc.leftMargin, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width/2-6, doc.height, id='evencol1')
evenf2 = Frame(doc.leftMargin+doc.width/2+6, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width/2-6, doc.height, id='evencol2')
PageTemplate(id='OddTwoC', frames=[oddf1, oddf2], onPage=oddFooter)])
story.append(Paragraph(whatever, style))
我想不通的是如何让 ReportLab 在右页和左页(或奇数页和偶数页)之间交替。有什么建议吗?
我猜我找到了解决方案! :)
我不得不深入研究源代码。我在第 636 行的文件 reportlab/platypus/doctemplate.py
def handle_nextPageTemplate(self,pt):
'''On endPage change to the page template with name or index pt'''
if type(pt) is StringType:
# ... in short, set self._nextPageTemplate
elif type(pt) is IntType:
# ... in short, set self._nextPageTemplate
elif type(pt) in (ListType, TupleType):
#used for alternating left/right pages
#collect the refs to the template objects, complain if any are bad
c = PTCycle()
for ptn in pt:
found = 0
if ptn=='*': #special case name used to short circuit the iteration
c._restart = len(c)
for t in self.pageTemplates:
if t.id == ptn:
found = 1
if not found:
raise ValueError("Cannot find page template called %s" % ptn)
if not c:
raise ValueError("No valid page templates in cycle")
elif c._restart>len(c):
raise ValueError("Invalid cycle restart position")
#ensure we start on the first one
self._nextPageTemplateCycle = c.cyclicIterator()
raise TypeError("argument pt should be string or integer or list")
而且我检查了这个 self._nextPageTemplateCycle
story = []
# ...
# doc.addPageTemplates([...])
story.append(NextPageTemplate(['pageLeft', 'pageRight'])) # this will cycle through left/right/left/right/...
story.append(NextPageTemplate(['firstPage', 'secondPage', '*', 'pageLeft', 'pageRight'])) # this will cycle through first/second/left/right/left/right/...
当您想开始交替页面时,将其添加到故事中一次。使用另一个正常的 NextPageTemplate 来停止这个循环(因为在源代码中,如果你这样做的话,有一个 del self._nextPageTemplateCycle
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