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基本上,我正在开发的系统在很大程度上依赖于 Canvas 图。这些图表是通过 javascript 生成的,并使用通过 ajax 从 API 服务器拉取的数据制作。
棘手的部分是,我希望能够将这些图表通过电子邮件发送给该系统的用户,而无需他们实际访问网页。因此,虽然我知道可以在浏览器中获取使用 javascript 生成的图像的 Base64 值,但如果没有人运行该 javascript 怎么办?
我想保留在 javascript/canvas 中生成的图形,而不是在通用的服务器端图形库(GD、ImageMagick)中制作它们。 Canvas 图表是动态的,并允许通过 javascript 进行交互。虽然我不想在电子邮件通知中使用该功能,但我确实希望它们在其他方面是相同的(至少在外观上)。
在这一点上,我唯一的猜测是我需要从字面上制作一个网站,该网站对“要呈现的图形”进行 AJAX 请求,呈现这些图形,并将结果发送到服务器。然后我需要一个“服务器”,它就位于该网页上并生成图表。这是这里唯一的解决方案吗?
我在服务器端使用 phantomJs(类似于 node.js 但不同)来运行与客户端完全相同的代码,并获得相同的结果。您只需要一个 exe 文件(就像一个 webkit 独立的网络浏览器)
以下程序(在 Perl 中,但应该可以翻译成您喜欢的语言)获取一些数据,插入网页(可以是 ajax'ed)并将该网页发送到客户端,或存储它作为一个临时文件,并在同一页面上启动 PhantomJs。然后让 PhantomJs 生成一个 jpg,然后将其提取(在本例中发送给客户端)。
use strict;
use File::Temp;
#this script returns a graph, either as html +js web page to render client side,
#or renders the same page server side, and returns the jpg image.
#files needed:
#.\phantom_srv_client.pl #this script
#.\phantomjs.exe #the webkit runtime stand alone file, from http://phantomjs.org/
#.\Scripts\excanvas.min.js #canvas simulator for IE8-
#.\Scripts\jquery.min.js #jQuery as we know it
#.\Scripts\jquery.jqplot.min.js #graph library on top of jQuery from http://www.jqplot.com/ (Flot or any can be used)
#do we want client side rendering (html + js), or server side rendering (jpg)
#jpg seems to render nicer than png on some pages?
use CGI;
my $show_as_jpg = CGI::param("jpg");
#path to javascript libraries (jQuery etc).
#Must be absolute file location for server rendering, relative for web
use FindBin;
my $script_path = $show_as_jpg
? $FindBin::Bin."/Scripts"
: './Scripts';
#data to send to graph (two sets)
my $data = [[2,5,4], [6,4,5]];
#use json to get this as a javascript text
my $json_data;
eval {require JSON; $json_data=JSON::to_json($data)};
#in case JSON is not installed, get the json/javascript data manually (just for demo)
$json_data ||= "[[2,5,4], [6,4,9]]"; #here 9 at the end to see a difference
#The following is the web page that renders the graph, client or server side
#(links to scripts must be abolute to work serverside, as temp-files may go anywhere, $script_path keeps track of that)
#$json_data is the Perl data structure converted to JSON (aka javascript, but not)
my $graph_html =qq|
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--[if lt IE 9]><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="$script_path/excanvas.min.js"></script><![endif]-->
<script class="include" type="text/javascript" src="$script_path/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script class="include" type="text/javascript" src="$script_path/jquery.jqplot.min.js"></script>
<script class="code" type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
/*data from perl (\$json_data) inserted here */
var data = $json_data;
jQuery.jqplot("chart1", data );
<div id="chart1" style="width:600px; height:400px;"></div>
<a href='?jpg=1'>View as jpg</a>
#this is the javascript that tells PhantomJs what to do (ie open a doc and render it to bitmap)
my $phantom_doc_js =qq|
var system = require('system');
//read from commandline which files to open, and write to
var open_doc = system.args[1];
var return_doc = system.args[2];
var page = require('webpage').create();
page.open(open_doc, function () {
#see if we shall render this page serverside
if ($show_as_jpg) {
#get temporary filenames with related file handlers
#where to put phantomjs script (generic so could be a static file)
my ($phantom_doc_filehandler, $phantom_doc_filename) = File::Temp::tempfile( SUFFIX => '.js', TMPDIR => 1);
#where to put web page with data to render and ref to javascripts etc
my ($phantom_graph_filehandler, $phantom_graph_filename) = File::Temp::tempfile(SUFFIX => '.html', TMPDIR => 1);
#also get a filename with no handler, so phantomjs can return the jpg file. Extention must be .jpg!
my (undef, $image_filename) = File::Temp::tempfile( SUFFIX => '.jpg',TMPDIR => 1, OPEN => 0);
#store file content and close files
print $phantom_doc_filehandler $phantom_doc_js; close $phantom_doc_filehandler;
print $phantom_graph_filehandler $graph_html; close $phantom_graph_filehandler;
#now call PhantomJs with filenames to read from and write to.
#Next version should support piping, which would simplify a lot
#use absolute path to phantomjs.exe in case web-server does not use current path
system($FindBin::Bin.'\\phantomjs', $phantom_doc_filename, $phantom_graph_filename, $image_filename) == 0
or die "system failed: $?";
#read the entire image file
my $img = slurp_file($image_filename);
print "Content-Type: image/jpeg\nPragma: no-cache\n\n".$img;
#The temp files are no more needed
unlink $phantom_doc_filename, $phantom_graph_filename, $image_filename;
} else { # just render client side
print "Content-Type: text/html\nPragma: no-cache\n\n".$graph_html;
#slurp is not always std perl
sub slurp_file{
my $filename = shift;
my $string;
local $/ = undef;
open FILE, $filename or die "Couldn't open file: $!";
binmode FILE;
$string = <FILE>;
close FILE;
return $string;
关于javascript - 在服务器端生成 HTML Canvas 图像数据?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9409106/
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