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我稍微简化了这个问题。当我在我的应用程序中创建和添加区域并询问这些区域的状态时,我在 monitoringDidFailForRegion
操作无法完成。 (kCLErrorDomain 错误 4。)
检查 CLErrorDomain constants我看到错误 4 是 kCLErrorRegionMonitoringDenied
Access to the region monitoring service was denied by the user.
所以,我又看了一遍 documentation on Region Monitoring我在列表中突出显示的项目中注意到了这一点:
Determining the Availability of Region Monitoring
Before attempting to monitor any regions, your app should check to see if region monitoring is supported on the current device. There are several reasons why region monitoring might not be available:
- The device may not have the hardware needed to support region monitoring.
- The user might have denied the app the authorization to use region monitoring.
- The user may have disabled location services in the Settings app.
- The user may have disabled Background App Refresh in the Settings app, either for the device or for your app.
- The device might be in Airplane mode and unable to power up the necessary hardware.
然后我检查了后台应用程序刷新(iOS 7 的一项新功能:设置 > 通用 > 后台应用程序刷新)是否已打开并且可用于我的应用程序。 不是。我打开了该功能,然后 BOOM 我的区域现在正在报告它们的状态。
[CLLocationManager isMonitoringAvailableForClass:[CLRegion class]] returns YES
...即使后台应用刷新被禁用。我认为它会返回 NO。
我已将错误报告发送给 Apple 和 added an Open Radar对于这个问题。
更新 3-11-14:
Apple 已确认这是一个错误。
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