- objective-c - iOS 5 : Can you override UIAppearance customisations in specific classes?
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- ios - Xcode 5 - 尝试验证存档时出现 "No application records were found"
基于我的问题 earlier .
尝试转换标签的简单按钮。我希望它缩小 0.5,这是可行的,但出于某种原因,它也会移动对象。标签向上和向左跳,然后变换。
- (IBAction)btnTest:(id)sender
[UIView animateWithDuration:1 delay:0 options:UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseInOut animations:^{
lblTest.transform = CGAffineTransformScale(lblTest.transform, 0.5f,0.5f);
}completion:^(BOOL finished) {
我从您正在使用自动布局的问题中推测:在自动布局中,如果您有前导和/或顶部约束,则在使用 CGAffineTransformMakeScale
等到 viewDidAppear
(因为在 IB 中定义的约束被应用,并且控件将被放置在我们想要的位置并且它的 center
属性将是可靠的) ;
现在我们有了相关控件的 center
,将 leading 和 top 约束替换为 NSLayoutAttributeCenterX
和 NSLayoutAttributeCenterY
约束,使用 center
属性的值来设置 NSLayoutConstraint
的 constant
// don't try to do this in `viewDidLoad`; do it in `viewDidAppear`, where the constraints
// have already been set
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
[self replaceLeadingAndTopWithCenterConstraints:self.imageView];
// Because our gesture recognizer scales the UIView, it's quite important to make
// sure that we don't have the customary top and leading constraints, but rather
// have constraints to the center of the view. Thus, this looks for leading constraint
// and if found, removes it, replacing it with a centerX constraint. Likewise if it
// finds a top constraint, it replaces it with a centerY constraint.
// Having done that, we can now do `CGAffineTransformMakeScale`, and it will keep the
// view centered when that happens, avoiding weird UX if we don't go through this
// process.
- (void)replaceLeadingAndTopWithCenterConstraints:(UIView *)subview
CGPoint center = subview.center;
NSLayoutConstraint *leadingConstraint = [self findConstraintOnItem:subview
if (leadingConstraint)
NSLog(@"Found leading constraint");
[subview.superview removeConstraint:leadingConstraint];
[subview.superview addConstraint:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:subview
NSLayoutConstraint *topConstraint = [self findConstraintOnItem:subview
if (topConstraint)
NSLog(@"Found top constraint");
[subview.superview removeConstraint:topConstraint];
[subview.superview addConstraint:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:subview
- (NSLayoutConstraint *)findConstraintOnItem:(UIView *)item attribute:(NSLayoutAttribute)attribute
// since we're looking for the item's constraints to the superview, let's
// iterate through the superview's constraints
for (NSLayoutConstraint *constraint in item.superview.constraints)
// I believe that the constraints to a superview generally have the
// `firstItem` equal to the subview, so we'll try that first.
if (constraint.firstItem == item && constraint.firstAttribute == attribute)
return constraint;
// While it always appears that the constraint to a superview uses the
// subview as the `firstItem`, theoretically it's possible that the two
// could be flipped around, so I'll check for that, too:
if (constraint.secondItem == item && constraint.secondAttribute == attribute)
return constraint;
return nil;
您的实现细节可能会有所不同,具体取决于您如何定义要缩放的控件的约束(在我的例子中,leading 和 top 基于 superview,这使得它更容易),但希望它能说明解决方案,删除这些限制并根据中心添加新的限制。
如果您不想像我上面那样遍历查找有问题的约束,则可以为顶部和前导约束定义一个 IBOutlet
,这会大大简化该过程.此示例代码取自一个项目,由于各种原因,我无法将 IBOutlet
用于 NSLayoutConstraint
引用。但是使用 IBOutlet
例如,如果您转到 Interface Builder,您可以突出显示有问题的约束并control-拖动到辅助编辑器以制作您的IBOutlet
if (self.imageViewVerticalConstraint)
[self.view removeConstraint:self.imageViewVerticalConstraint];
// create the new constraint here, like shown above
坦率地说,我希望 Interface Builder 能够立即定义这些约束(即,而不是“将控制引导到 super View 左侧”约束,而是“控制中心到 super View 左侧”约束) ,但我不认为它可以在 IB 中完成,所以我正在以编程方式改变我的约束。但是通过这个过程,我现在可以扩展控件,而不是因为限制而让它在我身上移动。
正如 0x7fffffff 指出的那样,如果您将 CATransform3DMakeScale
应用到层,它不会自动应用约束,因此您不会看到它像应用 CGAffineTransformMakeScale
那样移动> 查看。但是,如果您执行任何操作以重新应用约束(setNeedsLayout
或对任何 UIView
对象进行任何更改都可能导致重新应用约束), View 将向您移动。因此,如果您在重新应用约束之前将层的转换恢复为身份,则您可能能够“潜入”,但关闭自动布局或仅修复约束可能是最安全的。
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