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我有一个大小约为 10 GB 的字符串(使用大量 RAM 的 c..)。问题是,我需要执行 gsub 之类的字符串操作并对其进行拆分。我注意到 Ruby 会在某个时候“停止工作”(尽管不会产生任何错误)。
# I will try to split the string using .split:
# but Ruby will instead just return an array with
# the full unsplitted string itself...
# let's break this down:
# each of those attempts doesn't cause problems and
# returns arrays with thousands or even millions of items (lines)
# starting from here, problems will occur
我正在使用 Ruby MRI 1.8.7,这里有什么问题?为什么 Ruby 不能对超大字符串进行字符串操作?这里的解决方案是什么?
我想出的唯一解决方案是使用 [0..9]、[10..19]...“循环”字符串并逐个执行字符串操作。然而,这似乎不可靠,例如,如果我的分隔符很长并且落在两个“部分”之间怎么办。
另一个实际有效的解决方案是像 str.each_line {..} 一样迭代字符串。然而,这只是替换了换行符。
编辑:感谢所有这些答案。就我而言,“巨大的 10 GB 字符串”实际上是从互联网上下载的。它包含由特定序列分隔的数据(在大多数情况下是一个简单的换行符)。在我的场景中,我将 10 GB 文件的每个元素与脚本中已有的另一个(较小的)数据集进行了比较。我感谢所有建议。
这是针对真实日志文件的基准测试。在用于读取文件的方法中,只有使用 foreach
使用 lazy
会增加开销,导致比单独使用 map
就在那里,并产生可扩展的解决方案。 Ruby 不会关心文件是无数行还是无数 TB,它仍然一次只能看到一行。有关读取文件的一些相关信息,请参见“Why is "slurping" a file not a good practice?”。
人们通常倾向于使用一次性提取整个文件,然后将其拆分成多个部分的工具。这忽略了 Ruby 然后必须使用 split
或类似的东西根据行结束重建数组的工作。加起来,这就是我认为 foreach
另请注意,两次基准测试运行的结果略有不同。这可能是由于作业正在运行时我的 Mac Pro 上正在运行系统任务。重要的是显示差异是一次清洗,向我确认使用 foreach
require 'benchmark'
REGEX = /\bfoo\z/
LOG = 'debug.log'
N = 1
# each_line: "Splits str using the supplied parameter as the record separator
# ($/ by default), passing each substring in turn to the supplied block."
# Because the file is read into a string, then split into lines, this isn't
# scalable. It will work if Ruby has enough memory to hold the string plus all
# other variables and its overhead.
def lazy_map(filename)
File.open("lazy_map.out", 'w') do |fo|
fo.puts File.readlines(filename).lazy.map { |li|
li.gsub(REGEX, 'bar')
# each_line: "Splits str using the supplied parameter as the record separator
# ($/ by default), passing each substring in turn to the supplied block."
# Because the file is read into a string, then split into lines, this isn't
# scalable. It will work if Ruby has enough memory to hold the string plus all
# other variables and its overhead.
def map(filename)
File.open("map.out", 'w') do |fo|
fo.puts File.readlines(filename).map { |li|
li.gsub(REGEX, 'bar')
# "Reads the entire file specified by name as individual lines, and returns
# those lines in an array."
# As a result of returning all the lines in an array this isn't scalable. It
# will work if Ruby has enough memory to hold the array plus all other
# variables and its overhead.
def readlines(filename)
File.open("readlines.out", 'w') do |fo|
File.readlines(filename).each do |li|
fo.puts li.gsub(REGEX, 'bar')
# This is completely scalable because no file slurping is involved.
# "Executes the block for every line in the named I/O port..."
# It's slower, but it works reliably.
def foreach(filename)
File.open("foreach.out", 'w') do |fo|
File.foreach(filename) do |li|
fo.puts li.gsub(REGEX, 'bar')
puts "Ruby version: #{ RUBY_VERSION }"
puts "log bytes: #{ File.size(LOG) }"
puts "log lines: #{ `wc -l #{ LOG }`.to_i }"
2.times do
Benchmark.bm(13) do |b|
b.report('lazy_map') { lazy_map(LOG) }
b.report('map') { map(LOG) }
b.report('readlines') { readlines(LOG) }
b.report('foreach') { foreach(LOG) }
%w[lazy_map map readlines foreach].each do |s|
puts `wc #{ s }.out`
Ruby version: 2.0.0
log bytes: 733978797
log lines: 5540058
user system total real
lazy_map 35.010000 4.120000 39.130000 ( 43.688429)
map 29.510000 7.440000 36.950000 ( 43.544893)
readlines 28.750000 9.860000 38.610000 ( 43.578684)
foreach 25.380000 4.120000 29.500000 ( 35.414149)
user system total real
lazy_map 32.350000 9.000000 41.350000 ( 51.567903)
map 24.740000 3.410000 28.150000 ( 32.540841)
readlines 24.490000 7.330000 31.820000 ( 37.873325)
foreach 26.460000 2.540000 29.000000 ( 33.599926)
5540058 83892946 733978797 lazy_map.out
5540058 83892946 733978797 map.out
5540058 83892946 733978797 readlines.out
5540058 83892946 733978797 foreach.out
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