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ruby-on-rails - M. Hartl 的 RoR 书中的练习

转载 作者:数据小太阳 更新时间:2023-10-29 07:20:22 25 4
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我一直在关注 Ruby-on-Rails tutorial 中的练习由 M. Hartl 着。我已经完成了第 4 章中的所有练习,但仍停留在这一章上:

Create three hashes called person1, person2, and person3, with first and last names under the keys :first and :last. Then create a params hash so that params[:father] is person1, params[:mother] is person2, and params[:child] is person3. Verify that, for example, params[:father][:first] has the right value.



person1 = {:first => 'Al',    :last => 'Bundy'}
person2 = {:first => 'Peggy', :last => 'Bundy'}
person3 = {:first => 'Kelly', :last => 'Bundy'}
params = {
:father => person1,
:mother => person2,
:child => person3
params[:father][:first] #=> 'Al'

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