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nil 为什么?在变-6ren">
我在玩 ruby 元编程,我有一个问题。我有一个类:
class Klass
class << self
@x = "yeah"
b = Klass.new
a = class << Klass; self; end
a.instance_eval "@x" #=> yeah
Klass.instance_eval "@x" #=> nil
为什么?在变量 a
中我有一个单例类,对吗?并且 Klass.instance_eval
Klass.instance_eval "def yeah; puts 10; end"
Klass.yeah #=> 10
此外,解释器中的 Klass
指向类的上下文,是吗? a
指向单例类的上下文?哪个表示 a.class_eval
和 a.instance_eval
a.instance_eval "def pops; puts 0; end"
a.class_eval "def popsx; puts 1; end"
a.pops #=> 0
a.popsx # FAIL
Klass.pops # FAIL
Klass.popsx #=> 1
b.pops; b.popsx # DOUBLE FAIL
首先,虽然某些人似乎使用了 eigentclass,但 singleton class 是更常见的术语。 Singleton 类包含 Ruby 中对象的对象特定行为。除了该单例类所属的原始对象之外,您不能创建该类的其他实例。
关于在不同类型的 eval 中定义方法 this article为 instance_eval
和 class_eval
Use ClassName.instance_eval to define class methods.
Use ClassName.class_eval to define instance methods.
关于作为 Class 类的实例的类、作为 Class 类的子类的单例类以及其他一些疯狂的东西(与问题没有太大关系)的文章很多。但是由于您的问题可以很容易地应用于常规对象及其类(并且它使事情更容易解释),我决定将其全部删除(尽管您仍然可以在答案的修订历史记录中看到这些内容)。
class A; end
a = A.new
不同类型的 eval 中的方法定义:
# define instance method inside class context
A.class_eval { def bar; 'bar'; end }
puts a.bar # => bar
puts A.new.bar # => bar
# class_eval is equivalent to re-opening the class
class A
def bar2; 'bar2'; end
puts a.bar2 # => bar2
puts A.new.bar2 # => bar2
# define object-specific method in the context of object itself
a.instance_eval { def foo; 'foo'; end }
puts a.foo # => foo
# method definition inside instance_eval is equivalent to this
def a.foo2; 'foo2'; end
puts a.foo2 # => foo2
# no foo method here
# puts A.new.foo # => undefined method `foo' for #<A:0x8b35b20>
现在让我们看一下对象 a
# singleton class of a is subclass of A
p (class << a; self; end).ancestors
# => [A, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
# define instance method inside a's singleton class context
class << a
def foobar; 'foobar'; end;
puts a.foobar # => foobar
# as expected foobar is not available for other instances of class A
# because it's instance method of a's singleton class and a is the only
# instance of that class
# puts A.new.foobar # => undefined method `foobar' for #<A:0x8b35b20>
# same for equivalent class_eval version
(class << a; self; end).class_eval do
def foobar2; 'foobar2'; end;
puts a.foobar2 # => foobar2
# no foobar2 here as well
# puts A.new.foobar2 # => undefined method `foobar2' for #<A:0x8b35b20>
# define instance variable for object a
a.instance_eval { @x = 1 }
# we can access that @x using same instance_eval
puts a.instance_eval { @x } # => 1
# or via convenient instance_variable_get method
puts a.instance_variable_get(:@x) # => 1
现在到 class_eval
# class_eval is instance method of Module class
# so it's not available for object a
# a.class_eval { } # => undefined method `class_eval' for #<A:0x8fbaa74>
# instance variable definition works the same inside
# class_eval and instance_eval
A.instance_eval { @y = 1 }
A.class_eval { @z = 1 }
# both variables belong to A class itself
p A.instance_variables # => [:@y, :@z]
# instance variables can be accessed in both ways as well
puts A.instance_eval { @y } # => 1
puts A.class_eval { @z } # => 1
# no instance_variables here
p A.new.instance_variables # => []
现在,如果您将类 A
替换为类 Class
并将对象 a
替换为对象 Klas
(在此特殊情况只不过是类 Class
关于ruby - 类对象,单例类,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8631223/
我最近购买了《C 编程语言》并尝试了 Ex 1-8这是代码 #include #include #include /* * */ int main() { int nl,nt,nb;
早上好!我有一个变量“var”,可能为 0。我检查该变量是否为空,如果不是,我将该变量保存在 php session 中,然后调用另一个页面。在这个新页面中,我检查我创建的 session 是否为空,
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