- xml - AJAX/Jquery XML 解析
- 具有多重继承的 XML 模式
- .net - 枚举序列化 Json 与 XML
- XML 简单类型、简单内容、复杂类型、复杂内容
问题在于微生物是由贝塞尔曲线构成的。我不知道如何以合理的方式检查由贝塞尔曲线构成的对象与圆之间的碰撞。我唯一想到的是在隐藏的 Canvas 上绘制微生物形状和气泡,然后检查它们是否绘制到相同的像素。但这会导致严重的性能问题恕我直言。
class Cell
是单元格,而 class CellWallNode
测试是沿着一条线到中心的一个点,而不是一个由三 Angular 形定义的区域的圆。只要圆半径与贝塞尔曲线的大小相比较小,近似就可以很好地工作。
该代码段围绕一个中心点创建了一组贝塞尔曲线(立方体)。对象 theBlob
包含动画贝塞尔曲线。 testBlob
函数测试鼠标位置,如果在 theBlob
内则返回 true。对象 bezHelper 包含解决问题所需的所有功能。
立方根求解器源自 github intersections立方根求解器。
const bezHelper = (()=>{
// creates a 2D point
const P2 = (x=0, y= x === 0 ? 0 : x.y + (x = x.x, 0)) => ({x, y});
const setP2As = (p,pFrom) => (p.x = pFrom.x, p.y = pFrom.y, p);
// To prevent heap thrashing close over some pre defined 2D points
const v1 = P2();
const v2 = P2();
const v3 = P2();
const v4 = P2();
var u,u1,u2;
// solves quadratic for bezier 2 returns first root
function solveBezier2(A, B, C){
// solve the 2nd order bezier equation.
// There can be 2 roots, u,u1 hold the results;
// 2nd order function a+2(-a+b)x+(a-2b+c)x^2
a = (A - 2 * B + C);
b = 2 * ( - A + B);
c = A;
a1 = 2 * a;
c = b * b - 4 * a * c;
if(c < 0){
u = Infinity;
u1 = Infinity;
return u;
b1 = Math.sqrt(c);
u = (-b + b1) / a1;
u1 = (-b - b1) / a1;
return u;
// solves cubic for bezier 3 returns first root
function solveBezier3(A, B, C, D){
// There can be 3 roots, u,u1,u2 hold the results;
// Solves 3rd order a+(-2a+3b)t+(2a-6b+3c)t^2+(-a+3b-3c+d)t^3 Cardano method for finding roots
// this function was derived from http://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/#intersections cube root solver
// Also see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_function#Cardano.27s_method
function crt(v) {
if(v<0) return -Math.pow(-v,1/3);
return Math.pow(v,1/3);
function sqrt(v) {
if(v<0) return -Math.sqrt(-v);
return Math.sqrt(v);
var a, b, c, d, p, p3, q, q2, discriminant, U, v1, r, t, mp3, cosphi,phi, t1, sd;
u2 = u1 = u = -Infinity;
d = (-A + 3 * B - 3 * C + D);
a = (3 * A - 6 * B + 3 * C) / d;
b = (-3 * A + 3 * B) / d;
c = A / d;
p = (3 * b - a * a) / 3;
p3 = p / 3;
q = (2 * a * a * a - 9 * a * b + 27 * c) / 27;
q2 = q / 2;
a /= 3;
discriminant = q2 * q2 + p3 * p3 * p3;
if (discriminant < 0) {
mp3 = -p / 3;
r = sqrt(mp3 * mp3 * mp3);
t = -q / (2 * r);
cosphi = t < -1 ? -1 : t > 1 ? 1 : t;
phi = Math.acos(cosphi);
t1 = 2 * crt(r);
u = t1 * Math.cos(phi / 3) - a;
u1 = t1 * Math.cos((phi + 2 * Math.PI) / 3) - a;
u2 = t1 * Math.cos((phi + 4 * Math.PI) / 3) - a;
return u;
if(discriminant === 0) {
U = q2 < 0 ? crt(-q2) : -crt(q2);
u = 2 * U - a;
u1 = -U - a;
return u;
sd = sqrt(discriminant);
u = crt(sd - q2) - crt(sd + q2) - a;
return u;
// get a point on the bezier at pos ( from 0 to 1 values outside this range will be outside the bezier)
// p1, p2 are end points and cp1, cp2 are control points.
// ret is the resulting point. If given it is set to the result, if not given a new point is created
function getPositionOnBez(pos,p1,p2,cp1,cp2,ret = P2()){
if(pos === 0){
ret.x = p1.x;
ret.y = p1.y;
return ret;
if(pos === 1){
ret.x = p2.x;
ret.y = p2.y;
return ret;
v1.x = p1.x;
v1.y = p1.y;
var c = pos;
if(cp2 === undefined){
v2.x = cp1.x;
v2.y = cp1.y;
v1.x += (v2.x - v1.x) * c;
v1.y += (v2.y - v1.y) * c;
v2.x += (p2.x - v2.x) * c;
v2.y += (p2.y - v2.y) * c;
ret.x = v1.x + (v2.x - v1.x) * c;
ret.y = v1.y + (v2.y - v1.y) * c;
return ret;
v2.x = cp1.x;
v2.y = cp1.y;
v3.x = cp2.x;
v3.y = cp2.y;
v1.x += (v2.x - v1.x) * c;
v1.y += (v2.y - v1.y) * c;
v2.x += (v3.x - v2.x) * c;
v2.y += (v3.y - v2.y) * c;
v3.x += (p2.x - v3.x) * c;
v3.y += (p2.y - v3.y) * c;
v1.x += (v2.x - v1.x) * c;
v1.y += (v2.y - v1.y) * c;
v2.x += (v3.x - v2.x) * c;
v2.y += (v3.y - v2.y) * c;
ret.x = v1.x + (v2.x - v1.x) * c;
ret.y = v1.y + (v2.y - v1.y) * c;
return ret;
const cubicBez = 0;
const quadraticBez = 1;
const none = 2;
var type = none;
// working bezier
const p1 = P2();
const p2 = P2();
const cp1 = P2();
const cp2 = P2();
// rotated bezier
const rp1 = P2();
const rp2 = P2();
const rcp1 = P2();
const rcp2 = P2();
// translate and rotate bezier
function transformBez(pos,rot){
const ax = Math.cos(rot);
const ay = Math.sin(rot);
var x = p1.x - pos.x;
var y = p1.y - pos.y;
rp1.x = x * ax - y * ay;
rp1.y = x * ay + y * ax;
x = p2.x - pos.x;
y = p2.y - pos.y;
rp2.x = x * ax - y * ay;
rp2.y = x * ay + y * ax;
x = cp1.x - pos.x;
y = cp1.y - pos.y;
rcp1.x = x * ax - y * ay;
rcp1.y = x * ay + y * ax;
if(type === cubicBez){
x = cp2.x - pos.x;
y = cp2.y - pos.y;
rcp2.x = x * ax - y * ay;
rcp2.y = x * ay + y * ax;
function getPosition2(pos,ret){
return getPositionOnBez(pos,p1,p2,cp1,undefined,ret);
function getPosition3(pos,ret){
return getPositionOnBez(pos,p1,p2,cp1,cp2,ret);
const API = {
return getPositionOnBez(pos,p1,p2,cp1,undefined,ret);
return getPositionOnBez(pos,p1,p2,cp1,cp2,ret);
set bezQ(points){
setP2As(p1, points[0]);
setP2As(cp1, points[1]);
setP2As(p2, points[2]);
type = quadraticBez;
set bezC(points){
setP2As(p1, points[0]);
setP2As(cp1, points[1]);
setP2As(cp2, points[2]);
setP2As(p2, points[3]);
type = cubicBez;
isInside(center, testPoint, pointRadius){
drawLine(testPoint , center);
v1.x = (testPoint.x - center.x);
v1.y = (testPoint.y - center.y);
const pointDist = Math.sqrt(v1.x * v1.x + v1.y * v1.y)
const dir = -Math.atan2(v1.y,v1.x);
if(type === cubicBez){
solveBezier3(rp1.y, rcp1.y, rcp2.y, rp2.y);
if (u < 0 || u > 1) { u = u1 }
if (u < 0 || u > 1) { u = u2 }
if (u < 0 || u > 1) { return }
getPosition3(u, v4);
solveBezier2(rp1.y, rcp1.y, rp2.y);
if (u < 0 || u > 1) { u = u1 }
if (u < 0 || u > 1) { return }
getPosition2(u, v4);
const dist = Math.sqrt((v4.x - center.x) ** 2 + (v4.y - center.y) ** 2);
const dist1 = Math.sqrt((v4.x - testPoint.x) ** 2 + (v4.y - testPoint.y) ** 2);
return dist1 < dist && dist > pointDist - pointRadius;
return API;
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const m = {x : 0, y : 0};
var b = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
m.x = e.pageX - b.left - scrollX - 2;
m.y = e.pageY - b.top - scrollY - 2;
function drawCircle(p,r = 5,col = "black"){
ctx.strokeStyle = col;
function drawLine(p1,p2,r = 5,col = "black"){
ctx.strokeStyle = col;
const w = 400;
const h = 400;
const diag = Math.sqrt(w * w + h * h);
// creates a 2D point
const P2 = (x=0, y= x === 0 ? 0 : x.y + (x = x.x, 0)) => ({x, y});
const setP2As = (p,pFrom) => (p.x = pFrom.x, p.y = pFrom.y, p);
// random int and double
const randI = (min, max = min + (min = 0)) => (Math.random()*(max - min) + min) | 0;
const rand = (min = 1, max = min + (min = 0)) => Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
const theBlobSet = [];
const theBlob = [];
function createCubicBlob(segs){
const step = Math.PI / segs;
for(var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += step){
const dist = rand(diag * (1/6), diag * (1/5));
const ang = i + rand(-step * 0.2,step * 0.2);
const p = P2(
w / 2 + Math.cos(ang) * dist,
h / 2 + Math.sin(ang) * dist
theBlobSet[theBlobSet.length -1] = theBlobSet[0];
theBlob[theBlobSet.length -1] = theBlob[0];
function animateTheBlob(time){
for(var i = 0; i < theBlobSet.length-1; i++){
const ang = Math.sin(time + i) * 6;
theBlob[i].x = theBlobSet[i].x + Math.cos(ang) * diag * 0.04;
theBlob[i].y = theBlobSet[i].y + Math.sin(ang) * diag * 0.04;
function drawTheBlob(){
ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
var i = 0;
while(i < theBlob.length){
var center = P2(w/2,h/2);
function testBlob(){
var i = 0;
while(i < theBlob.length-3){
bezHelper.bezC = [theBlob[i++], theBlob[i++], theBlob[i++], theBlob[i]];
return true;
return false;
// main update function
function update(timer){
ctx.strokeStyle = "red";
ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
canvas { border : 2px solid black; }
<canvas id="canvas" width = "400" height = "400"></canvas>
关于javascript - 如何检测由贝塞尔曲线制成的物体与圆之间的碰撞?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48034420/
大家好,本文实现了相机碰撞检测,使相机不穿墙壁、物体,并给出了思路和代码,感谢大家~ 关键词:数字孪生、three.js、Web3D、WebGL、相机碰撞、游戏相机 我正在承接Web3D数字孪生项
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