- xml - AJAX/Jquery XML 解析
- 具有多重继承的 XML 模式
- .net - 枚举序列化 Json 与 XML
- XML 简单类型、简单内容、复杂类型、复杂内容
我可以使用 Chrome 协议(protocol)将 VS Code 调试器成功连接到我的远程 NodeJS 目标。我相信相同的协议(protocol)支持分析和性能测量,因为它很容易从 Chrome 开发工具中完成,但我不确定这是我可以直接从 VS Code 中完成的事情。
Visual Studio Code 1.45(2020 年 4 月)应该有所帮助,因为它集成了 Javascript debugging capabilities ,包括分析:
New JavaScript debugger
This month we've continued making progress on our new JavaScript debugger.
It's installed by default on Insiders, and can be installed from the Marketplace in VS Code Stable.
You can start using it with your existing launch configurations by enabling the
Here are some new features added this month:
Profiling Support
You can capture CPU profiles from your Node.js or browser applications by clicking the new "Profile" button in the Call Stack view, or using the
Debug: Take Performance Profile
Once you do, you can choose how long the profile will run: until you stop it, for a length of time, or until you hit another breakpoint.
After the profile ends, it's saved in your workspace folder and visualized in VS Code.
When you open the profile, code lenses are added to your files containing performance information at a function level and for certain 'hot' lines.
Unlike profiles captured in many other tools, the recorded profile is sourcemap-aware.
cheesus提及 in the comments探查器输出中的行号有问题。
因此 microsoft/vscode-js-debug
issue 559 :
Turns out this is because that location is inside a function that only exists in the compiled code.
We actually do try to source-map it back into the original file, but there's no mapping at that location to use.If you change your target to
or newer -- which you can do nowadays unless you're targeting Internet Explorer or Node versions <= 4 -- TS does not need to generate this stuff and line numbers work.
Your code will also run faster. Here's the latest mappingsThis debugger only supports Node 8 and above.
Due to the fact that this bug is only present when targeting old JavaScript versions when using in-place transpilation on code compiled for a version of Node older than what the debugger itself supports, and the complexity involved in fixing this, I will close this issue as out-of-scope.
关于javascript - 我可以使用 Visual Studio Code 分析 NodeJS 应用程序吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54794597/
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我不明白java多线程系统和Nodejs多线程系统在性能和资源共享方面的区别。由于 NodeJS 为您的程序使用事件循环单线程,但在幕后,它将任务分配给不同的线程,如文件读取或数据库查询。所以它使用多