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javascript - Codility 训练 : Find the maximal number of clocks with hands that look identical when rotated

转载 作者:数据小太阳 更新时间:2023-10-29 04:14:51 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


问题是我不能从中得到 100 分(只有 42 分)。运行时间还可以,但对于某些测试用例,代码给出了错误的答案,但我无法弄清楚问题出在哪里。有人可以帮帮我吗?


function rotate(arr) {
var min = arr.reduce(function(a,b) { return a > b ? b : a });
while (arr[0] != min) {
var first = arr.shift();

function solution(A, P) {
var positions = [];
A.forEach(function(clock) {
var position = [];
clock.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b });
clock.push(clock[0] + P);

// calculating the distances between clock hands
clock.forEach(function(hand, idx) {
if (idx == 0) return;
position.push(clock[idx] - clock[idx - 1]);

// rotating the distances array to start with the minimum element

//lexicographically sort positions array to similar types be consecutive

var sum = 0;
// create a string to compare types with each other
var type = positions[0].join(",");
var n = 0;

// counting consecutive positions with same type
positions.forEach(function(position, idx) {
if (type == position.join(",")) {
} else {
type = position.join(",");
sum += (n * (n-1)) / 2;
n = 1;
sum += (n * (n-1)) / 2;

return sum;



我的回答与 TonyWilk 的相似,但就像 OP 所做的那样,我旋转所有时钟以找到可以与其他时钟进行比较的规范位置。

规范位置是所有手牌位置总和最小的位置(即所有手牌都尽可能接近 1)。



这使我达到了 95%,并且有一次超时 ( see the results )。

this result有 2 次暂停,得分仅为 85%,但如果你看一下计时,它实际上更快比我之前 95% 得分的记录。

严格来说,由于签名计算,我的在 o(N*M2) 中,即使您需要有数千根指针的时钟才能注意到它。


function solution (Clocks, Positions)
// get dimensions
var num_clocks = Clocks.length;
var num_hands = Clocks[0].length;

// collect canonical signatures
var signatures = [];
var pairs = 0;

for (var c = 0 ; c != num_clocks ; c++)
var s_min = 1e100, o_min;
var clock = Clocks[c];
for (var i = 0 ; i != num_hands ; i++)
// signature of positions with current hand rotated to 0
var offset = Positions - clock[i];
var signature = 0;
for (var j = 0 ; j != num_hands ; j++)
signature += (clock[j] + offset) % Positions;

// retain position with minimal signature
if (signature < s_min)
s_min = signature;
o_min = offset;

// generate clock canonical signature
for (i = 0 ; i != num_hands ; i++)
clock[i] = (clock[i] + o_min) % Positions;
var sig = clock.sort().join();

// count more pairs if the canonical form already exists
pairs += signatures[sig] = 1 + (signatures[sig]||0);

return pairs - num_clocks; // "pairs" includes singleton pairs

在普通 C 中基本上相同的解决方案得到了我 a 90% score :

#include <stdlib.h>

static int compare_ints (const void * pa, const void * pb) { return *(int*)pa - *(int *)pb ; }

static int compare_clocks_M;
static int compare_clocks (const void * pa, const void * pb)
int i;
const int * a = *(const int **)pa;
const int * b = *(const int **)pb;
for (i = 0 ; i != compare_clocks_M ; i++)
if (a[i] != b[i]) return a[i] - b[i];
return 0;

int solution(int **clocks, int num_clocks, int num_hands, int positions)
int c;
int pairs = 0; // the result
int repeat = 0; // clock signature repetition counter

// put all clocks in canonical position
for (c = 0 ; c != num_clocks ; c++)
int i;
unsigned s_min = (unsigned)-1, o_min=-1;
int * clock = clocks[c];
for (i = 0 ; i != num_hands ; i++)
// signature of positions with current hand rotated to 0
int j;
unsigned offset = positions - clock[i];
unsigned signature = 0;
for (j = 0 ; j != num_hands ; j++)
signature += (clock[j] + offset) % positions;

// retain position with minimal signature
if (signature < s_min)
s_min = signature;
o_min = offset;

// put clock in its canonical position
for (i = 0 ; i != num_hands ; i++)
clock[i] = (clock[i] + o_min) % positions;
qsort (clock, num_hands, sizeof(*clock), compare_ints);

// sort clocks
compare_clocks_M = num_hands;
qsort (clocks, num_clocks, sizeof(*clocks), compare_clocks);

// count duplicates
repeat = 0;
for (c = 1 ; c != num_clocks ; c++)
if (!compare_clocks (&clocks[c-1], &clocks[c]))
pairs += ++repeat;
else repeat = 0;

return pairs;

您可以通过在专用签名数组上手动执行排序插入来加快速度,但这会消耗 N*M 个临时整数并使代码膨胀很多。

关于javascript - Codility 训练 : Find the maximal number of clocks with hands that look identical when rotated,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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