- xml - AJAX/Jquery XML 解析
- 具有多重继承的 XML 模式
- .net - 枚举序列化 Json 与 XML
- XML 简单类型、简单内容、复杂类型、复杂内容
是否有任何现有解决方案可以为基于 Strophe.js 的聊天应用程序提供状态处理?
我有一个基于 Strophe.js 的简单聊天应用程序。我只想显示在线并动态更改列表的用户。我想知道是否有任何现有的解决方案(可能是 Strophe 插件)可以处理这个问题。如果没有这样的东西,实现它的最好/最简单的方法是什么?
通过使用 Strophe,您只需向您的服务器发送 IQ 请求您的名单,如下所示:
iq = $iq({type: 'get'}).c('query', {xmlns: 'jabber:iq:roster'});
App.connection.sendIQ(iq, your_roster_callback_function);
var jid = $(this).attr('jid'); // The jabber_id of your contact
// You can probably put them in a unordered list and and use their jids as ids.
App.connection.addHandler(App.on_presence, null, "presence");
请注意,我添加了一个 on_presence
回调和 connection.send($pres())
var presence_type = $(presence).attr('type'); // unavailable, subscribed, etc...
var from = $(presence).attr('from'); // the jabber_id of the contact
if (presence_type != 'error'){
if (presence_type === 'unavailable'){
// Mark contact as offline
var show = $(presence).find("show").text(); // this is what gives away, dnd, etc.
if (show === 'chat' || show === ''){
// Mark contact as online
// etc...
return true;
您可以查看 Strophe.js documentation想要查询更多的信息。使用 sendIQ,您可以添加更多参数,例如错误回调等。
对不起,我错了。 $(presence).attr('type')
2.2.1. Types of Presence
The 'type' attribute of a presence stanza is OPTIONAL. A presence stanza that does not possess a 'type' attribute is used to signal to the server that the sender is online and available for communication. If included, the 'type' attribute specifies a lack of availability, a request to manage a subscription to another entity's presence, a request for another entity's current presence, or an error related to a previously-sent presence stanza. If included, the 'type' attribute MUST have one of the following values:
- unavailable -- Signals that the entity is no longer available for communication.
- subscribe -- The sender wishes to subscribe to the recipient's presence.
- subscribed -- The sender has allowed the recipient to receive their presence.
- unsubscribe -- The sender is unsubscribing from another entity's presence.
- unsubscribed -- The subscription request has been denied or a previously-granted subscription has been cancelled. etc...
为您提供联系人的状态。来自文档: Show
The OPTIONAL element contains non-human-readable XML character data that specifies the particular availability status of an entity or specific resource. A presence stanza MUST NOT contain more than one element. The element MUST NOT possess any attributes. If provided, the XML character data value MUST be one of the following (additional availability types could be defined through a properly-namespaced child element of the presence stanza):
- away -- The entity or resource is temporarily away.
- chat -- The entity or resource is actively interested in chatting.
- dnd -- The entity or resource is busy (dnd = "Do Not Disturb").
- xa -- The entity or resource is away for an extended period (xa = "eXtended Away").
If no show element is provided, the entity is assumed to be online and available.
关于javascript - 在基于 Strophe.js 的聊天应用程序中处理状态,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12062950/
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