gpt4 book ai didi

javascript - 无法让 Jest 与包含主题的样式化组件一起工作

转载 作者:数据小太阳 更新时间:2023-10-29 03:55:26 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


我一直在使用 JestEnzyme使用很棒的 Styled Components 为我的 React 组件构建编写测试图书馆。


这是我的 LooksBrowser 的代码组件(我删除了所有导入和 prop-types 以使其更具可读性):

const LooksBrowserWrapper = styled.div`
position: relative;
padding: 0 0 56.25%;

const CurrentSlideWrapper = styled.div`
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 2;

const NextSlideWrapper = CurrentSlideWrapper.extend`
z-index: 1;

const SlideImage = styled.img`
display: block;
width: 100%;

const SlideText = styled.div`
display: flex;
position: absolute;
top: 25%;
left: ${PXToVW(72)};
height: 25%;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;

const SlideTitle = styled.p`
flex: 0 0 auto;
text-transform: uppercase;
line-height: 1;
color: ${props => props.color};
font-family: ${props => props.theme.LooksBrowser.SlideTitle.FontFamily};
font-size: ${PXToVW(52)};

const SlideSubtitle = SlideTitle.extend`
font-family: ${props => props.theme.LooksBrowser.SlideSubtitle.FontFamily};

export default class LooksBrowser extends React.Component {
state = {
currentSlide: {
imageURL: this.props.currentSlide.imageURL,
index: this.props.currentSlide.index,
subtitle: this.props.currentSlide.subtitle,
textColor: this.props.currentSlide.textColor,
title: this.props.currentSlide.title
nextSlide: {
imageURL: this.props.nextSlide.imageURL,
index: this.props.nextSlide.index,
subtitle: this.props.nextSlide.subtitle,
textColor: this.props.nextSlide.textColor,
title: this.props.nextSlide.title
nextSlideIsLoaded: false

componentDidMount() {

componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
// Only update the state when the nextSlide data is different than the current nextSlide data
// and when the LooksBrowser component isn't animating
if (this.props.nextSlide.imageURL !== nextProps.nextSlide.imageURL && !this.isAnimating) {
this.setState(prevState => update(prevState, {
nextSlide: {
imageURL: { $set: nextProps.nextSlide.imageURL },
index: { $set: nextProps.nextSlide.index },
subtitle: { $set: nextProps.nextSlide.subtitle },
textColor: { $set: nextProps.nextSlide.textColor },
title: { $set: nextProps.nextSlide.title }

componentDidUpdate() {
if (!this.isAnimating) {
if (this.state.nextSlide.imageURL !== '' && this.state.nextSlideIsLoaded) {
// Only do the animation when the nextSlide is done loading and it defined inside of the state
} else if (this.state.currentSlide.imageURL !== this.props.nextSlide.imageURL && this.state.nextSlide.imageURL !== this.props.nextSlide.imageURL) {
// This usecase is for when the LooksBrowser already received another look while still being in an animation
// After the animation is done it checks if the new nextSlide data is different than the current currentSlide data
// And also checks if the current nextSlide state data is different than the new nextSlide data
// If so, it updates the nextSlide part of the state so that in the next render animateToNextSlide will be called
this.setState(prevState => update(prevState, {
nextSlide: {
imageURL: { $set: this.props.nextSlide.imageURL },
index: { $set: this.props.nextSlide.index },
subtitle: { $set: this.props.nextSlide.subtitle },
textColor: { $set: this.props.nextSlide.textColor },
title: { $set: this.props.nextSlide.title }
} else if (!this.state.nextSlideIsLoaded) {
// Reset currentSlide position to prevent 'flash'
TweenMax.set(this.currentSlide, {
x: '0%'

setVariables() {
this.TL = new TimelineMax();
this.isAnimating = false;

nextSlideIsLoaded = () => {
this.setState(prevState => update(prevState, {
nextSlideIsLoaded: { $set: true }

animateToNextSlide() {
const AnimateForward = this.state.currentSlide.index < this.state.nextSlide.index;
this.isAnimating = true;

.set(this.currentSlide, {
x: '0%'
.set(this.nextSlide, {
x: AnimateForward ? '100%' : '-100%'
.to(this.currentSlide, 0.7, {
x: AnimateForward ? '-100%' : '100%',
ease: Quad.easeInOut
.to(this.nextSlide, 0.7, {
x: '0%',
ease: Quad.easeInOut,
onComplete: () => {
this.isAnimating = false;
this.setState(prevState => update(prevState, {
currentSlide: {
imageURL: { $set: prevState.nextSlide.imageURL },
index: { $set: prevState.nextSlide.index },
subtitle: { $set: prevState.nextSlide.subtitle },
textColor: { $set: prevState.nextSlide.textColor },
title: { $set: prevState.nextSlide.title }
nextSlide: {
imageURL: { $set: '' },
index: { $set: 0 },
subtitle: { $set: '' },
textColor: { $set: '' },
title: { $set: '' }
nextSlideIsLoaded: { $set: false }
}, '-=0.7');

render() {
<CurrentSlideWrapper innerRef={div => this.currentSlide = div} >
<SlideImage src={this.state.currentSlide.imageURL} alt={this.state.currentSlide.title} />
<SlideTitle color={this.state.currentSlide.textColor}>{this.state.currentSlide.title}</SlideTitle>
<SlideSubtitle color={this.state.currentSlide.textColor}>{this.state.currentSlide.subtitle}</SlideSubtitle>
{this.state.nextSlide.imageURL &&
<NextSlideWrapper innerRef={div => this.nextSlide = div}>
<SlideImage src={this.state.nextSlide.imageURL} alt={this.state.nextSlide.title} onLoad={this.nextSlideIsLoaded} />
<SlideTitle color={this.state.nextSlide.textColor}>{this.state.nextSlide.title}</SlideTitle>
<SlideSubtitle color={this.state.nextSlide.textColor}>{this.state.nextSlide.subtitle}</SlideSubtitle>

然后现在我对我的 LooksBrowser 进行测试组件(以下是完整代码):

import React from 'react';
import Enzyme, { mount } from 'enzyme';
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';
import 'jest-styled-components';
import LooksBrowser from './../src/app/components/LooksBrowser/LooksBrowser';

Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });

test('Compare snapshots', () => {
const Component = renderer.create(<LooksBrowser currentSlide={{ imageURL: 'http://localhost:3001/img/D1_VW_SPW.jpg', index: 1, subtitle: 'Where amazing happens', title: 'The United States of America', textColor: '#fff' }} nextSlide={{ imageURL: '', index: 0, subtitle: '', title: '', textColor: '' }} />);

const Tree = Component.toJSON();

test('Renders without crashing', () => {
mount(<LooksBrowser currentSlide={{ imageURL: 'http://localhost:3001/img/D1_VW_SPW.jpg', index: 1, subtitle: 'Where amazing happens', title: 'The United States of America', textColor: '#fff' }} nextSlide={{ imageURL: '', index: 0, subtitle: '', title: '', textColor: '' }} />);

test('Check if componentDidUpdate gets called', () => {
const spy = jest.spyOn(LooksBrowser.prototype, 'componentDidUpdate');
const Component = mount(<LooksBrowser currentSlide={{ imageURL: 'http://localhost:3001/img/D1_VW_SPW.jpg', index: 1, subtitle: 'Where amazing happens', title: 'The United States of America', textColor: '#fff' }} nextSlide={{ imageURL: '', index: 0, subtitle: '', title: '', textColor: '' }} />);

Component.setProps({ nextSlide: { imageURL: 'http://localhost:3001/img/D2_VW_SPW.jpg', index: 2, subtitle: 'Don\'t walk here at night', title: 'What A View', textColor: '#fff' } });

test('Check if animateToNextSlide gets called', () => {
const spy = jest.spyOn(LooksBrowser.prototype, 'animateToNextSlide');
const Component = mount(<LooksBrowser currentSlide={{ imageURL: 'http://localhost:3001/img/D1_VW_SPW.jpg', index: 1, subtitle: 'Where amazing happens', title: 'The United States of America', textColor: '#fff' }} nextSlide={{ imageURL: '', index: 0, subtitle: '', title: '', textColor: '' }} />);

Component.setProps({ nextSlide: { imageURL: 'http://localhost:3001/img/D2_VW_SPW.jpg', index: 2, subtitle: 'Don\'t walk here at night', title: 'What A View', textColor: '#fff' } });
Component.setState({ nextSlideIsLoaded: true });


TypeError: Cannot read property 'SlideTitle' of undefined

44 | line-height: 1;
45 | color: ${props => props.color};
> 46 | font-family: ${props => props.theme.LooksBrowser.SlideTitle.FontFamily};
47 | font-size: ${PXToVW(52)};
48 | `;
49 |




The recommended solution is to pass the theme as a prop: const wrapper = shallow(<Button theme={theme} />)

所以我将以下代码添加到我的 LooksBrowser测试文件:

const theme = {
LooksBrowser: {
SlideTitle: {
FontFamily: 'Futura-Light, sans-serif'
SlideSubtitle: {
FontFamily: 'Futura-Demi, sans-serif'


test('Compare snapshots', () => {
const Component = renderer.create(<LooksBrowser theme={theme} currentSlide={{ imageURL: 'http://localhost:3001/img/D1_VW_SPW.jpg', index: 1, subtitle: 'Where amazing happens', title: 'The United States of America', textColor: '#fff' }} nextSlide={{ imageURL: '', index: 0, subtitle: '', title: '', textColor: '' }} />);

const Tree = Component.toJSON();



我决定将我的组件包装在 Styled Components 中 ThemeProvider .这修复了我的 Compare snapshots 中的错误和 Renders without crashing测试。

但是,因为我也在改变我的 LooksBrowser 的 Prop /状态组件并测试结果,这不再起作用了。这是因为 setPropssetState函数只能在根/包装器组件上使用。

因此将我的组件包装在 ThemeProvider 中组件也不是有效的解决方案。


我决定尝试记录我的一个样式化组件的 Prop 。所以我改变了我的 SlideTitle这个的子组件:

const SlideTitle = styled.p`
flex: 0 0 auto;
text-transform: uppercase;
line-height: 1;
color: ${props => {
return props.color;
font-family: ${props => props.theme.LooksBrowser.SlideTitle.FontFamily};
font-size: ${PXToVW(52)};


TypeError: Cannot read property 'SlideTitle' of undefined

44 | line-height: 1;
45 | color: ${props => {
> 46 | console.log(props.theme.LooksBrowser.SlideTitle.FontFamily);
47 | return props.color;
48 | }};
49 | font-family: ${props => props.theme.LooksBrowser.SlideTitle.FontFamily};

好吧,似乎整个主题 Prop 都是空的。让我们尝试手动将主题传递给 SlideTitle (顺便说一句,这是一个可怕的解决方案,这意味着我需要将我的主题手动传递到我整个项目中的每个样式化组件)。


<SlideTitle theme={this.props.theme} color{this.state.currentSlide.textColor}>{this.state.currentSlide.title}</SlideTitle>


console.log src/app/components/LooksBrowser/LooksBrowser.js:46
Futura-Light, sans-serif



Jest Styled Components documentation我还看到了以下解决方案:

const shallowWithTheme = (tree, theme) => {
const context = shallow(<ThemeProvider theme={theme} />)
return shallow(tree, { context })

const wrapper = shallowWithTheme(<Button />, theme)

好的,看起来很有希望。所以我将这个函数添加到我的测试文件并更新了我的 Check if componentDidUpdate gets called对此进行测试:

test('Check if componentDidUpdate gets called', () => {
const spy = jest.spyOn(LooksBrowser.prototype, 'componentDidUpdate');
const Component = shallowWithTheme(<LooksBrowser currentSlide={{ imageURL: 'http://localhost:3001/img/D1_VW_SPW.jpg', index: 1, subtitle: 'Where amazing happens', title: 'The United States of America', textColor: '#fff' }} nextSlide={{ imageURL: '', index: 0, subtitle: '', title: '', textColor: '' }} />, Theme);

Component.setProps({ nextSlide: { imageURL: 'http://localhost:3001/img/D2_VW_SPW.jpg', index: 2, subtitle: 'Don\'t walk here at night', title: 'What A View', textColor: '#fff' } });


Cannot tween a null target. thrown

有意义,因为我正在使用 shallow .所以我将函数更改为使用 mount而不是浅薄的:

const shallowWithTheme = (tree, theme) => {
const context = mount(<ThemeProvider theme={theme} />)
return mount(tree, { context })


TypeError: Cannot read property 'SlideTitle' of undefined




我现在还在 Github 上打开了两个问题,一个在 Styled Components repo 中。和一个在Jest Styled Components repo .



ThemeProvider 包裹在组件周围并将 theme 对象传递给它,对我来说效果很好。

import React from 'react';
import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components';
import { render, cleanup } from '@testing-library/react';

import Home from '../Home';
import { themelight } from '../../Layout/theme';


test('home renders correctly', () => {
let { getByText } = render(
<ThemeProvider theme={themelight}>
<Home name={name} />

getByText('ANURAG HAZRA');

关于javascript - 无法让 Jest 与包含主题的样式化组件一起工作,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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