gpt4 book ai didi

javascript - 使用 Javascript 基于十六进制颜色计算渐变上的 X、Y 像素位置

转载 作者:数据小太阳 更新时间:2023-10-29 03:54:53 28 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我有一个 raindow HSV 渐变 Canvas ,当您单击它时,会在该位置添加一个元素,其背景为单击像素的颜色。

我想要的是让它也反向工作。例如,如果您有十六进制颜色,我想在 Canvas 上找到该像素并在该位置创建一个元素。

我的第一个想法是以某种方式使用矩阵/象限系统。我的下一个想法是,因为我使用的是 HSV,所以我可以使用我的 HSV 梯度定位点来找出位置。问题是我的观点彼此不等距,这使得它变得更难。最重要的是,我有一个白色渐变和黑色渐变覆盖主颜色渐变,我需要考虑到这一点。




<div class="container">
<canvas class="colorSpectrum"></canvas>
<div class="circle"></div>


.container {
background: grey;
height: 350px;
width: 400px;

.circle {
background: transparent;
box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
border-radius: 50%;
border: 2px solid #fff;
height: 20px;
margin: -12px;
width: 20px;
position: absolute;

.colorSpectrum {
display: block;
height: 100%;
transform: translateZ(0);
width: 100%;


$(function() {

var closest = function(num, arr) {
var curr = arr[0];
var diff = Math.abs(num - curr);

for (var val = 0; val < arr.length; val++) {
var newdiff = Math.abs(num - arr[val]);
if (newdiff < diff) {
diff = newdiff;
curr = arr[val];

return curr;

var container = $('.container');
var containerWidth = container.width();
var containerHeight = container.height();

var verticalGradientsHeight = Math.round(containerHeight * .34);
console.log('verticalGradientsHeight', verticalGradientsHeight);
var round = function(value, decimals) {
return Number(Math.round(value+'e'+decimals)+'e-'+decimals);

// Draws the color spectrum onto the canvas
var drawColorSpectrum = function() {

// Cache canvas element
var canvasElement = $('.colorSpectrum');

// Cache javascript element
var canvas = canvasElement[0];

// Get canvas context
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

// Cache page height
var canvasWidth = containerWidth;

// Cache page height
var canvasHeight = containerHeight - 72;

// Bottom gradient start position
var blackStartYPos = canvasHeight - verticalGradientsHeight;

// Bottom gradient end position
var blackEndYPos = canvasHeight;

// Create white gradient element
var white = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, verticalGradientsHeight);

// Create black gradient element
var black = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, blackStartYPos, 0, blackEndYPos);

// Create new instance of image
var img = new Image();

// Cache container
_colorSpectrumContainer = canvasElement.parent();

// Set global var
spectrumCanvas = canvasElement;

// Set width of canvas
canvas.width = canvasWidth;

// Set height of canvas
canvas.height = canvasHeight;

// Image load listener
img.onload = function() {

// Draw intial image
ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);

// Draw white to transparent gradient
white.addColorStop(0, "hsla(0,0%,100%,1)");
white.addColorStop(0.05, "hsla(0,0%,100%,1)");
white.addColorStop(0.20, "hsla(0,0%,100%,0.89)");
white.addColorStop(0.38, "hsla(0,0%,100%,0.69)");
white.addColorStop(0.63, "hsla(0,0%,100%,0.35)");
white.addColorStop(0.78, "hsla(0,0%,100%,0.18)");
white.addColorStop(0.91, "hsla(0,0%,100%,0.06)");
white.addColorStop(1, "hsla(0,0%,100%,0)");
ctx.fillStyle = white;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, verticalGradientsHeight);

// Draw black to transparent gradient
black.addColorStop(0, "hsla(0,0%,0%,0)");
black.addColorStop(0.20, "hsla(0,0%,0%,0.01)");
black.addColorStop(0.28, "hsla(0,0%,0%,0.04)");
black.addColorStop(0.35, "hsla(0,0%,0%,0.09)");
black.addColorStop(0.51, "hsla(0,0%,0%,0.26)");
black.addColorStop(0.83, "hsla(0,0%,0%,0.69)");
black.addColorStop(1, "hsla(0,0%,0%,1)");

ctx.fillStyle = black;
ctx.fillRect(0, blackStartYPos, canvasWidth, verticalGradientsHeight);

// Set image source
img.src = "";

var hexToRgb = function(hex) {

hex = hex.replace('#','');

r = parseInt(hex.substring(0, 2), 16);
g = parseInt(hex.substring(2, 4), 16);
b = parseInt(hex.substring(4, 6), 16);

return [r, g, b];

var rgbToHsb = function(r, g, b) {

var rr, gg, bb,
r = r / 255,
g = g / 255,
b = b / 255,
h, s,
v = Math.max(r, g, b),
diff = v - Math.min(r, g, b),
diffc = function(c){
return (v - c) / 6 / diff + 1 / 2;

if (diff == 0) {
h = s = 0;
} else {
s = diff / v;
rr = diffc(r);
gg = diffc(g);
bb = diffc(b);

if (r === v) {
h = bb - gg;
}else if (g === v) {
h = (1 / 3) + rr - bb;
}else if (b === v) {
h = (2 / 3) + gg - rr;
if (h < 0) {
h += 1;
}else if (h > 1) {
h -= 1;

return {
h: Math.round(h * 360),
s: Math.round(s * 100),
b: Math.round(v * 100)

// Find hue in stop range
var findHueInStopRange = function(hue) {

// Array of hue stops with HSV, RGB, and HEX info
var stops = [{
h: 0,
l: 0,
s: 100,
b: 100
}, {
h: 60,
l: 21,
s: 100,
b: 100
}, {
h: 120,
l: 40,
s: 85,
b: 85
}, {
h: 180,
l: 56,
s: 85,
b: 85
}, {
h: 237,
l: 72,
s: 86,
b: 96
}, {
h: 300,
l: 89,
s: 86,
b: 96
}, {
h: 359,
l: 100,
s: 100,
b: 100

// Total number of stops
var stopsLength = stops.length;

// Loop through stops
for (var i = 0; i < stopsLength; i += 1) {

// Temp set
var currentStop = stops[i];

// Temp set
// var nextStop = stops[i + 1];
var nextStop = (i + 1 > stopsLength - 1) ? currentStop : stops[i + 1];

// Location is a percentage
var huePos;

// Temp set
var xPos = false;

console.log('hue', currentStop.h, '>>', hue, '<<', nextStop.h);
// Find which range of hue stops the current color is
// Hue is between current and next hue stop
if (hue >= currentStop.h && hue <= nextStop.h) {

// hue is current stop
if (hue === currentStop.h) {

// Set as location
huePos = currentStop.l;

// hue is next stop
} else if (hue === nextStop.h) {

// Set as location
huePos = nextStop.l;

// Hue is somewhere between stops
} else {

// Get percentage location between hue stops
var relativeHuePos = (hue - currentStop.h) / (nextStop.h - currentStop.h);

// Normalized to fit custom gradient stop locations
huePos = relativeHuePos * (nextStop.l - currentStop.l) + currentStop.l;

// A location was found
if (huePos) {

// Convert from percentage to pixel position
xPos = Math.round(containerWidth * (huePos / 100));

return xPos;

} else {


// Find saturation in stop range
var findSaturationInStopRange = function (saturation) {

// Array of hue stops with HSV, RGB, and HEX info
var stops = [{
l: 0,
s: 0
}, {
l: 0.05,
s: 6
}, {
l: 0.20,
s: 18
}, {
l: 0.38,
s: 35
}, {
l: 0.63,
s: 69
}, {
l: 0.78,
s: 89,
}, {
l: 0.91,
s: 100,
}, {
l: 1,
s: 100,

// Total number of stops
var stopsLength = stops.length;

// Loop through stops
for (var i = 0; i < stopsLength; i += 1) {

// Temp set
var currentStop = stops[i];

// Temp set
var nextStop = (i + 1 > stopsLength - 1) ? currentStop : stops[i + 1];

// Location is a percentage
var satPos;

// Temp set
var yPos = false;

// Convert location to percentage
var currentStopLocation = currentStop.l * 100;

// Convert location to percentage
var nextStopLocation = nextStop.l * 100;

// Find which range of hue stops the current color is
// Hue is between current and next hue stop
if (saturation >= currentStop.s && saturation <= nextStop.s) {

// hue is current stop
if (saturation === currentStop.s) {

// Set as location
satPos = currentStopLocation;

// hue is next stop
} else if (saturation === nextStop.s) {

// Set as location
satPos = nextStopLocation;

// Hue is somewhere between stops
} else {

// Get percentage location between gradient stops
var ratioBetweenSaturation = (saturation - currentStop.s) / (nextStop.s - currentStop.s);

// Normalized to fit custom gradient stop locations
satPos = ratioBetweenSaturation * (nextStopLocation - currentStopLocation) + currentStopLocation;

console.log('ratioBetweenSaturation', ratioBetweenSaturation);
console.log('satPos', satPos);
console.log('saturation', saturation, '>=', currentStop.s, saturation, '<=', nextStop.s);

// A location was found
if (satPos !== false) {

// Convert from percentage to pixel position
yPos = Math.round(verticalGradientsHeight * (satPos / 100));

return yPos;

} else {


// Find brightness in stop range
var findBrightnessInStopRange = function (brightness) {

// Array of hue stops with HSV, RGB, and HEX info
var stops = [{
l: 0,
b: 100
}, {
l: 0.20,
b: 88
}, {
l: 0.28,
b: 69
}, {
l: 0.35,
b: 26
}, {
l: 0.51,
b: 9
}, {
l: 0.83,
b: 4,
}, {
l: 1,
b: 0,

// Total number of stops
var stopsLength = stops.length;

// Loop through stops
for (var i = 0; i < stopsLength; i += 1) {

// Temp set
var currentStop = stops[i];

// Temp set
var nextStop = (i + 1 > stopsLength - 1) ? currentStop : stops[i + 1];

// Location is a percentage
var brightPos;

// Temp set
var yPos = false;

// Convert location to percentage
var currentStopLocation = currentStop.l * 100;

// Convert location to percentage
var nextStopLocation = nextStop.l * 100;

console.log('brightness', brightness, '>=', currentStop.b, brightness, '<=', nextStop.b);

// Find which range of hue stops the current color is
// Hue is between current and next hue stop
if (brightness <= currentStop.b && brightness >= nextStop.b) {

// hue is current stop
if (brightness === currentStop.b) {

// Set as location
brightPos = currentStopLocation;

// hue is next stop
} else if (brightness === nextStop.b) {

// Set as location
brightPos = nextStopLocation;

// Hue is somewhere between stops
} else {

// Get percentage location between gradient stops
var ratioBetweenBrightness = (brightness - currentStop.b) / (nextStop.b - currentStop.b);

// Normalized to fit custom gradient stop locations
brightPos = ratioBetweenBrightness * (nextStopLocation - currentStopLocation) + currentStopLocation;

console.log('ratioBetweenBrightness', ratioBetweenBrightness);
console.log('brightPos', brightPos);
console.log('brightness', brightness, '>=', currentStop.b, brightness, '<=', nextStop.b);

// A location was found
if (brightPos !== false) {

// Convert from percentage to pixel position
yPos = Math.round(verticalGradientsHeight * (brightPos / 100));

return yPos;

} else {


// Get coordinates from hue, brightness, saturation
var getColorCoordinates = function (hex) {

// Convert hex to rgb
var rgb = hexToRgb(hex);
console.log('rgb', rgb);
// Convert rgb to hsb
var hsb = rgbToHsb(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
console.log('hsb', hsb);

// Set x position to position of hue
var xPos = findHueInStopRange(hsb.h);
var yPos = 0;

// if 100, get (containerHeight - verticalGradientHeight) + whatever position is set with bottom gradient


// Saturation and brightness are both maxed
if (hsb.s === 100 && hsb.b === 100) {

// Set y position at center of container
yPos = containerHeight * 0.5;

} else {
console.log('using nothing', hsb.s, hsb.b);

if (hsb.s < 100) {

// Saturation y position (upper quadrant)
yPos = findSaturationInStopRange(hsb.s);
console.log('using saturation', yPos);

} else if (hsb.b < 100) {

// Brightness y position (lower quadrant)
yPos = findBrightnessInStopRange(hsb.b);
console.log('using brightness', yPos);

return { x: xPos, y: yPos };

// Get hue location
var position = false;

// Temp set
var hex = '42ad40';

// Draw gradient

// Find x position
position = getColorCoordinates(hex); //91ff26

console.log('location', position);

// Draw line
top: position.y + 'px',
left: position.x + 'px',
background: '#' + hex


我实际上是在 HSV 而不是 HSL 中尝试这样做。除了使用 photoshop 生成平滑渐变外,我没有其他偏好。




要获取位置,您需要 HSL 值

// global 
var RGB = [0,0,0]; // holds the RGB values 0-255
var LSH = [0,0,0]; // holds the LSH values (note H is normalised to 0-255)
var rgbToLSH = function(){
var r = RGB[0]/255;
var g = RGB[1]/255;
var b = RGB[2]/255;
var min = Math.min(r,g,b);
var max = Math.max(r,g,b);
var lum = (min+max)/2;
if(lum > 0.5){
var sat = (max-min)/(max+min);
var sat = (max-min)/(2-max-min);
if(r >= b && r >= g){
var hue = (g-b)/(max-min);
if(b >= b && b >= g){
var hue = 4.0 + (r-g)/(max-min);
var hue = 2.0 + (b-r)/(max-min);
hue *= 60;
if(hue < 0) hue += 360;
hue = (hue/360);
lum = Math.min(1,Math.max(0,lum));
sat = Math.min(1,Math.max(0,sat));
hue = Math.min(1,Math.max(0,hue));
LSH[0] = lum*255;
LSH[1] = sat*255;
LSH[2] = hue*255;


Hue 会给出 x 轴上的位置,Saturation 会给出从顶部到中间的 y 轴,Lightness 会给出从中间到底部的 y 轴位置(以你的例子为例);

关于javascript - 使用 Javascript 基于十六进制颜色计算渐变上的 X、Y 像素位置,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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