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json - golang 结构仅从 json 中部分解码

转载 作者:数据小太阳 更新时间:2023-10-29 03:39:56 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在尝试将 json 转换为 golang 嵌套结构。它只是部分工作。大多数字段都不能正确解析,尽管有些可以。为什么不将来自 json 的所有数据都转换为 golang 结构?我的猜测是我的 json 格式和 golang 结构之间有一些错误,但我没有看到它。发帖让其他人关注这个问题。

当我运行程序时,机器 ip 地址被解码,但测试运行 id 却没有。这是我的主要方法的输出:

test run id:
machine ip:

这是我的 golang 代码:

package main

import (

func main() {
var testRunConfig TestRunConfig
testRunConfigJson := ReadFile("testrun-config.json")
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(testRunConfigJson), &testRunConfig)
if err != nil {

println("test run id:" + testRunConfig.Id)
println("machine ip:" + testRunConfig.Machines[0].IP)

//Logs the error, the function and the line number where it was generated
func HandleError(err error) (bool) {
b := false

if err != nil {
// notice that we're using 1, so it will actually log the where
// the error happened, 0 = this function, we don't want that.
pc, fn, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)

log.Printf("[error] in %s[%s:%d] %v", runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name(), fn, line, err)
b = true

return b

func ReadFile(fileName string) string {
dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileName)
return string(dat)

type Machine struct {
IP string
Interfaces []Interface
Containers []Container
CmdBuffer bytes.Buffer

type InetAddress struct {
Addr string
DelayMS int

type Interface struct {
Name string
InetAddresses []InetAddress

type Volume struct {
Localhost string
Volume string

type NetworkTopology struct {
Host string
Port string

type Container struct {
Image string
Mem string
Cpu float64
Disk string
Volume Volume
NodeId int
ServiceType string
InstanceId string
Port string
NetworkTopology []NetworkTopology
Args map[string]string

//"machine" element being a member of a Container is helpful for code flow/logic,
//but is not required as part of the data model (it's duplicate data).
//This is why it's private (not capitalized). Think of it as a "transient" in java.
machine Machine

type TestRunConfig struct {
Id string
Machines []Machine

这是正在转换的 json:

"Id:": "testRunId",
"Machines": [
"Ip": "",
"Interfaces": [
"Name": "ems3f0",
"InetAddresses": [
"Addr": "10.0.0.x/16",
"DelayMS": 0
"Name": "ems3f1",
"InetAddresses": [
"Addr": "10.5.0.x/16",
"DelayMS": 5
"Addr": "10.15.0.x/16",
"DelayMS": 15
"Addr": "10.25.0.x/16",
"DelayMS": 25
"Containers": [
"Image": "docker-core:1",
"Mem": "20GB",
"Cpu": 1.0,
"Disk": "20GB",
"Volume": {
"Localhost": "/mnt/md0/${containerId}",
"Volume": "/root/.btcd${containerId}"
"NodeId": 0,
"ServiceType": "core",
"InstanceId": "core1",
"Port": "f(nodeid, serviceid, instanceId -> port #)",
"NetworkTopology": [
"Host": "ip.address",
"Port": "some.port"
"Args": {
"database": "${volume}/init-data.csv.tgz",
"listenPort": "1234",
"sendPort": "1234"
"Image": "docker-wallet:1",
"Mem": "20GB",
"Cpu": 1.0,
"Disk": "20GB",
"Volume": {
"Localhost": "/mnt/md0/${containerId}",
"Volume": "/root/.btcd${containerId}"
"NodeId (cluster)": 0,
"ServiceType": "wallet",
"InstanceId": "1...100",
"Port": "portNum",
"Args": {
"Database": "${volume}/init-data.csv.tgz",
"ListenPort": "1234",
"SendPort": "1234"


在您的 JSON 中,您有一个拼写错误(一个额外的冒号)。您将有问题的字段称为 "Id:" 而不是 "Id"。删除 : 代码应该可以工作了!

请注意,您的 NodeId 字段也可能不会填充,因为在 JSON 中,您将其称为 "NodeId (cluster)" 而不是 "NodeId"。 JSON 和 Go 中的字段名称必须完全匹配。如果您想在 JSON 中使用与 Go 中不同的字段名称,请使用 JSON 名称注释您的结构:

type Example struct {
Name string `json:"firstName"`

关于json - golang 结构仅从 json 中部分解码,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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