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python - 将 xml 文档转换为特定的点扩展 json 结构

转载 作者:数据小太阳 更新时间:2023-10-29 02:38:26 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我有以下 XML 文档:

<Item ID="288917">
<Genre FacebookID="6003161475030">Comedy</Genre>
<Genre FacebookID="6003172932634">TV-Show</Genre>
<Product Country="CA">
<Offer Type="HDBUY">
<Offer Type="SDBUY">
<Product Country="FR">
<Rating>Tout public</Rating>
<Offer Type="HDBUY">
<Offer Type="SDBUY">

目前,为了将其转换为 json 格式,我正在执行以下操作:

parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True)
node = etree.fromstring(s, parser=parser)
data = xmltodict.parse(etree.tostring(node))

当然 xmltodict 正在做繁重的工作。但是,它为我提供了一种不适合我要完成的工作的格式。这是我希望最终数据看起来像的样子:

"Item[@ID]": 288917, # if no preceding element, use the root node tag
"Main.Platform": "iTunes",
"Main.PlatformID": "353736518",
"Genres.Genre": ["Comedy", "TV-Show"] # list of elements if repeated
"Genres.Genre[@FacebookID]": ["6003161475030", "6003161475030"],
"Products.Product[@Country]": ["CA", "FR"],
"Products.Product.URL": ["", ""],
"Products.Product.Offers.Offer[@Type]": ["HDBUY", "SDBUY", "HDBUY", "SDBUY"],
"Products.Product.Offers.Offer.Price": ["3.49", "2.49", "2.49", "1.99"],
"Products.Product.Offers.Offer.Currency": "EUR"



node = etree.fromstring(file_data.encode('utf-8'), parser=parser)
data = OrderedDict()
nodes = [(node, ''),] # format is (node, prefix)

while nodes:

for sub, prefix in nodes:

# remove the prefix tag unless its for the first attribute
tag_prefix = '.'.join(prefix.split('.')[1:]) if ('.' in prefix) else ''
atr_prefix = sub.tag if (sub == node) else tag_prefix

# tag
if sub.text.strip():
_prefix = tag_prefix + '.' + sub.tag
_value = sub.text.strip()
if data.get(_prefix): # convert it to a list if multiple values
if not isinstance(data[_prefix], list): data[_prefix] = [data[_prefix],]
data[_prefix] = _value

# atr
for k, v in sub.attrib.items():
_prefix = atr_prefix + '[@%s]' % k
_value = v
if data.get(_prefix): # convert it to a list if multiple values
if not isinstance(data[_prefix], list): data[_prefix] = [data[_prefix],]
data[_prefix] = _value

nodes.remove((sub, prefix))

for s in sub.getchildren():
_prefix = (prefix + '.' + sub.tag).strip('.')
nodes.append((s, _prefix))

if not nodes: break

关于python - 将 xml 文档转换为特定的点扩展 json 结构,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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