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objective-c - App Store - Method Swizzling 合法性

转载 作者:IT王子 更新时间:2023-10-29 08:06:40 26 4
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是否有关于 App Store 中方法调配是否合法/非法的最新信息?

我能找到的唯一数据点是前一段时间的 Three20 framework shakeup,它是从这个通知开始的:

Your application, xxx, currently posted to the App Store is using method_exchangeImplementations to exchange the implementation of Apple provided APIs with your own implementations. Because of upcoming changes, this behavior in your application may cause a crash or cause user data loss on iPhone OS 4.0.

xxx uses method_exchangeImplementations to exchange the implementation of dealloc with your method ttdealloc. It also exchanges the implementation of the method popViewControllerAnimated: with your method popViewControllerAnimated2:.

Please resolve this issue immediately and upload your new binary to iTunes Connect. We may remove your application if we believe that doing so is prudent or necessary.

当我四处搜索时,我能找到的关于 swizzling 和应用商店的所有最近对话似乎都提到了同一个 Three20 事件。该通知似乎非常具体,我想知道这个问题是否与 Three20 所做的更改有关,或者 method_exchangeImplementations 是否被普遍禁止。

关于这种做法是否被允许,是否还有其他数据点?商店中是否有应用程序的开发人员正在使用 swizzling?


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