- r - 以节省内存的方式增长 data.frame
- ruby-on-rails - ruby/ruby on rails 内存泄漏检测
- android - 无法解析导入android.support.v7.app
- UNIX 域套接字与共享内存(映射文件)
beginning June 1, 2015 app updates submit-6ren">
借助 Xcode 6,我们能够创建自己的动态 Cocoa Frameworks
beginning June 1, 2015 app updates submitted to the App Store must include 64-bit support and be built with the iOS 8 SDK (developer.apple.com)
我们必须制作胖库才能在设备和模拟器上运行项目。即在框架中支持 32 位和 64 位。
在Build Settings
将支持 armv7 armv7s arm64 i386 x86_64
添加到 Architectures
如果我从 Debug-iphoneos
文件夹中获取框架 - 它可以在设备上运行并在模拟器上出现错误:ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
xcrun lipo -info CoreActionSheetPicker
Architectures in the fat file: CoreActionSheetPicker are: armv7 armv7s arm64
如果我从 Debug-iphonesimulator
文件夹中获取框架 - 它可以在模拟器上运行。我在设备上有错误:ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
xcrun lipo -info CoreActionSheetPicker
Architectures in the fat file: CoreActionSheetPicker are: i386 x86_64
此答案与 Xcode 6 iOS Creating a Cocoa Touch Framework - Architectures issues 有关但它不是重复的。
我发现了这个案例的“肮脏黑客”。看我的answer below .如果有人知道更方便的方法 - 请告诉我!
这个答案的实际情况是:2015 年 7 月。情况很可能会发生变化。
目前 Xcode 没有自动导出通用 fat 框架的工具,所以开发者必须求助于手动使用 lipo
工具。也根据this radar在提交给作为框架消费者的 AppStore 开发人员之前,还必须使用 lipo
我没有找到任何关于分发的官方文档,所以我的研究基于对 Apple Developer Forums、Carthage 和 Realm 项目的探索以及我自己对 xcodebuild
这是来自 Apple 开发者论坛主题的长引用(带有我的一些标记)Exporting app with embedded framework :
What is the proper way to export a framework from a framework project?
Currently the only way is exactly what you have done:
- Build the target for both simulator and iOS device.
Navigate to Xcode's DerivedData folder for that project and lipo the two binaries together into one single framework. However, when you build the framework target in Xcode, make sure to adjust the target setting 'Build Active Architecture Only' to 'NO'. This will allow Xcode to build the target for multiple binarty types (arm64, armv7, etc). This would be why it works from Xcode but not as a standalone binary.
Also you'll want to make sure the scheme is set to a Release build and build the framework target against release. If you are still getting a library not loaded error, check the code slices in the framework.
- Use
lipo -info MyFramworkBinary
and examine the result.
lipo -info MyFrameworkBinary
Result is
i386 x86_64 armv7 arm64
- Modern universal frameworks will include 4 slices, but could include more:
i386 x86_64 armv7 arm64
If you don't see at least this 4 it coud be because of the Build Active Architecture setting.
这描述的过程与@skywinder 在他的回答中所做的几乎相同。
这就是Carthage uses lipo和 Realm uses lipo .
有雷达:Xcode 6.1.1 & 6.2: iOS frameworks containing simulator slices can't be submitted to the App Store并在 Realm#1163 上围绕它进行了长时间的讨论和 Carthage#188以特殊的解决方法结束:
在提交到 AppStore 之前,必须从模拟器切片中剥离 iOS 框架二进制文件
This script works around an App Store submission bug triggered by universal binaries.
Realm 有特殊的脚本:strip-frameworks.sh以及相应的文档:
This step is required to work around an App Store submission bug when archiving universal binaries.
还有好文章:Stripping Unwanted Architectures From Dynamic Libraries In Xcode .
我自己使用了 Realm 的 strip-frameworks.sh
我推荐阅读我的主题的链接,因为它包含此问题的另一个方面:代码签名 - Creating iOS/OSX Frameworks: is it necessary to codesign them before distributing to other developers?
关于ios - 如何导出 "fat"Cocoa Touch Framework(用于模拟器和设备)?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29634466/
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