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我正在阅读 Redis 文档,我对分区功能最感兴趣。
Redis documentation陈述如下:
Data store or cache? Partitioning when using Redis ad a data store or cache is conceptually the same, however there is a huge difference. While when Redis is used as a data store you need to be sure that a given key always maps to the same instance, when Redis is used as a cache if a given node is unavailable it is not a big problem if we start using a different node, altering the key-instance map as we wish to improve the availability of the system (that is, the ability of the system to reply to our queries). Consistent hashing implementations are often able to switch to other nodes if the preferred node for a given key is not available. Similarly if you add a new node, part of the new keys will start to be stored on the new node. The main concept here is the following: If Redis is used as a cache scaling up and down using consistent hashing is easy. If Redis is used as a store, we need to take the map between keys and nodes fixed, and a fixed number of nodes. Otherwise we need a system that is able to rebalance keys between nodes when we add or remove nodes, and currently only Redis Cluster is able to do this, but Redis Cluster is not production ready.
从最后一句话我了解到 Redis 集群还没有准备好生产。有谁知道这个文档是否是最新的,或者 Redis Cluster 是否已经准备好生产?
[更新] Redis集群发布于Redis 3.0.0 on 1 Apr 2015 .
Redis 集群目前正在积极开发。从Redis author: Antirez看这篇文章.
So I can pause other incremental improvements for a bit to focus on Redis Cluster. Basically my plan is to work mostly to cluster as long as it does not reach beta quality, and for beta quality I mean, something that brave users may put into production.
Redis 集群将支持最多 ~1000 nodes .
第一个版本将具有以下功能(摘自 Antirez 帖子):
截至今天,antirez 正在开发第一个 Redis 集群客户端 (redis-rb-cluster),以便用作引用实现。
一旦 Redis 集群准备好投入生产,我将更新此答案。
[更新] 03/28/2014 Redis 集群已经在生产中的大型集群上使用(来源:antirez tweets)。
关于caching - Redis 集群 - 生产准备好了吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14941897/
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