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首先,我阅读了很多关于 SO 的解释以及关于协变和逆变的博客,非常感谢 Eric Lippert在 Covariance and Contravariance 上制作了如此出色的系列.
据我了解 Eric's explanation是协变和逆变都是描述转换的形容词。协变变换是保留类型顺序的变换,而逆变变换是反转它的变换。
//covariant operation
Animal someAnimal = new Giraffe();
//assume returns Mammal, also covariant operation
someAnimal = Mammal.GetSomeMammal();
这里的返回操作是协变的,因为我们保留了 Animal 仍然大于 Mammal 或 Giraffe 的大小。关于这一点,大多数返回操作都是协变的,逆变操作没有意义。
//if return operations were contravariant
//the following would be illegal
//as Mammal would need to be stored in something
//equal to or less derived than Mammal
//which would mean that Animal is now less than or equal than Mammal
//therefore reversing the relationship
Animal someAnimal = Mammal.GetSomeMammal();
bool Compare(Mammal mammal1, Mammal mammal2);
Mammal mammal1 = new Giraffe(); //covariant
Mammal mammal2 = new Dolphin(); //covariant
Compare(mammal1, mammal2); //covariant or contravariant?
Compare(new Giraffe(), new Dolphin()); //covariant or contravariant?
//not valid
Mammal mammal1 = new Animal();
//not valid
Compare(new Animal(), new Dolphin());
//legal, covariance
Mammal someMammal = new Mammal();
Animal someAnimal = someMammal;
// legal in C# 4.0, covariance (because defined in Interface)
IEnumerable<Mammal> mammalList = Enumerable.Empty<Mammal>();
IEnumerable<Animal> animalList = mammalList;
//because of this, one would assume
//that the following line is legal as well
void ProcessMammal(Mammal someMammal);
Action<Mammal> processMethod = ProcessMammal;
Action<Animal> someAction = processMethod;
当然这是非法的,因为有人可以将任何 Animal 传递给 someAction,而 ProcessMammal 期望任何 Mammal 或更具体(小于 Mammal)的东西。这就是为什么 someAction 只能是 Action 或任何更具体的 (Action)
然而,这在中间引入了一层委托(delegate),是否必须在中间有一个委托(delegate)才能发生逆变投影?如果我们将 Process 定义为接口(interface),我们会将参数参数声明为逆变类型只是因为我们不希望有人能够使用委托(delegate)执行我上面显示的操作?
public interface IProcess<out T>
void Process(T val);
更新:糟糕。事实证明,我在最初的回答中混淆了方差和“分配兼容性”。相应地编辑了答案。我还写了一篇博文,希望能更好地回答这些问题:Covariance and Contravariance FAQ
bool Compare(Mammal mammal1, Mammal mammal2);
Mammal mammal1 = new Giraffe(); //covariant - no
Mammal mammal2 = new Dolphin(); //covariant - no
Compare(mammal1, mammal2); //covariant or contravariant? - neither
Compare(new Giraffe(), new Dolphin()); //covariant or contravariant? - neither
在 C# 中,数组、委托(delegate)和通用接口(interface)支持变体。正如 Eric Lippert 在他的博客文章中所说 What's the difference between covariance and assignment compatibility?是最好将方差视为类型的“投影”。
协变更容易理解,因为它遵循赋值兼容性规则(派生类型多的数组可以赋值给派生类型少的数组,“object[] objs = new string[10];”)。逆变颠倒了这些规则。例如,假设您可以执行类似“string[] strings = new object[10];”的操作。当然,由于显而易见的原因,您不能这样做。但那将是逆变(但同样,数组不是逆变的,它们仅支持协变)。
以下是来自 MSDN 的示例,我希望它们能向您展示逆变的真正含义(我现在拥有这些文档,所以如果您认为文档中有什么不清楚的地方,请随时给我反馈):
Using Variance in Interfaces for Generic Collections
Employee[] employees = new Employee[3];
// You can pass PersonComparer,
// which implements IEqualityComparer<Person>,
// although the method expects IEqualityComparer<Employee>.
IEnumerable<Employee> noduplicates =
employees.Distinct<Employee>(new PersonComparer());
// Event hander that accepts a parameter of the EventArgs type.
private void MultiHandler(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
label1.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
public Form1()
// You can use a method that has an EventArgs parameter,
// although the event expects the KeyEventArgs parameter.
this.button1.KeyDown += this.MultiHandler;
// You can use the same method
// for an event that expects the MouseEventArgs parameter.
this.button1.MouseClick += this.MultiHandler;
Using Variance for Func and Action Generic Delegates
static void AddToContacts(Person person)
// This method adds a Person object
// to a contact list.
// The Action delegate expects
// a method that has an Employee parameter,
// but you can assign it a method that has a Person parameter
// because Employee derives from Person.
Action<Employee> addEmployeeToContacts = AddToContacts;
关于c# - 逆变解释,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1962629/
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