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c# - 整数求和布鲁斯,short += short 问题

转载 作者:IT王子 更新时间:2023-10-29 03:42:31 25 4
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C# 程序:

short a, b;
a = 10;
b = 10;
a = a + b; // Error : Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'short'.

// we can also write this code by using Arithmetic Assignment Operator as given below

a += b; // But this is running successfully, why?




好吧,假设 short 加 short 是 short,看看会发生什么:

short[] prices = { 10000, 15000, 11000 };
short average = (prices[0] + prices[1] + prices[2]) / 3;

如果这个计算是在空头中进行的,那么平均值当然是 -9845。总和大于最大可能的短路,因此它环绕为负数,然后除以负数。

在整数运算环绕的世界中,在 int 中进行所有计算更为明智,这种类型可能有足够的范围让典型计算不会溢出。


  • short 加 short 是 int
  • 将 int 赋值给 short 是非法的
  • a +=b 等同于 a = a + b
  • 因此 short += short 应该是非法的
  • 那么为什么这是合法的?

问题的前提不正确;上面第三行是错误的。 C# 规范在第 7.17.2 节中声明

Otherwise, if the selected operator is a predefined operator, if the return type of the selected operator is explicitly convertible to the type of x, and if y is implicitly convertible to the type of x or the operator is a shift operator, then the operation is evaluated as x = (T)(x op y), where T is the type of x, except that x is evaluated only once.


  • short 加 short 是 int
  • 将 int 赋值给 short 是非法的
  • s1 += s2 等同于 s1 = (short)(s1 + s2)
  • 因此这应该是合法的


关于c# - 整数求和布鲁斯,short += short 问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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