- r - 以节省内存的方式增长 data.frame
- ruby-on-rails - ruby/ruby on rails 内存泄漏检测
- android - 无法解析导入android.support.v7.app
- UNIX 域套接字与共享内存(映射文件)
我正在使用 React js 来实现这张 map 。默认情况下,我将在 Google map 中将一条路线标为红色。在同一 route ,我需要突出显示一些将以黑色突出显示的特定路径,如下所示:
class MappedRoutes extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.drawFreeHand = this.drawFreeHand.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
const routeCoordinatesArr = [];
map(routeMapped.route.routeCoordinates, el => {
lat: parseFloat(el.lat),
lng: parseFloat(el.lng)
mapLocation(routecoordinates) {
let currentMarker;
let snapToRoute;
this.map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: { lat: routecoordinates[0].lat, lng: routecoordinates[0].lng },
minZoom: 3,
zoom: 14,
disableDoubleClickZoom: true,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
// Google map direction service for draw routes
const flightPath = new google.maps.Polyline({
path: routecoordinates,
geodisc: true,
avoidTolls: true,
strokeColor: '#db3eb1',
strokeOpacity: 1,
strokeWeight: 3,
google.maps.event.addDomListener(flightPath, 'click', evt => {
currentMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: evt.latLng,
map: this.map,
draggable: true,
icon: iconPencile,
const snapToRoute = new SnapToRoute(this.map, currentMarker, flightPath);
drawFreeHand(marker) {
const { highlightValue } = this.props;
const path = new google.maps.MVCArray();
const service = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
const polyline = new google.maps.Polyline({
map: this.map,
fillColor: '#ffd83c',
fillOpacity: 0.8,
strokeColor: '#ffd83c',
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 5,
clickable: false,
editable: false,
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'drag', event => {
if (path.getLength() === 0) {
} else {
origin: path.getAt(path.getLength() - 1),
destination: event.latLng,
travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.WALKING,
(result, status) => {
if (status === google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
for (let i = 0, len = result.routes[0].overview_path.length; i < len; i += 1) {
render() {
return (
<div onClick={this.drawFreeHand}>click to highlight</div>
<div id="map" style={{ height: "500px" }} />
export default MappedRoutes;
export const routeMapped = {
route: {
routeId: "5a278bbfc9e77c0001cdf76d",
athleteId: "59d62dc0c9e77c0001ee60f5",
name: "Sathya new route",
"105, Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar Rd, RA Puram, Austin Nagar, Alwarpet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600028, India",
postalCode: "600028",
footPath: "FOLLOW",
routeType: "MAP",
routeCoordinates: [
lat: "13.02757",
lng: "80.25241000000001",
dis: 0,
ele: 11.04315
lat: "13.027460000000001",
lng: "80.25280000000001",
dis: 0.03,
ele: 11.61113
lat: "13.02724",
lng: "80.25385",
dis: 0.1,
ele: 13
lat: "13.027190000000001",
lng: "80.25404",
dis: 0.11,
ele: 13
lat: "13.02715",
lng: "80.25410000000001",
dis: 0.12,
ele: 13
lat: "13.02715",
lng: "80.25423",
dis: 0.13,
ele: 13
lat: "13.0271",
lng: "80.25593",
dis: 0.24,
ele: 10.75041
lat: "13.027090000000001",
lng: "80.25710000000001",
dis: 0.32,
ele: 10.75639
lat: "13.027070000000002",
lng: "80.25792000000001",
dis: 0.37,
ele: 11.9969
lat: "13.027080000000002",
lng: "80.25885000000001",
dis: 0.44,
ele: 11.54305
lat: "13.0271",
lng: "80.25989000000001",
dis: 0.51,
ele: 7.42083
lat: "13.02706",
lng: "80.26016000000001",
dis: 0.53,
ele: 7.69134
lat: "13.02697",
lng: "80.26058",
dis: 0.56,
ele: 8.78328
lat: "13.02683",
lng: "80.26158000000001",
dis: 0.62,
ele: 10.39793
lat: "13.02677",
lng: "80.26199000000001",
dis: 0.65,
ele: 10.99504
lat: "13.02663",
lng: "80.26337000000001",
dis: 0.75,
ele: 10.00481
lat: "13.02649",
lng: "80.26448",
dis: 0.82,
ele: 9.75728
lat: "13.02626",
lng: "80.26591",
dis: 0.92,
ele: 7.33569
lat: "13.025620000000002",
lng: "80.26547000000001",
dis: 0.97,
ele: 8.88202
lat: "13.025440000000001",
lng: "80.26535000000001",
dis: 0.99,
ele: 9.03837
lat: "13.02491",
lng: "80.26495000000001",
dis: 1.03,
ele: 8.40581
lat: "13.02424",
lng: "80.26446",
dis: 1.09,
ele: 9
lat: "13.024090000000001",
lng: "80.26441000000001",
dis: 1.1,
ele: 9
lat: "13.024030000000002",
lng: "80.26439",
dis: 1.1,
ele: 9
lat: "13.023560000000002",
lng: "80.26417000000001",
dis: 1.14,
ele: 8.94518
lat: "13.022110000000001",
lng: "80.26336",
dis: 1.25,
ele: 7.18578
lat: "13.02162",
lng: "80.26315000000001",
dis: 1.29,
ele: 7.92565
lat: "13.02148",
lng: "80.26303",
dis: 1.3,
ele: 7.95145
lat: "13.02078",
lng: "80.26280000000001",
dis: 1.35,
ele: 7.69057
lat: "13.020320000000002",
lng: "80.26270000000001",
dis: 1.39,
ele: 7.16353
lat: "13.02012",
lng: "80.26257000000001",
dis: 1.4,
ele: 7.14811
lat: "13.01997",
lng: "80.26243000000001",
dis: 1.42,
ele: 7.25697
lat: "13.01965",
lng: "80.2621",
dis: 1.45,
ele: 7.20241
lat: "13.01913",
lng: "80.26159000000001",
dis: 1.5,
ele: 7.5177
lat: "13.019020000000001",
lng: "80.26153000000001",
dis: 1.51,
ele: 7.6779
lat: "13.018910000000002",
lng: "80.26142",
dis: 1.52,
ele: 7.83809
lat: "13.0187",
lng: "80.26121",
dis: 1.54,
ele: 8.12365
lat: "13.0187",
lng: "80.26088",
dis: 1.56,
ele: 8.05447
lat: "13.01866",
lng: "80.25992000000001",
dis: 1.62,
ele: 8.20218
lat: "13.018630000000002",
lng: "80.25916000000001",
dis: 1.68,
ele: 8.21478
lat: "13.018640000000001",
lng: "80.25892",
dis: 1.69,
ele: 8.12121
lat: "13.01862",
lng: "80.25861",
dis: 1.71,
ele: 8.0189
lat: "13.01861",
lng: "80.25818000000001",
dis: 1.74,
ele: 7.84774
lat: "13.018650000000001",
lng: "80.25779",
dis: 1.77,
ele: 7.78325
lat: "13.018680000000002",
lng: "80.25767",
dis: 1.78,
ele: 7.82694
lat: "13.018730000000001",
lng: "80.25754",
dis: 1.79,
ele: 7.89976
lat: "13.01895",
lng: "80.25705",
dis: 1.82,
ele: 8.44032
lat: "13.019480000000001",
lng: "80.25598000000001",
dis: 1.9,
ele: 9.23848
lat: "13.019870000000001",
lng: "80.25523000000001",
dis: 1.96,
ele: 9.76589
lat: "13.02006",
lng: "80.25477000000001",
dis: 1.99,
ele: 9.48015
lat: "13.020320000000002",
lng: "80.25369",
dis: 2.07,
ele: 8.90729
lat: "13.020430000000001",
lng: "80.25333",
dis: 2.1,
ele: 8.383
lat: "13.02053",
lng: "80.25319",
dis: 2.11,
ele: 8.17911
lat: "13.020690000000002",
lng: "80.2531",
dis: 2.12,
ele: 8.04804
lat: "13.02091",
lng: "80.25304000000001",
dis: 2.14,
ele: 7.95772
lat: "13.02153",
lng: "80.25297",
dis: 2.18,
ele: 7.72059
lat: "13.021700000000001",
lng: "80.25295000000001",
dis: 2.19,
ele: 7.7359
lat: "13.02213",
lng: "80.25287",
dis: 2.22,
ele: 7.91471
lat: "13.024360000000001",
lng: "80.25274",
dis: 2.37,
ele: 10
lat: "13.02448",
lng: "80.25274",
dis: 2.38,
ele: 10
lat: "13.024630000000002",
lng: "80.25276000000001",
dis: 2.39,
ele: 10
lat: "13.025210000000001",
lng: "80.25299000000001",
dis: 2.44,
ele: 10.37474
lat: "13.02682",
lng: "80.25375000000001",
dis: 2.56,
ele: 12.67804
lat: "13.02715",
lng: "80.25383000000001",
dis: 2.58,
ele: 13
lat: "13.02724",
lng: "80.25385",
dis: 2.59,
ele: 13
lat: "13.027320000000001",
lng: "80.25341",
dis: 2.62,
ele: 12.49951
lat: "13.02753",
lng: "80.25256",
dis: 2.68,
ele: 11.2616
lat: "13.02757",
lng: "80.25241000000001",
dis: 2.69,
ele: 11.04315
distance: 2.69,
maxElevation: 0,
minElevation: 0,
startingLocation: {
type: "ENTRY",
coordinates: ["13.02757", "80.25241000000001"]
endingLocation: {
type: "EXIT",
coordinates: ["13.02757", "80.25241000000001"]
split: [
id: 1,
splitNo: 1,
splitDistance: 2.69,
splitMarkers: {
markerType: "ENTRY",
markerId: "1",
startPosLat: "13.02757",
startPosLang: "80.25241000000001",
endPosLat: "13.02757",
endPosLang: "80.25241000000001"
laps: 1,
createdDatetime: null,
updatedDatetime: null
有一些在 map 上绘图
的能力 https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/overlays
也许这个 Action 对你有帮助
有一个部分Custom Overlays
正在使用 OverlayView
您可以在此处找到示例 https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/customoverlays
此外,还有第二种方法可以尝试 Simple Polylines
// This example creates a 2-pixel-wide red polyline showing the path of
// the first trans-Pacific flight between Oakland, CA, and Brisbane,
// Australia which was made by Charles Kingsford Smith.
function initMap() {
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
zoom: 3,
center: {lat: 0, lng: -180},
mapTypeId: 'terrain'
var flightPlanCoordinates = [
{lat: 37.772, lng: -122.214},
{lat: 21.291, lng: -157.821},
{lat: -18.142, lng: 178.431},
{lat: -27.467, lng: 153.027}
var flightPath = new google.maps.Polyline({
path: flightPlanCoordinates,
geodesic: true,
strokeColor: '#FF0000',
strokeOpacity: 1.0,
strokeWeight: 2
关于javascript - 谷歌地图在 route 突出显示拖动路径,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48135392/
您好,如果没有身份验证,我尝试保护路由,但它不起作用 警告:您不应在同一个 route 使用路线组件和路线渲染;路线渲染将被忽略 App.js import React, { Fragment,
几乎我见过的每个示例,app.js 都使用 require 和路径 ./。我想知道为什么我们不能只使用 /。例如,为什么我们不能执行以下操作。 var express = require('expre
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