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我在使用 Git 分支时遇到问题。每当我对分支进行更改时,所有这些更改都会反射(reflect)在主分支中,即使我没有调用显式 merge 命令也是如此。
我创建了一个“仪表板”分支 git checkout -b dashboard
然后我更改了我的一个文件(比如 routes.rb),现在我切换到 master git checkout master
现在当我打开 routes.rb 时,我可以看到仪表板分支的变化。为什么?我有一些不应该存在的 git 设置吗?
当您切换分支时,Git 会将工作树中的更改转移到新的 checkout 处。当您发现自己在错误的分支上工作时,这通常很有帮助。
甚至还有一个 recent discussion about this “unexpected” behavior在关于这个的 Git 邮件列表上。引用朱尼奥的话:
"J.V." gmail.com> writes:
OK so "work tree" is a new term for me. I thought we were in isolated sandboxes called "branches" and changes made in a branch would stay in that branch regardless.
相反,“分支”是独立国家所在的地方 记录。
记录的状态只存在于git仓库中,使用它 内容(例如在寻呼机或浏览器中查看,在编辑器中编辑,运行 编译器,......),你需要具体化的内容 在文件系统的某处分支。上这样一组文件 文件系统形成工作树。这样做的行为被称为 “ checkout 一个分支”。 […]
Unexpected git behaviour
# First create a local git repo
$mkdir gitexample
$git config --global user.name "my name"
$git config --global user.email "me@me.com"
$git init
$git add .
$git commit -m 'initial commit'
# Create/Edit an empty file
$vi readme.txt
# add a single line: "this was added in the master branch."
$git commit -a
# create and checkout a new branch (from master)
$git branch test
$git checkout test
# edit the readme.txt file and do not commit
# add the text: "this was added in the test branch.", save and exit
$vi readme.txt
#now switch back to master
$git checkout master
$cat readme.txt
#You will see both lines in the master.
Question #1:
Why was this line added in the *master branch?
--- even further surprising
In the master branch, now do a commit
$git commit -a
cat readme.txt ( you will see the line in the master now that was added in the test branch )
Question #2:
Why did this happen?
# Now switch back to the test branch
$git checkout test
$cat readme.txt
You will only see the one line: "This was added in the master branch"
Question #3:
Why did this happen?
and NOT the line added in that branch: "this was added in the test branch" <= this line is gone
What is the reason for this?
1) Why do I see uncommitted changes in the branches made off master in the master branch?
2) Why, if I commit them in the master, do the disappear in the branch in which they were made?
This is confusing, I would think the * master branch would be left untouched. This would solve issue #2.
On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 12:55:04PM -0800, Jvsrvcs wrote:
> Unexpected git behaviour
[ ... switch branches with local modifications ...]
> #You will see both lines in the master.
> Question #1:
> Why was this line added in the *master branch?
It wasn't. that line was added in the working directory. When you
switch branches, if the file in the tip of the current branch and the
file in the tip of the target branch don't differ, it's safe to keep
your local changes, so git does. This is to support the use-case where
you start editing a file when the wrong branch is checked out and want
to change to the right one.
> --- even further surprising
> In the master branch, now do a commit
> $git commit -a
> cat readme.txt ( you will see the line in the master now that was added in
> the test branch )
> Question #2:
> Why did this happen?
... [show rest of quote]
... [show rest of quote]
Because you told git to commit the file with that modification in it.
> # Now switch back to the test branch
> $git checkout test
> $cat readme.txt
> You will only see the one line: "This was added in the master branch"
> Question #3:
> Why did this happen?
Because the file in the 'test' branch only has that line. As you said
yourself, you edited the file but didn't commit.
> and NOT the line added in that branch: "this was added in the test branch"
> <= this line is gone
Again, that line wasn't added in any branch but in the working
directory. The active branch was 'test', but doesn't magically mean
that uncommitted changes travel with it.
关于Git 自动 merge 来自不同分支的更改到 master,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8111991/
我使用 Git 有一段时间了,但尽管在博客和教程上花了很多时间,但我仍然无法理解某些功能...:) 我正在与其他人合作一个项目,我的老板为此在 bitBucket 上创建了一个存储库。 我在本地克隆了
有时我会遇到以下问题: 在功能分支中添加一些提交。 从上游更新 master。 想要查看功能分支和 master 之间的差异,但是 git diff master 显示了在 master 中添加/删除
我使用的是 Gerrit 2.4.2 版。我有一个分支 master,我创建了一个名为 newbranch 的新分支。然后我将一些更改推送到远程(Gerrit 的)newbranch。在 Gerrit
假设我们有一个远程存储库并在本地克隆它。 我们 checkout master 分支,所以现在我们有本地 master 和一个 Remote remotes/origin/master . 然后我必须
我有一个项目,其中开发分支使用 CocoaPods,但其中一位开发人员决定删除它并改用 Carthage。 feature 分支使用的是 CocoaPods,因为它是在 develop 分支转换之前一
我有一个有问题的 master 分支需要调试。为此,我想插入一堆调试程序(例如,打印变量),查明错误并应用修复程序。稍后,我想将修复 merge 到 master 分支中,但我不想跳过调试更改。 #
我有一个 master 分支,我正在其中 push 我的最新开发。 现在在某个时候,我确实从 master 分支发布并创建了名为 release1 的新分支。 现在我在master分支上做新的开发 与
我正在尝试使我的一些标准工作流程自动化,我发现自己经常做的一件事是将对远程 master 分支的更改 merge 到我自己的本地分支并推送结果。 所以步骤如下: 转为大师 从远程 pull 更改 切换
使用 Gerrit 很容易意外地将开发分支中的不稳定代码 merge 到稳定分支中: $ git checkout develop $ commit $ git push origin HEAD:re
我有一个正在进行的项目,我正在雇用承包商来帮助我处理代码的某些部分。问题是我不想让任何一个承包商看到所有这些。 我可以在 GitHub 上为他们分配私有(private)存储库下的分支吗?这需要命令行
SVN 分支 Branch 选项会给开发者创建出另外一条线路。当有人希望开发进程分开成两条不同的线路时,这个选项会非常有用。我们先假设你已经发布了一个产品的 1.0 版本,你可能想创建一个新的分支,
关闭。这个问题是opinion-based .它目前不接受答案。 想改进这个问题?更新问题,以便 editing this post 提供事实和引用来回答它. 2年前关闭。 Improve this
有没有办法从特定的修订版中创建(svn)分支, 因为我想跳过提交历史中的一些修订(在新分支中)。 例如,我有从 1 到 1590 的修订,我想创建一个新分支并跳过提交(从 1504 到 1574 )和
到目前为止我看到的所有 svn 分支的例子都是这样的 svn cp -m 'Making test branch' svn://svnrepo/hellosite svn://svnrepo/hell
当我尝试使用 Sonar 扫描仪分析我的项目时,扫描失败并显示以下错误消息: Caused by: Branch does not exist on server: develop 显然,这只发生在它
在我的 Mercurial 存储库中,不知何故,有人输入了空白分支名称: 如果我hg id -r 2004,我确实得到空白文本。现在的问题是,这会导致我们的Redmine安装出现问题,因为它无法同步存
我有以下代码片段: srcaddr >= inet_ntoa . fromJust dstaddr >= inet_ntoa . fromJust -- I want to perform actio
在我的项目中,我有用于工作的本地分支和网络驱动器上的分支我在本地一号和网络一号之间做了“绑定(bind)分支”我的想法是使用绑定(bind)选项自动备份每个本地提交。 我在本地分支提交文件后,我在网络
我想创建一个脚本,根据变量的状态使用不同的表和命令执行不同的操作。在 T-SQL 中,我会这样做: DECLARE @whatToDo INT = 1; IF @whatToDo = 1 BEGIN
Write a program that reads input up to # and reports the number of times that the sequence ei occurs