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linux - Bash 脚本如果 elif elif 不工作

转载 作者:IT王子 更新时间:2023-10-29 01:00:52 30 4
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所以我试图在 bash 脚本中执行 if else if else 语句。截至目前,当我运行此脚本时,我收到以下错误消息“./ line 76: syntax error near unexpected token elif'
./第 76 行:
elif [ $jobsize -lt $2 ];那么'"



if [ $filesize -ge $2 ]; then
#goes this way if file is to big to put in a job with anyother files
$filename >> $jobname$jobnumber;

elif [ $jobsize -ge $2 ]; then
#job is done being created

elif [ $jobsize -lt $2 ]; then
#add file to job and move on to next file check



elif 语句需要一个实际的语句。暂时将 echo "job creation done"echo "add file to job" 之类的内容放入这些语句(或您想要的任何其他内容)中......

if [ $filesize -ge $2 ]; then
#goes this way if file is to big to put in a job with anyother files
$filename >> $jobname$jobnumber;

elif [ $jobsize -ge $2 ]; then
#job is done being created
echo "whatever you want"
#the above line just has to be some sort of actual statement

elif [ $jobsize -lt $2 ]; then
#add file to job and move on to next file check
echo "whatever you want"
#the above line just has to be some sort of actual statement

关于linux - Bash 脚本如果 elif elif 不工作,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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