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我正在使用 golang 来实现一个简单的事件驱动的 worker。是这样的:
go func() {
for {
select {
case data := <-ch:
someGlobalMap[data.key] = data.value
main 函数会创建几个 goroutines,每个 goroutines 都会做这样的事情:
ch <- data
编辑:我可能误读了你的问题,我看到你提到 main 将启动许多 producer goroutine。我认为它是许多消费者 goroutines,和一个生产者。将答案留在此处,以防它对其他寻找该模式的人有用,但要点仍然适用于您的情况。
因此,如果我对您的用例理解正确,您就不能指望在 channel 上发送并在之后立即阅读结果。您不知道 worker 何时会处理该发送,您需要在 goroutine 之间进行通信,这是通过 channel 完成的。假设只调用一个有返回值的函数在你的场景中不起作用,如果你真的需要发送给一个工作人员,然后阻塞直到你得到结果,你可以发送一个 channel 作为数据结构的一部分,然后阻塞 -发送后接收,即:
resCh := make(chan Result)
ch <- Data{key, value, resCh}
res := <- resCh
原始答案,我认为这是一个单一的生产者 - 多个消费者/ worker 模式:
这是一种常见的模式,Go 的协程和 channel 语义非常适合这种模式。您需要牢记以下几点:
main 函数不会自动等待 goroutines 完成。如果在 main 中没有其他事情可做,则程序退出并且您没有结果。
您使用的全局 map 不是线程安全的。您需要通过互斥锁来同步访问,但有更好的方法 - 使用已经同步的结果输出 channel 。
您可以在 channel 上使用 for..range,并且可以在多个 goroutine 之间安全地共享 channel 。正如我们将看到的,这使得该模式编写起来非常优雅。
Playground :https://play.golang.org/p/WqyZfwldqp
有关 Go 管道和并发模式的更多信息,以介绍错误处理、提前取消等:https://blog.golang.org/pipelines
// could be a command-line flag, a config, etc.
const numGoros = 10
// Data is a similar data structure to the one mentioned in the question.
type Data struct {
key string
value int
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// create the input channel that sends work to the goroutines
inch := make(chan Data)
// create the output channel that sends results back to the main function
outch := make(chan Data)
// the WaitGroup keeps track of pending goroutines, you can add numGoros
// right away if you know how many will be started, otherwise do .Add(1)
// each time before starting a worker goroutine.
for i := 0; i < numGoros; i++ {
// because it uses a closure, it could've used inch and outch automaticaly,
// but if the func gets bigger you may want to extract it to a named function,
// and I wanted to show the directed channel types: within that function, you
// can only receive from inch, and only send (and close) to outch.
// It also receives the index i, just for fun so it can set the goroutines'
// index as key in the results, to show that it was processed by different
// goroutines. Also, big gotcha: do not capture a for-loop iteration variable
// in a closure, pass it as argument, otherwise it very likely won't do what
// you expect.
go func(i int, inch <-chan Data, outch chan<- Data) {
// make sure WaitGroup.Done is called on exit, so Wait unblocks
// eventually.
defer wg.Done()
// range over a channel gets the next value to process, safe to share
// concurrently between all goroutines. It exits the for loop once
// the channel is closed and drained, so wg.Done will be called once
// ch is closed.
for data := range inch {
// process the data...
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
outch <- Data{strconv.Itoa(i), data.value}
}(i, inch, outch)
// start the goroutine that prints the results, use a separate WaitGroup to track
// it (could also have used a "done" channel but the for-loop would be more complex, with a select).
var wgResults sync.WaitGroup
go func(ch <-chan Data) {
defer wgResults.Done()
// to prove it processed everything, keep a counter and print it on exit
var n int
for data := range ch {
fmt.Println(data.key, data.value)
// for fun, try commenting out the wgResults.Wait() call at the end, the output
// will likely miss this line.
fmt.Println(">>> Processed: ", n)
// send work, wherever that comes from...
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
inch <- Data{"main", i}
// when there's no more work to send, close the inch, so the goroutines will begin
// draining it and exit once all values have been processed.
// wait for all goroutines to exit
// at this point, no more results will be written to outch, close it to signal
// to the results goroutine that it can terminate.
// and wait for the results goroutine to actually exit, otherwise the program would
// possibly terminate without printing the last few values.
在现实生活中,事先不知道工作量, channel 内的关闭可能来自例如一个 SIGINT 信号。只需确保在 channel 关闭后没有代码路径可以发送工作,因为那样会出现 panic 。
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