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php - 我想要一个分页到我的 wordpress 插件选项页面?

转载 作者:IT王子 更新时间:2023-10-29 00:07:56 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


我想要根据来自 wordpress 数据库的结果进行分页...这一切都在我的 wordpress 插件选项页面上完成..


$sql = "SELECT * FROM wp_dive ";
$result = $wpdb->get_results($sql_10) or die(mysql_error());
$pages = ceil($length/$per_page);
foreach( $result as $results )

$name= $results->name_cust;
$gender= $results->gender_cust;
$dob= $results->dob_cust;

<?php $html= "<div class=\"divContentBody\">";?>
<?php $html .= "<span class=\"clsOrderNo\">". $id."</span>";?>
<?php $html .= "<span class=\"clsName\">". $name."</span>";?>
<?php $html .= "<span class=\"clsGender\">".$gender."</span>";?>
<?php $html .= "<span class=\"clsDOB\">". $dob ."</span>";?>
<?php $html .= "</div>"?>
$data_html .=$html;


我正在动态获取数据..我只想添加分页..在第一页上显示 5 个条目并相应地...


执行此操作的 native 方法是扩展类 WP_List_Table 并让 WordPress 处理表格显示的所有细节。我从插件中知道的 Internal Link Check , 通过 kaiser .下面的示例是执行非常简单的 SQL 查询的精简版本。


add_action('admin_menu', function() 
'<span style="color:#e57300;">Table Example</span>',
function() {
echo '<div class="wrap">';
echo '<h2>Table Example</h2>';
new B5F_WP_Table();
echo '</div>';
1 // create before Dashboard menu item


custom wp table


if( is_admin() && !class_exists( 'WP_List_Table' ) )
require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php' );

class B5F_WP_Table extends WP_List_Table
private $order;
private $orderby;
private $posts_per_page = 5;

public function __construct()
parent :: __construct( array(
'singular' => 'table example',
'plural' => 'table examples',
'ajax' => true
) );

private function get_sql_results()
global $wpdb;
$args = array( 'ID', 'post_title', 'post_date', 'post_content', 'post_type' );
$sql_select = implode( ', ', $args );
$sql_results = $wpdb->get_results("
SELECT $sql_select
FROM $wpdb->posts
WHERE post_status = 'publish'
ORDER BY $this->orderby $this->order "
return $sql_results;

public function set_order()
$order = 'DESC';
if ( isset( $_GET['order'] ) AND $_GET['order'] )
$order = $_GET['order'];
$this->order = esc_sql( $order );

public function set_orderby()
$orderby = 'post_date';
if ( isset( $_GET['orderby'] ) AND $_GET['orderby'] )
$orderby = $_GET['orderby'];
$this->orderby = esc_sql( $orderby );

* @see WP_List_Table::ajax_user_can()
public function ajax_user_can()
return current_user_can( 'edit_posts' );

* @see WP_List_Table::no_items()
public function no_items()
_e( 'No posts found.' );

* @see WP_List_Table::get_views()
public function get_views()
return array();

* @see WP_List_Table::get_columns()
public function get_columns()
$columns = array(
'ID' => __( 'ID' ),
'post_title' => __( 'Title' ),
'post_date' => __( 'Date' ),
'post_type' => __( 'Type' )
return $columns;

* @see WP_List_Table::get_sortable_columns()
public function get_sortable_columns()
$sortable = array(
'ID' => array( 'ID', true ),
'post_title' => array( 'post_title', true ),
'post_date' => array( 'post_date', true )
return $sortable;

* Prepare data for display
* @see WP_List_Table::prepare_items()
public function prepare_items()
$columns = $this->get_columns();
$hidden = array();
$sortable = $this->get_sortable_columns();
$this->_column_headers = array(

// SQL results
$posts = $this->get_sql_results();
empty( $posts ) AND $posts = array();

# >>>> Pagination
$per_page = $this->posts_per_page;
$current_page = $this->get_pagenum();
$total_items = count( $posts );
$this->set_pagination_args( array (
'total_items' => $total_items,
'per_page' => $per_page,
'total_pages' => ceil( $total_items / $per_page )
) );
$last_post = $current_page * $per_page;
$first_post = $last_post - $per_page + 1;
$last_post > $total_items AND $last_post = $total_items;

// Setup the range of keys/indizes that contain
// the posts on the currently displayed page(d).
// Flip keys with values as the range outputs the range in the values.
$range = array_flip( range( $first_post - 1, $last_post - 1, 1 ) );

// Filter out the posts we're not displaying on the current page.
$posts_array = array_intersect_key( $posts, $range );
# <<<< Pagination

// Prepare the data
$permalink = __( 'Edit:' );
foreach ( $posts_array as $key => $post )
$link = get_edit_post_link( $post->ID );
$no_title = __( 'No title set' );
$title = ! $post->post_title ? "<em>{$no_title}</em>" : $post->post_title;
$posts[ $key ]->post_title = "<a title='{$permalink} {$title}' href='{$link}'>{$title}</a>";
$this->items = $posts_array;

* A single column
public function column_default( $item, $column_name )
return $item->$column_name;

* Override of table nav to avoid breaking with bulk actions & according nonce field
public function display_tablenav( $which ) {
<div class="tablenav <?php echo esc_attr( $which ); ?>">
<div class="alignleft actions">
<?php # $this->bulk_actions( $which ); ?>
$this->extra_tablenav( $which );
$this->pagination( $which );
<br class="clear" />

* Disables the views for 'side' context as there's not enough free space in the UI
* Only displays them on screen/browser refresh. Else we'd have to do this via an AJAX DB update.
* @see WP_List_Table::extra_tablenav()
public function extra_tablenav( $which )
global $wp_meta_boxes;
$views = $this->get_views();
if ( empty( $views ) )


设置管理员样式的帮助插件: WordPress Admin Style ,作者 bueltge

关于php - 我想要一个分页到我的 wordpress 插件选项页面?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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