- r - 以节省内存的方式增长 data.frame
- ruby-on-rails - ruby/ruby on rails 内存泄漏检测
- android - 无法解析导入android.support.v7.app
- UNIX 域套接字与共享内存(映射文件)
众所周知,SO_REUSEPORT 允许多个套接字监听相同的 IP 地址和端口组合,它使每秒请求数增加2 到 3 倍,并减少延迟(~30%) 和延迟的标准差(8 次):https://www.nginx.com/blog/socket-sharding-nginx-release-1-9-1/
NGINX release 1.9.1 introduces a new feature that enables use of the SO_REUSEPORT socket option, which is available in newer versions of many operating systems, including DragonFly BSD and Linux (kernel version 3.9 and later). This socket option allows multiple sockets to listen on the same IP address and port combination. The kernel then load balances incoming connections across the sockets. ...
As shown in the figure, reuseport increases requests per second by 2 to 3 times, and reduces both latency and the standard deviation for latency.
在大多数现代操作系统上可用:Linux(kernel >= 3.9 自 29 Apr 2013 )、Free/Open/NetBSD、MacOS、iOS/watchOS/tvOS, IBM AIX 7.2 , Oracle Solaris 11.1 , Windows(只有 SO_REUSEPORT
在 BSD 中表现为 2 个标志一起 SO_REUSEPORT
),并且可能在 Android 上: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14388707/1558037
Linux >= 3.9
- Additionally the kernel performs some "special magic" for
sockets that isn't found in other operating systems: For UDP sockets, it tries to distribute datagrams evenly, for TCP listening sockets, it tries to distribute incoming connect requests (those accepted by callingaccept()
) evenly across all the sockets that share the same address and port combination. Thus an application can easily open the same port in multiple child processes and then useSO_REUSEPORT
to get a very inexpensive load balancing.
众所周知,为了避免自旋锁的锁并实现高性能,不应有读取超过 1 个线程的套接字。 IE。每个线程都应该处理自己的套接字以进行读/写。
是相同套接字描述符的线程安全函数,因此它应该由锁保护 - 因此锁争用会降低性能:http://unix.derkeiler.com/Newsgroups/comp.unix.programmer/2007-06/msg00246.html POSIX.1-2001/SUSv3 requires accept(), bind(), connect(), listen(), socket(), send(), recv(), etc. to be thread-safe functions. It's possible that there are some ambiguities in the standard regarding their interaction with threads, but the intention is that their behaviour in multithreaded programs is governed by the standard.
The receiving performance is down compared to a single threaded program. That's caused by a lock contention on the UDP receive buffer side. Since both threads are using the same socket descriptor, they spend a disproportionate amount of time fighting for a lock around the UDP receive buffer. This paper describes the problem in more detail.
From the other side, when the application tries to read data from the socket, it executes a similar process, which isdescribed below and represented in Figure 3 from right to left:
1) Dequeue one or more packets from the receive queue, using the corresponding spinlock (green one).
2) Copy the information to user-space memory.
3) Release the memory used by the packet. This potentiallychanges the state of the socket, so two ways of locking the socket can occur: fast and slow. In both cases, the packet is unlinked from the socket, Memory Accounting statistics are updated and socket is released according to the locking path taken.
我们有 2 个 Xeon 32 HT-Cores 服务器,共有 64 个 HT-cores,两个 10 Gbit 以太网卡和 Linux(内核 3.9)。
我们使用 RFS 和 XPS - 即在与应用程序线程(用户空间)相同的 CPU 核心上处理相同的 TCP/IP 堆栈(内核空间)连接。
至少有 3 种方法接受连接以在多个线程中处理它:
,在每个线程中有 1 个单独的接受器套接字,以及接收连接然后处理它(接收/发送)如果我们接受大量新的 TCP 连接,什么是更有效的方法?
首先,设置一个线程来处理所有传入的连接。修改亲和图,使该线程拥有专用核心,应用程序(甚至整个系统)中的其他线程都不会尝试访问该核心。 You can also modify your boot scripts so that certain cores are never automatically assigned to an execution unit unless that specific core is explicitly requested (i.e. isolcpus
kernel boot parameters).
将该核心标记为未使用,and then explicitly request it in your code for the "listen to socket" thread via cpuset
接下来,设置一个优先写入操作的队列(最好是优先级队列)(i.e. "the second readers-writers problem).现在,设置您认为合理的工作线程。
状态。这将使您能够尽快委派传入的连接。您的工作线程可以在项目到达时从共享队列中获取项目。也可能有第二个高优先级线程从该队列中获取数据,并将其移动到辅助队列,从而避免“监听套接字”线程不得不花费额外的周期来委派客户端 FD。
Incoming client connections
|| Listener thread - accept() connection.
Listener/Helper queue
|| Helper thread
Shared Worker queue
|| Worker thread #n
Worker-specific memory space. read() from client.
Use one acceptor socket shared between many threads, and each thread accept connections and processes it.
凌乱。线程将不得不以某种方式轮流发出 accept()
Use many acceptor sockets which listen the same ip:port, 1 individual acceptor socket in each thread, and the thread that receives the connection then processes it (recv/send)
Not the most portable option. I'd avoid it.此外,您可能需要让您的服务器进程使用多进程(即 fork()
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