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我正在开发一个简单的 nodejs electron (以前称为原子壳)项目。我正在使用 angular 2 编写它,使用与他们在 typescript 文档中推荐的相同项目设置:
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5",
"module": "system",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"sourceMap": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"removeComments": false,
"noImplicitAny": false
"exclude": [
我需要运行一个命令,我发现我可以使用 Node “child_process”来执行它。在从 node.d.ts 文件中使用它的类型时,我无论如何都找不到“导入”或“要求”它。我在 node.d.ts 文件中找到了适合我需要的“child_process”接口(interface),这就是它在 node.d.ts 文件中的样子:
declare module "child_process" {
import * as events from "events";
import * as stream from "stream";
export interface ChildProcess extends events.EventEmitter {
stdin: stream.Writable;
stdout: stream.Readable;
stderr: stream.Readable;
pid: number;
kill(signal?: string): void;
send(message: any, sendHandle?: any): void;
disconnect(): void;
unref(): void;
export function spawn(command: string, args?: string[], options?: {
cwd?: string;
stdio?: any;
custom?: any;
env?: any;
detached?: boolean;
}): ChildProcess;
export function exec(command: string, options: {
cwd?: string;
stdio?: any;
customFds?: any;
env?: any;
encoding?: string;
timeout?: number;
maxBuffer?: number;
killSignal?: string;
}, callback?: (error: Error, stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer) =>void ): ChildProcess;
export function exec(command: string, callback?: (error: Error, stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer) =>void ): ChildProcess;
export function execFile(file: string,
callback?: (error: Error, stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer) =>void ): ChildProcess;
export function execFile(file: string, args?: string[],
callback?: (error: Error, stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer) =>void ): ChildProcess;
export function execFile(file: string, args?: string[], options?: {
cwd?: string;
stdio?: any;
customFds?: any;
env?: any;
encoding?: string;
timeout?: number;
maxBuffer?: number;
killSignal?: string;
}, callback?: (error: Error, stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer) =>void ): ChildProcess;
export function fork(modulePath: string, args?: string[], options?: {
cwd?: string;
env?: any;
execPath?: string;
execArgv?: string[];
silent?: boolean;
uid?: number;
gid?: number;
}): ChildProcess;
export function spawnSync(command: string, args?: string[], options?: {
cwd?: string;
input?: string | Buffer;
stdio?: any;
env?: any;
uid?: number;
gid?: number;
timeout?: number;
maxBuffer?: number;
killSignal?: string;
encoding?: string;
}): {
pid: number;
output: string[];
stdout: string | Buffer;
stderr: string | Buffer;
status: number;
signal: string;
error: Error;
export function execSync(command: string, options?: {
cwd?: string;
input?: string|Buffer;
stdio?: any;
env?: any;
uid?: number;
gid?: number;
timeout?: number;
maxBuffer?: number;
killSignal?: string;
encoding?: string;
}): string | Buffer;
export function execFileSync(command: string, args?: string[], options?: {
cwd?: string;
input?: string|Buffer;
stdio?: any;
env?: any;
uid?: number;
gid?: number;
timeout?: number;
maxBuffer?: number;
killSignal?: string;
encoding?: string;
}): string | Buffer;
但我只能(据我所知)通过使用 import 获得这种类型:
import * as child_process from 'child_process';
GET file:///C:/angular2Samples/NGW-electron-VS%20-%20TEMP/child_process net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
var child_process = require('child_process');
但我无论如何都找不到将类型信息添加到此 var:
var child_process : I_CANT_PUT_ANY_CHILD_PROCESS_TYPE_HERE = require('child_process');
关于如何获取类型信息的 child_process(或任何其他声明的 Node 模块,这些 Node 模块不是我可以在“:”运算符之后声明的公共(public)接口(interface))有什么想法吗?
更新 ---------------------------------------------- --------------------
按照 tenbits 的建议,我在文件顶部添加了如下引用:///
并使用了您所说的导入语句,但没有更改我的模块加载器。它仍然没有像预期的那样出现相同的错误。我对更改模块系统感觉不太舒服,因为我的项目使用 angular 2,他们的文档和他们的一些指南说新项目以前没有对这个问题的偏好(我对模块加载器场景很陌生,我不是完全理解它是如何工作的)。当我尝试更改它时,我遇到了一些关于 angular 2 东西的错误,我目前没有足够的时间进入。在不改变模块加载器的情况下不应该有办法吗?通过浏览 systemjs 站点,它在一开始就说它支持 commonjs 模块: Systemjs doc
import * as child from 'child_process';
var foo: child.ChildProcess = child.exec('foo.sh');
console.log(typeof foo.on);
但你应该配置 SystemJS
将模块映射到 NodeJS
map: {
'child_process': '@node/child_process'
关于node.js - 需要带有 TypeScript、SystemJS 和 Electron 的 nodejs "child_process",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36546860/
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