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c++ - dijkstra 的算法 - 在 C++ 中?

转载 作者:IT老高 更新时间:2023-10-28 23:03:11 24 4
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在过去的四天里,我试图了解 dijkstra 的算法。但我不能。我有一个点 vector 。由此我创建了一个成本矩阵。但我不知道如何制作dijkstra的算法。资源可在网上获得,但我不是计算机科学背景,所以我无法理解它们。我正在尝试制作这样的功能

vector<int> dijkstra(costMatrix[][])
return vector<int>pathPointindex

vector<Point> availablePoints;
vector<int> indexes=dijikstra(costMatrix)
for(int i=0;i<indexes.size();i++)
cout << "path points are " << availablePoints[indexes[i]] << endl;

如果有人,请您发布代码。我并不懒惰。但是我的项目在一天前就已经超过了截止日期。现在我失去了理解逻辑的希望。现在只是我想要的功能。 “有需要的人真是天使”。

编辑:特别感谢“Loki astari”的出色回答


Dijkstra 算法


这是一种寻找从 A 点到 B 点的最短路径的算法。


  • 完成:一组(节点,成本),您已计算出要达到的最低成本。
  • working:已检查的(节点、成本)的排序列表。


working.addNode(Start, 0); // No cost to get to start.

for( (node, cost) = working.popHead(); node != End; (node,cost) = working.popHead())
// If we have already processed this node ignore it.
if (finished.find(node))
{ continue;

// We have just removed a node from working.
// Because it is the top of the list it is guaranteed to be the shortest route to
// the node. If there is another route to the node it must go through one of the
// other nodes in the working list which means the cost to reach it will be higher
// (because working is sorted). Thus we have found the shortest route to the node.

// As we have found the shortest route to the node save it in finished.

// For each arc leading from this node we need to find where we can get to.
foreach(arc in node.arcs())
dest = arc.dest();
if (NOT (finished.find(dest)))
// If the node is already in finished then we don't need to worry about it
// as that will be the shortest route other wise calculate the cost and add
// this new node to the working list.
destCost = arc.cost() + cost;
working.addNode(dest,destCost); // Note. Working is sorted list


finished = {} // empty.
working = { (London,0) }


                  L    S    O    B    N    M    W
(L) ondon - 50 60 100 130 - -
(S) outhampton 50 - 70 - - - -
(O) xford 60 70 - 50 - 200 -
(B) irmingham 100 - 50 - - 80 110
(N) orwich 130 - - - - - -
(M) anchester - - 200 80 - - 80
Ne(W) castle - - - 110 - 80 -


finished = { (London,0) }
working = { (Southampton, 50), (Oxford, 60), (Birmingham, 100), (Norwich,130) }

考虑工作场景中的城镇是从伦敦扩展的泡沫的外缘。 Dijkstra 算法的工作是不断扩大泡沫,直到我们到达曼彻斯特(不追溯我们已经采取的任何步骤)。所以气泡总是向外膨胀,我们总是把气泡中最小的部分膨胀。

所以下一步是占据列表的头部并重复。从南安普敦出发,只有两个目的地。回到伦敦(我们将其丢弃在完成的列表中)和牛津。到牛津的费用是 50 + 从南安普顿到牛津的费用(所以请注意它两次在工作列表中,但不要担心我们会因为不是最佳路线而放弃它)。

finished = { (London,0), (Southampton,50) }
working = { (Oxford, 60), (Birmingham, 100), (Oxford, 120), (Norwich,130) }


finished = { (London,0), (Southampton,50), (Oxford, 60) }
working = { (Birmingham, 100), (Birmingham,110), (Oxford, 120), (Norwich,130), (Manchester,200)}


finished = { (London,0), (Southampton,50), (Oxford, 60), (Birmingham, 100) }
working = { (Birmingham,110), (Oxford, 120), (Norwich,130), {Manchester, 180), (Manchester,200), (Newcastle, 210)}

接下来的两个节点。牛津和伯明翰已经在完成列表中,所以我们可以忽略它们。因此,除非从诺里奇到曼彻斯特的路线少于 50 英里,否则我们将在之后的迭代中到达曼彻斯特。

关于c++ - dijkstra 的算法 - 在 C++ 中?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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