- mongodb - 在 MongoDB mapreduce 中,如何展平值对象?
- javascript - 对象传播与 Object.assign
- html - 输入类型 ="submit"Vs 按钮标签它们可以互换吗?
- sql - 使用 MongoDB 而不是 MS SQL Server 的优缺点
我正在创建一个实现Soomla Unity IAP插件的应用程序。为了使IAP正常运行,我已经做好准备,可以在编辑器中进行购买了。 (不是真正的购买,它只是更新用户可以在游戏中购买/消费的虚拟货币)。
5)确保在Android list 中列出了必要的权限。
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Soomla.Store;
public class StoreAssets : IStoreAssets
public static bool purchased = false;
public int GetVersion()
return 0;
public void onItemPurchased(PurchasableVirtualItem pvi, string payload)
purchased = true;
public VirtualCurrency[] GetCurrencies()
return new VirtualCurrency[]{TOKEN_CURRENCY};
public VirtualGood[] GetGoods()
public VirtualCurrencyPack[] GetCurrencyPacks()
return new VirtualCurrencyPack[] {FIVE_TOKEN_PACK, TEN_TOKEN_PACK, FIFTY_TOKEN_PACK};
public VirtualCategory[] GetCategories()
return new VirtualCategory[]{};
/** Virtual Currencies **/
public static VirtualCurrency TOKEN_CURRENCY = new VirtualCurrency
"Token", // Name
"Token currency", // Description
"token_currency_ID" // Item ID
/** Virtual Currency Packs **/
public static VirtualCurrencyPack FIVE_TOKEN_PACK = new VirtualCurrencyPack
"5 Tokens", // Name
"5 token currency units", // Description
"5_tokens_id", // Item ID
5, // Number of currencies in the pack
"token_currency_ID", // ID of the currency associated with this pack
new PurchaseWithMarket
( // Purchase type (with real money $)
"tokens_5_PROD_ID", // Product ID
0.99 // Price (in real money $)
public static VirtualCurrencyPack TEN_TOKEN_PACK = new VirtualCurrencyPack
"10 Tokens", // Name
"10 token currency units", // Description
"10_tokens_id", // Item ID
10, // Number of currencies in the pack
"token_currency_ID", // ID of the currency associated with this pack
new PurchaseWithMarket
( // Purchase type (with real money $)
"tokens_10_PROD_ID", // Product ID
1.99 // Price (in real money $)
public static VirtualCurrencyPack FIFTY_TOKEN_PACK = new VirtualCurrencyPack
"50 Tokens", // Name
"50 token currency units", // Description
"50_tokens_id", // Item ID
50, // Number of currencies in the pack
"token_currency_ID", // ID of the currency associated with this pack
new PurchaseWithMarket
( // Purchase type (with real money $)
"tokens_50_PROD_ID", // Product ID
4.99 // Price (in real money $)
/** Virtual Goods **/
public static VirtualGood BACKUP_FORCEFIELD = new SingleUseVG
"BackupForcefield", // Name
"Secondary forcefield for extra protection.", // Description
"bff_ID", // Item ID
new PurchaseWithVirtualItem
( // Purchase type (with virtual currency)
"token_currency_ID", // ID of the item used to pay with
1 // Price (amount of coins)
public static VirtualGood EMP = new SingleUseVG
"Emp", // Name
"Clear the surrounding space of all lasers.", // Description
"emp_ID", // Item ID
new PurchaseWithVirtualItem
( // Purchase type (with virtual currency)
"token_currency_ID", // ID of the item used to pay with
5 // Price (amount of coins)
public static VirtualGood IMMUNITY = new SingleUseVG
"Immunity", // Name
"Immune to damage.", // Description
"immunity_ID", // Item ID
new PurchaseWithVirtualItem
( // Purchase type (with virtual currency)
"token_currency_ID", // ID of the item used to pay with
10 // Price (amount of coins)
public static VirtualGood MULTIPLIER = new SingleUseVG
"Multiplier", // Name
"Double your score per deflected laser.", // Description
"multiplier_ID", // Item ID
new PurchaseWithVirtualItem
( // Purchase type (with virtual currency)
"token_currency_ID", // ID of the item used to pay with
15 // Price (amount of coins)
StoreInventory.BuyItem("the id of my item");
StoreInventory.TakeItem("the id of my item");
public class Purchase : MonoBehaviour
public Text tokens;
public static bool bffFilled = false,
immFilled = false, empFilled = false,
multFilled = false, init = false;
void Start()
if (!init)
init = true;
SoomlaStore.Initialize(new StoreAssets());
Token.updateTokens (tokens);
void Update()
if (StoreEvents.balanceChanged)
StoreEvents.balanceChanged = false;
public void BuyItem (int item)
if (item == 1)
StoreInventory.BuyItem (StoreAssets.FIVE_TOKEN_PACK.ItemId);
else if (item == 2)
StoreInventory.BuyItem (StoreAssets.TEN_TOKEN_PACK.ItemId);
else if (item == 3)
StoreInventory.BuyItem (StoreAssets.FIFTY_TOKEN_PACK.ItemId);
public void getUpgrade(int upgrade)
if (upgrade == 1)
bool bffNotBought = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Bff Available", 0) == 0;
if (StoreAssets.TOKEN_CURRENCY.GetBalance() >= 1 && bffNotBought)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Bff Available", 1);
bffFilled = true;
StoreInventory.TakeItem(StoreAssets.TOKEN_CURRENCY.ItemId, 1);
else if (upgrade == 2)
bool empNotBought = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Emp Available", 0) == 0;
if (StoreAssets.TOKEN_CURRENCY.GetBalance() >= 5 && empNotBought)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Emp Available", 1);
empFilled = true;
StoreInventory.TakeItem(StoreAssets.TOKEN_CURRENCY.ItemId, 5);
else if (upgrade == 3)
bool immNotBought = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Imm Available", 0) == 0;
if (StoreAssets.TOKEN_CURRENCY.GetBalance() >= 10 && immNotBought)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Imm Available", 1);
immFilled = true;
StoreInventory.TakeItem(StoreAssets.TOKEN_CURRENCY.ItemId, 10);
else if (upgrade == 4)
bool multNotBought = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Mult Available", 0) == 0;
if (StoreAssets.TOKEN_CURRENCY.GetBalance() >= 15 && multNotBought)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Mult Available", 1);
multFilled = true;
StoreInventory.TakeItem(StoreAssets.TOKEN_CURRENCY.ItemId, 15);
Token.updateTokens (tokens);
关于c# - 在实现Soomla Unity3d插件的同时进行购买时,Google播放错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32193489/
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关闭。这个问题不符合Stack Overflow guidelines .它目前不接受答案。 要求我们推荐或查找工具、库或最喜欢的场外资源的问题对于 Stack Overflow 来说是偏离主题的,
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在我使用 webpack common chunks 插件创建包含第三方库(如 angular、react、lodash 等)的 vendor 包之前,但后来我知道了 webpack dll
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