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根据Microsoft's documentation for vsnprintf
,该函数是 C(++) 运行时库的一部分,至少从 Visual Studio 2003 版开始。
int vsnprintf( char *buffer, // Storage location for output
size_t count, // Maximum number of characters to write
const char *format, // Format specification
va_list argptr ) // Pointer to list of other arguments
是哪个版本的 Visual Studio x86 和 x64 的捆绑 C(++) RTL 实现符合 C99 标准 (ISO/IEC 9899:1999),假设
在 #include <stdio.h>
之前执行,这是 Visual Studio RTL 的现代版本所必需的;count
大于零,则 buffer
并符合 Microsoft's Format Specification syntax适用于特定版本的 RTL;count
的值并且要生成的字符数都足够小以适合类型 int
;并且我们希望一致性包括(除了标称输入的基本功能之外)这些要求(由标准规范 snprintf
时返回要写入的长度(不包括终止空字符)和 count==0
时,始终使用终止空字符填充输出字符串和 count>0
并且返回的结果是非负的,包括由于小的 count
而截断的输出.注意 comment : 我愿意承认缺少restrict
文档中关于 (3.) 的一致性模棱两可;据我所知,与 Visual Studio Community 2015 捆绑在一起的实现很好,但并非全部都是。
If there is room at the end (that is, if the number of characters to write is less than
), the buffer will be null-terminated.
文档中还有明确暗示 vsnprintf
的措辞。当 buffer==NULL
时 (1.) 和 (2.) 不符合 C99 标准和 count==0
if the number of characters to write is greater than
, these functions return -1 indicating that output has been truncated.If
, or ifcount
is less than or equal to zero, these functions invoke the invalid parameter handler
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
int f( char *buffer,
size_t count,
const char *format,
va_list vArgs;
int vRes;
va_start(vArgs, format);
vRes = vsnprintf( buffer, count, format, vArgs);
return vRes;
int main(void)
char vBuf[6];
int j, count;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
printf("_MSC_VER = %ld\n",(long)(_MSC_VER));
printf("_MSC_VER is undefined\n");
printf("f(NULL,0,\"%%d\",777):%3d\n", f(NULL,0,"%d",777));
for(count=0 ;count<=sizeof(vBuf); ++count)
for(j=0; j<sizeof(vBuf)-1; ++j)
vBuf[j] = '!';
vBuf[j] = 0;
j = f(vBuf,count,"%d",777);
printf("f(vBuf,%d,\"%%d\",777):%3d vBuf: \"%s\"\n",count,j,vBuf);
return 0;
在我安装的 Visual Studio Community 2015 下给予
_MSC_VER = 1900
f(NULL,0,"%d",777): 3
f(vBuf,0,"%d",777): 3 vBuf: "!!!!!"
f(vBuf,1,"%d",777): 3 vBuf: ""
f(vBuf,2,"%d",777): 3 vBuf: "7"
f(vBuf,3,"%d",777): 3 vBuf: "77"
f(vBuf,4,"%d",777): 3 vBuf: "777"
f(vBuf,5,"%d",777): 3 vBuf: "777"
f(vBuf,6,"%d",777): 3 vBuf: "777"
并且在 Visual Studio 2008 的某些安装下(我相信 SP1 + PSDK 7.1)
_MSC_VER = 1500
f(NULL,0,"%d",777): 3
f(vBuf,0,"%d",777): -1 vBuf: "!!!!!"
f(vBuf,1,"%d",777): -1 vBuf: "7!!!!"
f(vBuf,2,"%d",777): -1 vBuf: "77!!!"
f(vBuf,3,"%d",777): 3 vBuf: "777!!"
f(vBuf,4,"%d",777): 3 vBuf: "777"
f(vBuf,5,"%d",777): 3 vBuf: "777"
f(vBuf,6,"%d",777): 3 vBuf: "777"
请注意缺少终止空字符,特别是对于 count==3
Beginning with the UCRT in Visual Studio 2015 and Windows 10, vsnprintf is no longer identical to _vsnprintf. The vsnprintf function complies with the C99 standard; _vnsprintf is retained for backward compatibility with older Visual Studio code.
而且您的输出与 _vsnprintf 一致:
Both _vsnprintf and _vsnwprintf functions return the number of characters written if the number of characters to write is less than or equal to count; if the number of characters to write is greater than count, these functions return -1 indicating that output has been truncated.
关于c++ - 从哪个版本的 Visual Studio 开始,vsnprintf moSTLy 符合标准?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34996375/
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