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在调查了一段时间后,我得出的结论是,最好的方法是基于当前位置和用户输入(如在 Google map 应用程序中)自动完成的文本区域。由于很遗憾 Google Map API 没有提供此功能,因此我必须自己实现它。
要获得地址建议,我使用 Geocoder .这些建议提供给 AutoCompleteTextView通过自定义 ArrayAdaptor通过自定义Filter .
public class AddressAutoCompleteAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Address> {
@Inject private LayoutInflater layoutInflater;
private ArrayList<Address> suggested;
private ArrayList<Address> lastSuggested;
private String lastInput = null;
private AddressLoader addrLoader;
public AddressAutoCompleteAdapter(Activity activity,
AddressLoaderFactory addrLoaderFact,
int maxSuggestionsCount) {
suggested = new ArrayList<Address>();
lastSuggested = new ArrayList<Address>();
addrLoader = addrLoaderFact.create(10);
public Filter getFilter() {
Filter myFilter = new Filter() {
protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) {
Log.d("MyPlaces","performFiltring call");
FilterResults filterResults = new FilterResults();
boolean debug = false;
if(constraint != null) {
// Load address
try {
suggested = addrLoader.load(constraint.toString());
catch(IOException e) {
Log.d("MyPlaces","No data conection avilable");
/* ToDo : put something useful here */
// If the address loader returns some results
if (suggested.size() > 0) {
filterResults.values = suggested;
filterResults.count = suggested.size();
// If there are no result with the given input we check last input and result.
// If the new input is more accurate than the previous, display result for the
// previous one.
} else if (constraint.toString().contains(lastInput)) {
debug = true;
Log.d("MyPlaces","Keep last suggestion : " + lastSuggested.get(0).toString());
filterResults.values = lastSuggested;
filterResults.count = lastSuggested.size();
} else {
filterResults.values = new ArrayList<Address>();
filterResults.count = 0;
if ( filterResults.count > 0) {
lastSuggested = (ArrayList<Address>) filterResults.values;
lastInput = constraint.toString();
if (debug) {
Log.d("MyPlaces","filter result count :" + filterResults.count);
return filterResults;
protected void publishResults(CharSequence contraint, FilterResults results) {
return myFilter;
public class GeocoderAddressLoader implements AddressLoader {
private Application app;
private int maxSuggestionsCount;
private LocationManager locationManager;
public GeocoderAddressLoader(
Application app,
LocationManager locationManager,
@Assisted int maxSuggestionsCount){
this.maxSuggestionsCount = maxSuggestionsCount;
this.app = app;
this.locationManager = locationManager;
* Take a string representing an address or a place and return a list of corresponding
* addresses
* @param addrString A String representing an address or place
* @return List of Address corresponding to the given address description
* @throws IOException If Geocoder API cannot be called
public ArrayList<Address> load(String addrString) throws IOException {
//Try to filter with the current location
Location current = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER);
Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(app,Locale.getDefault());
ArrayList<Address> local = new ArrayList<Address>();
if (current != null) {
local = (ArrayList<Address>) geocoder.getFromLocationName(
if (local.size() < maxSuggestionsCount) {
ArrayList<Address> global = (ArrayList<Address>) geocoder.getFromLocationName(
addrString, maxSuggestionsCount - local.size());
for (Address globalAddr : global) {
if (!containsAddress(local,globalAddr))
return local;
AddressLoader 有一些输入时出现奇怪的行为。
10 rue Guy Ropartz 54600 Villers-les-Nancy
10 rue Guy
10 rue Guy Ro
10 rue Guy Ropart
我认为这会让用户感到不安。奇怪的是没有建议 "10 rue Guy Ro" 而有建议 "10 rue Guy" 和 "10 rue Guy Ropart"嗯>...
我想出了解决此问题的可能方法并尝试实现它。这个想法是如果在输入更长的地址后没有 AdressLoader 建议的地址,则保留先前的建议。在我们的示例中,当输入为 “10 rue Guy Ro” 时,保留 “10 rue Guy” 建议。
else if (constraint.toString().contains(lastInput)) {
debug = true;
Log.d("MyPlaces","Keep last suggestion : " + lastSuggested.get(0).toString());
filterResults.values = lastSuggested;
filterResults.count = lastSuggested.size();
performFiltering 返回的 FilterResult 中充满了好的建议,但它没有出现在 View 中。也许我错过了 publishResults 中的某些内容...
出于兼容性考虑,我基于 Google Geocode Http API 实现了一个新的 AddressLoader。 (因为默认的 Android 地理编码器服务并非在所有设备上都可用)。它重现了完全相同的奇怪行为。
Geocoder api 的设计目的不是为“10 rue Guy Ro”等部分字符串提供建议。你可以在谷歌地图上试试这个,输入“10 rue Guy Ro”,留个空格。你不会得到任何建议(谷歌地图使用地理编码器),但是当你删除空间时,你会得到关于部分字符串的建议(谷歌地图使用私有(private) API)。您可以像使用 Google map 一样使用 Geocoder api,仅在用户在他输入的字符串中输入空格后获取建议。
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