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维特比算法的 Python 实现

转载 作者:IT老高 更新时间:2023-10-28 22:14:36 25 4
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我正在做一个 Python 项目,我想在其中使用 Viterbi 算法。有人知道维特比算法的完整 Python 实现吗?维基百科上的正确性似乎在讨论页上存在问题。有没有人指点一下?


这是我的。它直接来自psuedocode implemenation from wikipedia .它使用 numpy 来表达他们的 ndarray 但在其他方面是纯 python3 实现。

import numpy as np

def viterbi(y, A, B, Pi=None):
Return the MAP estimate of state trajectory of Hidden Markov Model.

y : array (T,)
Observation state sequence. int dtype.
A : array (K, K)
State transition matrix. See HiddenMarkovModel.state_transition for
B : array (K, M)
Emission matrix. See HiddenMarkovModel.emission for details.
Pi: optional, (K,)
Initial state probabilities: Pi[i] is the probability x[0] == i. If
None, uniform initial distribution is assumed (Pi[:] == 1/K).

x : array (T,)
Maximum a posteriori probability estimate of hidden state trajectory,
conditioned on observation sequence y under the model parameters A, B,
T1: array (K, T)
the probability of the most likely path so far
T2: array (K, T)
the x_j-1 of the most likely path so far
# Cardinality of the state space
K = A.shape[0]
# Initialize the priors with default (uniform dist) if not given by caller
Pi = Pi if Pi is not None else np.full(K, 1 / K)
T = len(y)
T1 = np.empty((K, T), 'd')
T2 = np.empty((K, T), 'B')

# Initilaize the tracking tables from first observation
T1[:, 0] = Pi * B[:, y[0]]
T2[:, 0] = 0

# Iterate throught the observations updating the tracking tables
for i in range(1, T):
T1[:, i] = np.max(T1[:, i - 1] * A.T * B[np.newaxis, :, y[i]].T, 1)
T2[:, i] = np.argmax(T1[:, i - 1] * A.T, 1)

# Build the output, optimal model trajectory
x = np.empty(T, 'B')
x[-1] = np.argmax(T1[:, T - 1])
for i in reversed(range(1, T)):
x[i - 1] = T2[x[i], i]

return x, T1, T2

关于维特比算法的 Python 实现,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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