gpt4 book ai didi

python - 如何根据理想邻域的程度重新排序单元? (进行中)

转载 作者:IT老高 更新时间:2023-10-28 22:01:15 27 4
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我需要帮助来实现允许生成建筑计划的算法,这是我最近在阅读 Kostas Terzidis 教授的最新出版物时偶然发现的:Permutation Design: Buildings, Texts and Contexts (2014 年)。


  • 考虑一个分为网格系统 (a) 的站点 (b)。
  • 我们还要考虑一个要放置在 field 范围内的空间列表 (c) 和一个邻接矩阵,以确定这些空间的放置条件和相邻关系 (d)

enter image description here

引用 Terzidis 教授的话:

"A way of solving this problem is to stochastically place spaces within the grid until all spaces are fit and the constraints are satisfied"






enter image description here



如您所见,解释相对模糊,第 2 步 也不清楚(就编码而言)。到目前为止,我只有“拼图”:

  • 一个“站点”(选定整数的列表)
  • 邻接矩阵(嵌套列表)
  • “空格”(列表字典)


  • 一个返回其直接邻居的函数
  • 其理想邻居的列表及其按排序顺序排列的索引
  • 基于其实际邻居的适应度得分

    from random import shuffle

    n_col, n_row = 7, 5
    to_skip = [0, 1, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31]
    site = [i for i in range(n_col * n_row) if i not in to_skip]
    fitness, grid = [[None if i in to_skip else [] for i in range(n_col * n_row)] for e in range(2)]

    n = 2
    k = (n_col * n_row) - len(to_skip)
    rsize = 50

    #Adjacency matrix
    adm = [[0, 6, 1, 5, 2],
    [6, 0, 1, 4, 0],
    [1, 1, 0, 8, 0],
    [5, 4, 8, 0, 3],
    [2, 0, 0, 3, 0]]

    spaces = {"office1": [0 for i in range(4)],
    "office2": [1 for i in range(6)],
    "office3": [2 for i in range(6)],
    "passage": [3 for i in range(7)],
    "entry": [4 for i in range(2)]}

    def setup():
    global grid
    size(600, 400, P2D)

    #Shuffle the order for the random placing to come

    #Place units randomly within the limits of the site
    i = -1
    for space in spaces.items():
    for unit in space[1]:
    grid[site[i]] = unit

    #For each unit of each space...
    i = -1
    for space in spaces.items():
    for unit in space[1]:

    #Get the indices of the its DESIRABLE neighbors in sorted order
    ada = adm[unit]
    sorted_indices = sorted(range(len(ada)), key = ada.__getitem__)[::-1]

    #Select indices with positive weight (exluding 0-weight indices)
    pindices = [e for e in sorted_indices if ada[e] > 0]

    #Stores its fitness score (sum of the weight of its REAL neighbors)
    fitness[site[i]] = sum([ada[n] for n in getNeighbors(i) if n in pindices])

    print 'Fitness Score:', fitness

    def draw():

    #Grid's background
    rect(width/2 - (rsize/2) , height/2 + rsize/2 + n_row , rsize*n_col, rsize*n_row)

    #Displaying site (grid cells of all selected units) + units placed randomly
    for i, e in enumerate(grid):
    if isinstance(e, list): pass
    elif e == None: pass
    fill(50 + (e * 50), 255 - (e * 80), 255 - (e * 50), 180)
    rect(width/2 - (rsize*n_col/2) + (i%n_col * rsize), height/2 + (rsize*n_row/2) + (n_row - ((k+len(to_skip))-(i+1))/n_col * rsize), rsize, rsize)
    text(e+1, width/2 - (rsize*n_col/2) + (i%n_col * rsize), height/2 + (rsize*n_row/2) + (n_row - ((k+len(to_skip))-(i+1))/n_col * rsize))

    def getNeighbors(i):
    neighbors = []

    if site[i] > n_col and site[i] < len(grid) - n_col:
    if site[i]%n_col > 0 and site[i]%n_col < n_col - 1:
    if grid[site[i]-1] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]-1])
    if grid[site[i]+1] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]+1])
    if grid[site[i]-n_col] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]-n_col])
    if grid[site[i]+n_col] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]+n_col])

    if site[i] <= n_col:
    if site[i]%n_col > 0 and site[i]%n_col < n_col - 1:
    if grid[site[i]-1] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]-1])
    if grid[site[i]+1] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]+1])
    if grid[site[i]+n_col] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]+n_col])

    if site[i]%n_col == 0:
    if grid[site[i]+1] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]+1])
    if grid[site[i]+n_col] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]+n_col])

    if site[i] == n_col-1:
    if grid[site[i]-1] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]-1])
    if grid[site[i]+n_col] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]+n_col])

    if site[i] >= len(grid) - n_col:
    if site[i]%n_col > 0 and site[i]%n_col < n_col - 1:
    if grid[site[i]-1] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]-1])
    if grid[site[i]+1] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]+1])
    if grid[site[i]-n_col] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]-n_col])

    if site[i]%n_col == 0:
    if grid[site[i]+1] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]+1])
    if grid[site[i]-n_col] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]-n_col])

    if site[i]%n_col == n_col-1:
    if grid[site[i]-1] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]-1])
    if grid[site[i]-n_col] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]-n_col])

    if site[i]%n_col == 0:
    if site[i] > n_col and site[i] < len(grid) - n_col:
    if grid[site[i]+1] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]+1])
    if grid[site[i]+n_col] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]+n_col])
    if grid[site[i]-n_col] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]-n_col])

    if site[i]%n_col == n_col - 1:
    if site[i] > n_col and site[i] < len(grid) - n_col:
    if grid[site[i]-1] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]-1])
    if grid[site[i]+n_col] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]+n_col])
    if grid[site[i]-n_col] != None: neighbors.append(grid[site[i]-n_col])

    return neighbors

enter image description here


  • 如何根据理想的邻里程度对单元进行重新排序?



  • 我们事先检查它的直接邻居(上、下、左、右)
  • 如果至少有 2 个邻居,则计算适应度分数。 (=这 2 个以上邻居的权重之和)
  • 如果邻接概率很高,最后放置该单元


    i = -1   
for space in spaces.items():
for unit in space[1]:

#Get the indices of the its DESIRABLE neighbors (from the adjacency matrix 'adm') in sorted order
weights = adm[unit]
sorted_indices = sorted(range(len(weights)), key = weights.__getitem__)[::-1]

#Select indices with positive weight (exluding 0-weight indices)
pindices = [e for e in sorted_indices if weights[e] > 0]

#If random grid cell is empty
if not grid[site[i]]:

#List of neighbors
neighbors = [n for n in getNeighbors(i) if isinstance(n, int)]

#If no neighbors -> place unit
if len(neighbors) == 0:
grid[site[i]] = unit

#If at least 1 of the neighbors == unit: -> place unit (facilitate grouping)
if len(neighbors) > 0 and unit in neighbors:
grid[site[i]] = unit

#If 2 or 3 neighbors, compute fitness score and place unit if probability is high
if len(neighbors) >= 2 and len(neighbors) < 4:

fscore = sum([weights[n] for n in neighbors if n in pindices]) #cumulative weight of its ACTUAL neighbors
count = [1 for t in range(10) if random(sum(weights)) < fscore] #add 1 if fscore higher than a number taken at random between 0 and the cumulative weight of its DESIRABLE neighbors

if len(count) > 5:
grid[site[i]] = unit

#If 4 neighbors and high probability, 1 of them must belong to the same space
if len(neighbors) > 3:

fscore = sum([weights[n] for n in neighbors if n in pindices]) #cumulative weight of its ACTUAL neighbors
count = [1 for t in range(10) if random(sum(weights)) < fscore] #add 1 if fscore higher than a number taken at random between 0 and the cumulative weight of its DESIRABLE neighbors

if len(count) > 5 and unit in neighbors:
grid[site[i]] = unit

#if random grid cell not empty -> pass
else: pass


enter image description here


但请注意,此算法如何生成分离的组,而不是像提供的示例中那样生成非分割和统一的堆栈。我还应该补充一点,近 5000 次迭代比 Terzidis 先生在他的书中提到的 274 次迭代要多得多。


  • 我处理这个算法的方式有问题吗?
  • 如果没有,那么我缺少什么隐含条件?


我为解决这一挑战而提出的解决方案是基于多次重复该算法,同时记录有效的解决方案。由于解决方案不是唯一的,我希望算法会抛出超过 1 个解决方案。他们每个人都会有一个基于邻居亲和力的分数。

我将调用一次“尝试”来完整运行以尝试找到有效的植物分布。完整的脚本运行将包含 N 次尝试。

每次尝试以 2 个随机(统一)选择开始:

  • 网格中的起点
  • 开始办公室


每个新 block 都按照他的程序设置:

  • 第一。计算每个相邻单元与办公室的亲和性。
  • 第二。随机选择一个站点。选择应该由亲和力加权。



0 affinity offices don't add. Probability factor should be 0 for that point in the grid. Affinity function selection is an iteresting part of this problem. You could try with the addition or even the multiplication of adjacent cells factor.




  • 没有必要在网格中放置一个新办公室(都具有 affinity = 0)
  • Office 无法扩展,因为所有关联权重都等于 0


否则,如果所有 block 都适合:它是有效的。


enter image description here




关于python - 如何根据理想邻域的程度重新排序单元? (进行中),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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