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我目前的想法是使用并行性来获得一点性能提升,因为加载每个对象是相互独立的。所以我要定义一个 LoadObject
函数,为我要处理的每种类型的对象接受一个 std::string
然后调用 std::异步
void LoadFromFile( const std::string& szFileName )
static const std::regex regexObject( "=== ([^=]+) ===\\n((?:.|\\n)*)\\n=== END \\1 ===", std::regex_constants::ECMAScript | std::regex_constants::optimize );
std::ifstream inFile( szFileName );
inFile.exceptions( std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit );
std::string szFileData( (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(inFile)), (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()) );
std::vector<std::future<void>> vecFutures;
for( std::sregex_iterator itObject( szFileData.cbegin(), szFileData.cend(), regexObject ), end; itObject != end; ++itObject )
// Determine what type of object we're loading:
if( (*itObject)[1] == "Type1" )
vecFutures.emplace_back( std::async( LoadType1, (*itObject)[2].str() ) );
else if( (*itObject)[1] == "Type2" )
vecFutures.emplace_back( std::async( LoadType2, (*itObject)[2].str() ) );
throw std::runtime_error( "Unexpected type encountered whilst reading data file." );
// Make sure all our tasks completed:
for( auto& future : vecFutures )
请注意,应用程序中将有超过 2 种类型(这只是一个简短的示例),并且文件中可能有数千个要读取的对象。
我知道创建太多线程通常对性能不利,因为上下文切换会超过最大硬件并发,但如果我的内存正确,C++ 运行时应该监控创建的线程数和适本地安排 std::async
(我相信微软的情况是他们的 ConcRT 库对此负责?),所以上面的代码仍然可能导致性能提升?
the C++ runtime is supposed to monitor the number of threads created and schedule std::async appropriately
[ Note: If this policy is specified together with other policies, such as when using a policy value of launch::async | launch::deferred,implementations should defer invocation or the selection of the policywhen no more concurrency can be effectively exploited. —end note ]
也就是说,如果我们有 10 个长时间运行的任务,而实现只能并行执行 4 个,那么前 4 个将是异步的,而后 6 个可能会被延迟。按顺序等待 future 将在单个线程上按顺序执行延迟任务,从而消除这些任务的并行执行。
该注释还说,可以推迟策略的选择,而不是推迟调用。也就是说,该函数可能仍异步运行,但该决定可能会延迟,例如,直到较早的任务之一完成,从而为新任务释放核心。但同样,这不是必需的,该注释是非规范性的,据我所知,微软的实现是唯一一个以这种方式运行的实现。当我查看另一个实现 libc++ 时,它完全忽略了这个注释,因此使用 std::launch::async
或 std::launch::any
(I believe in Microsoft's case their ConcRT library is responsible for this?)
Microsoft 的实现确实如您所描述的那样运行,但这不是必需的,可移植程序不能依赖该行为。
#include <future>
#include <vector>
#include <mutex>
#include <cstdio>
// a semaphore class
// All threads can wait on this object. When a waiting thread
// is woken up, it does its work and then notifies another waiting thread.
// In this way only n threads will be be doing work at any time.
class Semaphore {
std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable cv;
unsigned int count;
Semaphore(int n) : count(n) {}
void notify() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(m);
void wait() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(m);
cv.wait(l, [this]{ return count!=0; });
// an RAII class to handle waiting and notifying the next thread
// Work is done between when the object is created and destroyed
class Semaphore_waiter_notifier {
Semaphore &s;
Semaphore_waiter_notifier(Semaphore &s) : s{s} { s.wait(); }
~Semaphore_waiter_notifier() { s.notify(); }
// some inefficient work for our threads to do
int fib(int n) {
if (n<2) return n;
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
// for_each algorithm for iterating over a container but also
// making an integer index available.
// f is called like f(index, element)
template<typename Container, typename F>
F for_each(Container &c, F f) {
typename Container::size_type i = 0;
for (auto &e : c)
f(i++, e);
return f;
// global semaphore so that lambdas don't have to capture it
Semaphore thread_limiter(4);
int main() {
std::vector<int> input(100);
for_each(input, [](int i, int &e) { e = (i%10) + 35; });
std::vector<std::future<int>> output;
for_each(input, [&output](int i, int e) {
output.push_back(std::async(std::launch::async, [] (int task, int n) -> int {
Semaphore_waiter_notifier w(thread_limiter);
std::printf("Starting task %d\n", task);
int res = fib(n);
std::printf("\t\t\t\t\t\tTask %d finished\n", task);
return res;
}, i, e));
for_each(output, [](int i, std::future<int> &e) {
std::printf("\t\t\tWaiting on task %d\n", i);
int res = e.get();
std::printf("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTask %d result: %d\n", i, res);
关于c++ - 多次使用 std::async 对小任务性能友好吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17196402/
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