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unsigned int u = 10;
signed int s = -8;
std::cout << s + u << std::endl;
//prints 2 because it will convert `s` to `unsigned int`, now `s` has the value
//4294967288, then it will add `u` to it, which is an out-of-range value, so,
//in my machine, `4294967298 % 4294967296 = 2`
我不明白 - 我读到如果有符号操作数的类型大于无符号操作数:
signed long long s = -8;
unsigned int u = 10;
std::cout << s + u << std::endl;
将被转换为signed long long,因为int 值可以适合signed long long??
5 个表达式 [expr]
10 Many binary operators that expect operands of arithmetic or enumeration type cause conversions and yield result types in a similar way. The purpose is to yield a common type, which is also the type of the result. This pattern is called the usual arithmetic conversions, which are defined as follows:
— Otherwise, if the operand that has unsigned integer type has rank greater than or equal to the rank of the type of the other operand, the operand with signed integer type shall be converted to the type of the operand with unsigned integer type.
— Otherwise, if the type of the operand with signed integer type can represent all of the values of the type of the operand with unsigned integer type, the operand with unsigned integer type shall be converted to the type of the operand with signed integer type.
— Otherwise, both operands shall be converted to the unsigned integer type corresponding to the type of the operand with signed integer type.
让我们考虑以下 3 个示例案例,分别针对上述 3 个子句在一个系统上,其中 sizeof(int) < sizeof(long) == sizeof(long long)
#include <iostream>
signed int s1 = -4;
unsigned int u1 = 2;
signed long int s2 = -4;
unsigned int u2 = 2;
signed long long int s3 = -4;
unsigned long int u3 = 2;
int main()
std::cout << (s1 + u1) << "\n"; // 4294967294
std::cout << (s2 + u2) << "\n"; // -2
std::cout << (s3 + u3) << "\n"; // 18446744073709551614
Live example 带输出。
第一个子句:相等等级的类型,所以 signed int
操作数转换为 unsigned int
第三条:有符号类型再次具有更高的等级,但是(在这个平台上!)不能代表无符号类型的所有值,因此两个操作数都转换为unsigned long long
, 对有符号的操作数进行值转换后,就得到了打印出来的值。
请注意,当无符号操作数足够大(例如这些示例中的 6 个)时,由于无符号整数溢出,最终结果将为所有 3 个示例给出 2。
(已添加)请注意,当您对这些类型进行比较时,您会得到更多意想不到的结果。让我们考虑上面的示例 1 和 <
#include <iostream>
signed int s1 = -4;
unsigned int u1 = 2;
int main()
std::cout << (s1 < u1 ? "s1 < u1" : "s1 !< u1") << "\n"; // "s1 !< u1"
std::cout << (-4 < 2u ? "-4 < 2u" : "-4 !< 2u") << "\n"; // "-4 !< 2u"
自从 2u
制作 unsigned
由 u
明确表示后缀相同的规则适用。在用 C++ 编写时比较 -4 < 2 时,结果可能不是您所期望的 -4 < 2u
关于C++ 隐式转换(有符号 + 无符号),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17832815/
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在本教程中,您将借助示例了解 JavaScript 符号。 JavaScript 符号 JavaScript ES6 引入了一种新的原始数据类型,称为 Symbol(符号)。符号是不可变的(不能更改)
在“函数编程的工艺”一书中,符号 '>.>' 将函数连接在一起,与 '.' 的方向相反。但是当我使用 ghci 实现它时,它显示了超出范围的错误 '>.>'。为什么?它是不再使用的旧符号吗? 最佳答案
很难说出这里问的是什么。这个问题是含糊的、模糊的、不完整的、过于宽泛的或修辞性的,无法以目前的形式得到合理的回答。如需帮助澄清此问题以便重新打开它,visit the help center 。 已关
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