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python - 如何使用数据类制作 "keyword-only"字段?

转载 作者:IT老高 更新时间:2023-10-28 21:04:38 28 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

Since 3.0支持仅创建参数关键字:

class S3Obj:
def __init__(self, bucket, key, *, storage_class='Standard'):
self.bucket = bucket
self.key = key
self.storage_class = storage_class

如何使用 dataclasses 获得这种签名?像这样,但最好没有 SyntaxError:

class S3Obj:
bucket: str
key: str
storage_class: str = 'Standard'

理想情况下是声明式的,但使用 __post_init__ 钩子(Hook)和/或替换类装饰器也可以 - 只要代码可重用。

编辑: 可能类似于这种语法,使用省略号文字

class S3Obj:
bucket: str
key: str
storage_class: str = 'Standard'


更新:在 Python 3.10 中,有一个新的 dataclasses.KW_ONLY像这样工作的哨兵:

class Example:
a: int
b: int
_: dataclasses.KW_ONLY
c: int
d: int

KW_ONLY 伪字段之后的任何字段都是关键字。

dataclasses.dataclass 装饰器还有一个 kw_only 参数,它使所有字段都只有关键字:

class Example:
a: int
b: int

也可以将 kw_only=True 传递给 dataclasses.field 以将单个字段标记为仅限关键字。

如果仅关键字字段出现在非仅关键字字段之后(可能通过继承,或通过单独标记字段仅关键字),仅关键字字段将为 reordered在其他字段之后,专门用于 __init__。其他数据类功能将保持声明的顺序。这种重新排序令人困惑,应该避免。

Python 3.10 之前的答案:

执行此操作时,您不会从 dataclasses 获得太多帮助。没有办法说字段应该由仅关键字参数初始化,并且 __post_init__ 钩子(Hook)不知道原始构造函数参数是否通过关键字传递。此外,没有很好的方法来内省(introspection) InitVars,更不用说将 InitVars 标记为仅关键字。

至少,您必须替换生成的 __init__。可能最简单的方法是手动定义 __init__。如果您不想这样做,可能最可靠的方法是创建字段对象并在 metadata 中仅标记它们,然后在您自己的装饰器中检查元数据。这比听起来更复杂:

import dataclasses
import functools
import inspect

# Helper to make calling field() less verbose
def kwonly(default=dataclasses.MISSING, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('metadata', {})
kwargs['metadata']['kwonly'] = True
return dataclasses.field(default=default, **kwargs)

def mydataclass(_cls, *, init=True, **kwargs):
if _cls is None:
return functools.partial(mydataclass, **kwargs)

no_generated_init = (not init or '__init__' in _cls.__dict__)
_cls = dataclasses.dataclass(_cls, **kwargs)
if no_generated_init:
# No generated __init__. The user will have to provide __init__,
# and they probably already have. We assume their __init__ does
# what they want.
return _cls

fields = dataclasses.fields(_cls)
if any(field.metadata.get('kwonly') and not field.init for field in fields):
raise TypeError('Non-init field marked kwonly')

# From this point on, ignore non-init fields - but we don't know
# about InitVars yet.
init_fields = [field for field in fields if field.init]
for i, field in enumerate(init_fields):
if field.metadata.get('kwonly'):
first_kwonly =
num_kwonly = len(init_fields) - i
# No kwonly fields. Why were we called? Assume there was a reason.
return _cls

if not all(field.metadata.get('kwonly') for field in init_fields[-num_kwonly:]):
raise TypeError('non-kwonly init fields following kwonly fields')

required_kwonly = [ for field in init_fields[-num_kwonly:]
if field.default is field.default_factory is dataclasses.MISSING]

original_init = _cls.__init__

# Time to handle InitVars. This is going to get ugly.
# InitVars don't show up in fields(). They show up in __annotations__,
# but the current dataclasses implementation doesn't understand string
# annotations, and we want an implementation that's robust against
# changes in string annotation handling.
# We could inspect __post_init__, except there doesn't have to be a
# __post_init__. (It'd be weird to use InitVars with no __post_init__,
# but it's allowed.)
# As far as I can tell, that leaves inspecting __init__ parameters as
# the only option.

init_params = tuple(inspect.signature(original_init).parameters)
if init_params[-num_kwonly] != first_kwonly:
# InitVars following kwonly fields. We could adopt a convention like
# "InitVars after kwonly are kwonly" - in fact, we could have adopted
# "all fields after kwonly are kwonly" too - but it seems too likely
# to cause confusion with inheritance.
raise TypeError('InitVars after kwonly fields.')
# -1 to exclude self from this count.
max_positional = len(init_params) - num_kwonly - 1

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if len(args) > max_positional:
raise TypeError('Too many positional arguments')
check_required_kwargs(kwargs, required_kwonly)
return original_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
_cls.__init__ = __init__

return _cls

def check_required_kwargs(kwargs, required):
# Not strictly necessary, but if we don't do this, error messages for
# required kwonly args will list them as positional instead of
# keyword-only.
missing = [name for name in required if name not in kwargs]
if not missing:
# We don't bother to exactly match the built-in logic's exception
raise TypeError(f"__init__ missing required keyword-only argument(s): {missing}")


class S3Obj:
bucket: str
key: str
storage_class: str = kwonly('Standard')


您无法使用 ... 获得您建议的语法,因为 ... 不会做任何元类或装饰器可以看到的事情。你可以得到非常接近实际触发名称查找或赋值的东西,比如 kwonly_start = True,所以元类可以看到它的发生。然而,一个健壮的实现写起来很复杂,因为有很多事情需要专门处理。继承、typing.ClassVardataclasses.InitVar、注解中的前向引用等,如果不小心处理都会出现问题。继承可能会导致最多的问题。


# Does not handle inheritance, InitVar, ClassVar, or anything else
# I'm forgetting.

class POCMetaDict(dict):
def __setitem__(self, key, item):
# __setitem__ instead of __getitem__ because __getitem__ is
# easier to trigger by accident.
if key == 'kwonly_start':
self['__non_kwonly'] = len(self['__annotations__'])
super().__setitem__(key, item)

class POCMeta(type):
def __prepare__(cls, name, bases, **kwargs):
return POCMetaDict()
def __new__(cls, name, bases, classdict, **kwargs):
non_kwonly = classdict.pop('__non_kwonly')

newcls = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, classdict, **kwargs)
newcls = dataclass(newcls)

if non_kwonly is None:
return newcls

original_init = newcls.__init__

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if len(args) > non_kwonly:
raise TypeError('Too many positional arguments')
return original_init(self, *args, **kwargs)

newcls.__init__ = __init__
return newcls


class S3Obj(metaclass=POCMeta):
bucket: str
key: str

kwonly_start = True

storage_class: str = 'Standard'


关于python - 如何使用数据类制作 "keyword-only"字段?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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