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我需要一种方法来读取 Popen 创建的流中所有当前可用的字符,或者找出缓冲区中剩余的字符数。
背景:我想用 Python 远程控制一个交互式应用程序。到目前为止,我使用 Popen 创建了一个新的子进程:
process=subprocess.Popen(["python"],shell=True,stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=workingDir)
(我不是真的开始python,但实际的交互界面是相似的。)目前我读取了 1 个字节,直到我检测到进程已到达命令提示符:
output = ""
while output[-6:]!="SCIP> ":
output += process.stdout.read(1)
return output
然后我通过 process.stdin.write("command\n")
开始一个冗长的计算。我的问题是,我无法检查计算是否完成,因为我无法检查流中的最后一个字符是否是提示符。 read()
或 read(n)
阻塞我的线程,直到它到达 EOF,它永远不会,因为交互式程序在被告知之前不会结束。以上述循环的方式寻找提示也行不通,因为提示只会在计算之后出现。
Popen 的标准输出的增量解析真的不是问题。只需将管道插入线程并让它通过输出擦洗,寻找分隔符。根据您的喜好,它可以将其通过管道传输到另一个管道/文件中,或者以异步模式将解析的“ block ”放在“堆栈”上。下面是一个基于自定义分隔符的 stdout 异步“分 block ”示例:
import cStringIO
import uuid
import threading
import os
class InputStreamChunker(threading.Thread):
Threaded object / code that mediates reading output from a stream,
detects "separation markers" in the stream and spits out chunks
of original stream, split when ends of chunk are encountered.
Results are made available as a list of filled file-like objects
(your choice). Results are accessible either "asynchronously"
(you can poll at will for results in a non-blocking way) or
"synchronously" by exposing a "subscribe and wait" system based
on threading.Event flags.
- instantiate this object
- give our input pipe as "stdout" to other subprocess and start it:
Popen(..., stdout = th.input, ...)
- (optional) subscribe to data_available event
- pull resulting file-like objects off .data
(if you are "messing" with .data from outside of the thread,
be curteous and wrap the thread-unsafe manipulations between:
... mess with .data
The thread will not touch obj.data for the duration and will
block reading.)
License: Public domain
Absolutely no warranty provided
def __init__(self, delimiter = None, outputObjConstructor = None):
delimiter - the string that will be considered a delimiter for the stream
outputObjConstructor - instanses of these will be attached to self.data array
(intantiator_pointer, args, kw)
self._data_available = threading.Event()
self._data_available.clear() # parent will .wait() on this for results.
self._data = []
self._data_unoccupied = threading.Event()
self._data_unoccupied.set() # parent will set this to true when self.results is being changed from outside
self._r, self._w = os.pipe() # takes all inputs. self.input = public pipe in.
self._stop = False
if not delimiter: delimiter = str(uuid.uuid1())
self._stream_delimiter = [l for l in delimiter]
self._stream_roll_back_len = ( len(delimiter)-1 ) * -1
if not outputObjConstructor:
self._obj = (cStringIO.StringIO, (), {})
self._obj = outputObjConstructor
def data_available(self):
'''returns a threading.Event instance pointer that is
True (and non-blocking to .wait() ) when we attached a
new IO obj to the .data array.
Code consuming the array may decide to set it back to False
if it's done with all chunks and wants to be blocked on .wait()'''
return self._data_available
def data_unoccupied(self):
'''returns a threading.Event instance pointer that is normally
True (and non-blocking to .wait() ) Set it to False with .clear()
before you start non-thread-safe manipulations (changing) .data
array. Set it back to True with .set() when you are done'''
return self._data_unoccupied
def data(self):
'''returns a list of input chunkes (file-like objects) captured
so far. This is a "stack" of sorts. Code consuming the chunks
would be responsible for disposing of the file-like objects.
By default, the file-like objects are instances of cStringIO'''
return self._data
def input(self):
'''This is a file descriptor (not a file-like).
It's the input end of our pipe which you give to other process
to be used as stdout pipe for that process'''
return self._w
def flush(self):
'''Normally a read on a pipe is blocking.
To get things moving (make the subprocess yield the buffer,
we inject our chunk delimiter into self.input
This is useful when primary subprocess does not write anything
to our in pipe, but we need to make internal pipe reader let go
of the pipe and move on with things.
os.write(self._w, ''.join(self._stream_delimiter))
def stop(self):
self._stop = True
self.flush() # reader has its teeth on the pipe. This makes it let go for for a sec.
def __del__(self):
del self._w
del self._r
del self._data
def run(self):
''' Plan:
- We read into a fresh instance of IO obj until marker encountered.
- When marker is detected, we attach that IO obj to "results" array
and signal the calling code (through threading.Event flag) that
results are available
- repeat until .stop() was called on the thread.
marker = ['' for l in self._stream_delimiter] # '' is there on purpose
tf = self._obj[0](*self._obj[1], **self._obj[2])
while not self._stop:
l = os.read(self._r, 1)
print('Thread talking: Ordinal of char is:%s' %ord(l))
trash_str = marker.pop(0)
if marker != self._stream_delimiter:
# chopping off the marker first
tf.seek(self._stream_roll_back_len, 2)
self._data_unoccupied.wait(5) # seriously, how much time is needed to get your items off the stack?
tf = self._obj[0](*self._obj[1], **self._obj[2])
del tf
def waitforresults(ch, answers, expect):
while len(answers) < expect:
ch.data_available.wait(0.5); ch.data_unoccupied.clear()
while ch.data:
ch.data_available.clear(); ch.data_unoccupied.set()
print('Main talking: %s answers received, expecting %s\n' % ( len(answers), expect) )
def test():
- set up chunker
- set up Popen with chunker's output stream
- push some data into proc.stdin
- get results
- cleanup
import subprocess
ch = InputStreamChunker('\n')
ch.daemon = True
print('starting the subprocess\n')
p = subprocess.Popen(
stdin = subprocess.PIPE,
stdout = ch.input,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
answers = []
i = p.stdin
i.write('line1 qwer\n') # will be in results
i.write('line2 qwer\n') # will be in results
i.write('line3 zxcv asdf') # will be in results only after a ch.flush(),
# prepended to other line or when the pipe is closed
waitforresults(ch, answers, expect = 2)
i.write('line4 tyui\n') # will be in results
i.write('line5 hjkl\n') # will be in results
i.write('line6 mnbv') # will be in results only after a ch.flush(),
# prepended to other line or when the pipe is closed
waitforresults(ch, answers, expect = 4)
## now we will flush the rest of input (that last line did not have a delimiter)
waitforresults(ch, answers, expect = 5)
should_be = ['line1 qwer', 'line2 qwer',
'line3 zxcv asdfline4 tyui', 'line5 hjkl', 'line6 mnbv']
assert should_be == [i.read() for i in answers]
# don't forget to stop the chunker. It it closes the pipes
del p, ch
if __name__ == '__main__':
编辑:删除了关于“写入 proc 的标准输入是一次性的”的错误措辞
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