gpt4 book ai didi

python - 将图像切成重叠的补丁并将补丁合并到图像的快速方法

转载 作者:IT老高 更新时间:2023-10-28 21:02:54 39 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

尝试将大小为 100x100 的灰度图像分割成大小为 39x39 的重叠 block ,步幅大小为 1。这意味着下一个从右侧/或下方开始一个像素的 block 仅与另一列/或行中的上一个补丁。

代码粗略概述:首先计算每个补丁的索引,以便能够从图像构造二维 block 数组,并能够从 block 构造图像:

patches = imgFlat[ind]

'patches' 是一个二维数组,每列包含一个向量形式的补丁。


img = np.sum(patchesWithColFlat[ind],axis=2)

由于补丁重叠,最后需要将 img 与预先计算的权重相乘:

imgOut = weights*imgOut

我的代码真的很慢,速度是一个关键问题,因为这应该在 ca. 10^8 个补丁。

函数 get_indices_for_un_patchify 和 weights_unpatchify 可以预先计算一次,因此速度只是 patchify 和 unpatchify 的问题。



import numpy as np
import scipy
import collections
import random as rand

def get_indices_for_un_patchify(sImg,sP,step):
''' creates indices for fast patchifying and unpatchifying

sx image size
sp patch size
step offset between two patches (default == [1,1])

patchInd collection with indices
patchInd.img2patch patchifying indices
patch = img(patchInd.img2patch);
patchInd.patch2img unpatchifying indices

NOTE: * for unpatchifying necessary to add a 0 column to the patch matrix
* matrices are constructed row by row, as normally there are less rows than columns in the
lImg =
indImg = np.reshape(range(lImg), sImg)

# no. of patches which fit into the image
sB = (sImg - sP + step) / step

lb =
lp =
indImg2Patch = np.zeros([lp, lb])
indPatch = np.reshape(range(lp*lb), [lp, lb])

indPatch2Img = np.ones([sImg[0],sImg[1],lp])*(lp*lb+1)

# default value should be last column
iRow = 0;
for jCol in range(sP[1]):
for jRow in range(sP[0]):
tmp1 = np.array(range(0, sImg[0]-sP[0]+1, step[0]))
tmp2 = np.array(range(0, sImg[1]-sP[1]+1, step[1]))
sel1 = jRow + tmp1
sel2 = jCol + tmp2
tmpIndImg2Patch = indImg[sel1,:]
# do not know how to combine following 2 lines in python
tmpIndImg2Patch = tmpIndImg2Patch[:,sel2]
indImg2Patch[iRow, :] = tmpIndImg2Patch.flatten()

# next line not nice, but do not know how to implement it better
indPatch2Img[min(sel1):max(sel1)+1, min(sel2):max(sel2)+1, iRow] = np.reshape(indPatch[iRow, :, np.newaxis], sB)
iRow += 1

pInd = collections.namedtuple
pInd.patch2img = indPatch2Img
pInd.img2patch = indImg2Patch

return pInd

def weights_unpatchify(sImg,pInd):
weights = 1./unpatchify(patchify(np.ones(sImg), pInd), pInd)
return weights

# @profile
def patchify(img,pInd):
imgFlat = img.flat
# imgFlat = img.flatten()
ind = pInd.img2patch.tolist()
patches = imgFlat[ind]

return patches

# @profile
def unpatchify(patches,pInd):
# add a row of zeros to the patches matrix
h,w = patches.shape
patchesWithCol = np.zeros([h+1,w])
patchesWithCol[:-1,:] = patches
patchesWithColFlat = patchesWithCol.flat
# patchesWithColFlat = patchesWithCol.flatten()
ind = pInd.patch2img.tolist()
img = np.sum(patchesWithColFlat[ind],axis=2)
return img


if __name__ =='__main__':
img = np.random.randint(255,size=[100,100])
sImg = img.shape
sP = np.array([39,39]) # size of patch
step = np.array([1,1]) # sliding window step size
pInd = get_indices_for_un_patchify(sImg,sP,step)
patches = patchify(img,pInd)
imgOut = unpatchify(patches,pInd)
weights = weights_unpatchify(sImg,pInd)
imgOut = weights*imgOut

print 'Difference of img and imgOut = %.7f' %sum(img.flatten() - imgOut.flatten())


“修补”数组的一种有效方法,即获取原始数组的窗口数组是使用自定义 strides 创建一个 View 。 , 跳转到下一个元素的字节数。将 numpy 数组视为(美化的)内存块可能会有所帮助,然后 strides 是将索引映射到内存地址的一种方式。


a = np.arange(10).reshape(2, 5)

a.itemsize 等于 4(即每个元素 4 个字节或 32 位)并且 a.strides(20, 4) (5 个元素,1 个元素),因此 a[1,2] 指的是 1*20 + 2*4 字节(或 1 *5 + 2 个元素)在第一个元素之后:

0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 x x

其实元素是一个接一个的放到内存中的,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x x但是strides让我们把它索引为一个二维数组。

基于这个概念,我们可以重写 patchify 如下

def patchify(img, patch_shape):
img = np.ascontiguousarray(img) # won't make a copy if not needed
X, Y = img.shape
x, y = patch_shape
shape = ((X-x+1), (Y-y+1), x, y) # number of patches, patch_shape
# The right strides can be thought by:
# 1) Thinking of `img` as a chunk of memory in C order
# 2) Asking how many items through that chunk of memory are needed when indices
# i,j,k,l are incremented by one
strides = img.itemsize*np.array([Y, 1, Y, 1])
return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(img, shape=shape, strides=strides)

这个函数返回一个img的 View ,所以没有分配内存,它只运行了几十微秒。输出的形状并不是你想要的,实际上它必须被复制才能得到那个形状。

在处理比基本数组大得多的数组 View 时必须小心,因为操作可能会触发需要分配大量内存的副本。在你的情况下,由于数组不是太大并且没有那么多补丁,应该没问题。


patches = patchify(img, (39,39))
contiguous_patches = np.ascontiguousarray(patches)
contiguous_patches.shape = (-1, 39**2)

这不会重现您的 patchify 函数的输出,因为您是按 Fortran 顺序开发补丁的。我建议你改用这个,因为

  1. 它会在以后导致更自然的索引(即,第一个补丁是补丁[0],而不是您的解决方案的补丁[:, 0])。

  2. 在 numpy 中使用 C 排序也更容易,因为您需要更少的输入(避免使用 order='F' 之类的东西,数组默认按 C 顺序创建...)。

“提示”如果你坚持:strides = img.itemsize * np.array([1, Y, Y, 1]),使用 .reshape(...,在 contiguous_patches 上 order='F') 最后转置 .T

关于python - 将图像切成重叠的补丁并将补丁合并到图像的快速方法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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