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java - 实现一个简单的 Trie 以进行高效的 Levenshtein 距离计算 - Java

转载 作者:IT老高 更新时间:2023-10-28 20:50:17 25 4
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完毕。下面是最终通过我所有测试的代码。同样,这是在 Murilo Vasconcelo 的 Steve Hanov 算法的修改版本之后建模的。感谢所有帮助过的人!

* Computes the minimum Levenshtein Distance between the given word (represented as an array of Characters) and the
* words stored in theTrie. This algorithm is modeled after Steve Hanov's blog article "Fast and Easy Levenshtein
* distance using a Trie" and Murilo Vasconcelo's revised version in C++.
* @param ArrayList<Character> word - the characters of an input word as an array representation
* @return int - the minimum Levenshtein Distance
private int computeMinimumLevenshteinDistance(ArrayList<Character> word) {

theTrie.minLevDist = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

int iWordLength = word.size();
int[] currentRow = new int[iWordLength + 1];

for (int i = 0; i <= iWordLength; i++) {
currentRow[i] = i;

for (int i = 0; i < iWordLength; i++) {
traverseTrie(theTrie.root, word.get(i), word, currentRow);
return theTrie.minLevDist;

* Recursive helper function. Traverses theTrie in search of the minimum Levenshtein Distance.
* @param TrieNode node - the current TrieNode
* @param char letter - the current character of the current word we're working with
* @param ArrayList<Character> word - an array representation of the current word
* @param int[] previousRow - a row in the Levenshtein Distance matrix
private void traverseTrie(TrieNode node, char letter, ArrayList<Character> word, int[] previousRow) {

int size = previousRow.length;
int[] currentRow = new int[size];
currentRow[0] = previousRow[0] + 1;

int minimumElement = currentRow[0];
int insertCost, deleteCost, replaceCost;

for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {

insertCost = currentRow[i - 1] + 1;
deleteCost = previousRow[i] + 1;

if (word.get(i - 1) == letter) {
replaceCost = previousRow[i - 1];
} else {
replaceCost = previousRow[i - 1] + 1;

currentRow[i] = minimum(insertCost, deleteCost, replaceCost);

if (currentRow[i] < minimumElement) {
minimumElement = currentRow[i];

if (currentRow[size - 1] < theTrie.minLevDist && node.isWord) {
theTrie.minLevDist = currentRow[size - 1];

if (minimumElement < theTrie.minLevDist) {

for (Character c : node.children.keySet()) {
traverseTrie(node.children.get(c), c, word, currentRow);

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最后,我已经设法让它适用于我的大多数测试用例。我的实现实际上是直接翻译自 Murilo's C++ versionSteve Hanov's algorithm .那么我应该如何重构这个算法和/或进行优化?下面是代码...
public int search(String word) {

theTrie.minLevDist = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

int size = word.length();
int[] currentRow = new int[size + 1];

for (int i = 0; i <= size; i++) {
currentRow[i] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
char c = word.charAt(i);
if (theTrie.root.children.containsKey(c)) {
searchRec(theTrie.root.children.get(c), c, word, currentRow);
return theTrie.minLevDist;
private void searchRec(TrieNode node, char letter, String word, int[] previousRow) {

int size = previousRow.length;
int[] currentRow = new int[size];
currentRow[0] = previousRow[0] + 1;

int insertCost, deleteCost, replaceCost;

for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {

insertCost = currentRow[i - 1] + 1;
deleteCost = previousRow[i] + 1;

if (word.charAt(i - 1) == letter) {
replaceCost = previousRow[i - 1];
} else {
replaceCost = previousRow[i - 1] + 1;
currentRow[i] = minimum(insertCost, deleteCost, replaceCost);

if (currentRow[size - 1] < theTrie.minLevDist && node.isWord) {
theTrie.minLevDist = currentRow[size - 1];

if (minElement(currentRow) < theTrie.minLevDist) {

for (Character c : node.children.keySet()) {
searchRec(node.children.get(c), c, word, currentRow);


感谢所有为这个问题做出贡献的人。我尝试让 Levenshtein Automata 工作,但我无法实现。


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所以我实现了一个简单的 Trie 数据结构,我一直在尝试按照 Steve Hanov 的 python 教程来计算 Levenshtein 距离。实际上,我对计算 很感兴趣。最低 Levenshtein 给定单词与 Trie 中的单词之间的距离,因此我一直在关注 Murilo Vasconcelos's version of Steve Hanov's algorithm .它运行得不是很好,但这是我的 Trie 类:
public class Trie {

public TrieNode root;
public int minLevDist;

public Trie() {
this.root = new TrieNode(' ');

public void insert(String word) {

int length = word.length();
TrieNode current = this.root;

if (length == 0) {
current.isWord = true;
for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {

char letter = word.charAt(index);
TrieNode child = current.getChild(letter);

if (child != null) {
current = child;
} else {
current.children.put(letter, new TrieNode(letter));
current = current.getChild(letter);
if (index == length - 1) {
current.isWord = true;

...和 ​​TrieNode 类:
public class TrieNode {

public final int ALPHABET = 26;

public char letter;
public boolean isWord;
public Map<Character, TrieNode> children;

public TrieNode(char letter) {
this.isWord = false;
this.letter = letter;
children = new HashMap<Character, TrieNode>(ALPHABET);

public TrieNode getChild(char letter) {

if (children != null) {
if (children.containsKey(letter)) {
return children.get(letter);
return null;

现在,我尝试将搜索实现为 Murilo Vasconcelos有它,但有些东西是关闭的,我需要一些帮助来调试它。请提供有关如何重构和/或指出错误所在的建议。我想重构的第一件事是“minCost”全局变量,但这是最小的事情。无论如何,这是代码......
public void search(String word) {

int size = word.length();
int[] currentRow = new int[size + 1];

for (int i = 0; i <= size; i++) {
currentRow[i] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
char c = word.charAt(i);
if (theTrie.root.children.containsKey(c)) {
searchRec(theTrie.root.children.get(c), c, word, currentRow);

private void searchRec(TrieNode node, char letter, String word, int[] previousRow) {

int size = previousRow.length;
int[] currentRow = new int[size];
currentRow[0] = previousRow[0] + 1;

int replace, insertCost, deleteCost;

for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {

char c = word.charAt(i - 1);

insertCost = currentRow[i - 1] + 1;
deleteCost = previousRow[i] + 1;
replace = (c == letter) ? previousRow[i - 1] : (previousRow[i - 1] + 1);

currentRow[i] = minimum(insertCost, deleteCost, replace);

if (currentRow[size - 1] < minCost && !node.isWord) {
minCost = currentRow[size - 1];
Integer minElement = minElement(currentRow);
if (minElement < minCost) {

for (Map.Entry<Character, TrieNode> entry : node.children.entrySet()) {
searchRec(node, entry.getKey(), word, currentRow);



我一直在看一篇文章, Fast and Easy Levenshtein distance using a Trie ,希望找出一种有效的方法来计算 Levenshtein Distance两个字符串之间。我的主要目标是,在给定大量单词的情况下,能够找到输入单词和这组单词之间的最小 Levenshtein 距离。

在我的简单实现中,我为每个输入词计算输入词和词集之间的 Levenshtein 距离,并返回最小值。它有效,但效率不高......

我一直在寻找 Java 中 Trie 的实现,并且遇到了两个看似不错的来源:
  • version
  • version
    (编辑:这似乎已经转移到 )

  • 但是,这些实现对于我正在尝试做的事情来说似乎太复杂了。当我通读它们以了解它们的工作原理以及 Trie 数据结构的一般工作原理时,我只会变得更加困惑。

    那么我将如何在 Java 中实现一个简单的 Trie 数据结构呢?我的直觉告诉我,每个 TrieNode 都应该存储它所代表的字符串以及对字母表字母的引用,不一定是所有的字母。我的直觉正确吗?

    一旦实现,下一个任务是计算 Levenshtein 距离。我通读了上面文章中的 Python 代码示例,但我不会说 Python,一旦我点击递归搜索,我的 Java 实现就会耗尽堆内存。那么我将如何使用 Trie 数据结构计算 Levenshtein 距离?我有一个微不足道的实现,仿照 this source code ,但它不使用 Trie ......效率低下。

    除了您的意见和建议之外,如果能看到一些代码,那就太好了。毕竟,这对我来说是一个学习过程……我从未实现过 Trie……所以我可以从这次经历中学到很多东西。


    附言如果需要,我可以提供任何源代码。另外,我已经通读并尝试使用 Nick Johnson's blog 中建议的 BK-Tree。 ,但它并不像我想象的那么高效......或者我的实现可能是错误的。


    我已经在 C++ 中实现了“使用 Trie 的快速简单的 Levenshtein 距离”文章中描述的算法,它非常快。如果您愿意(比 Python 更了解 C++),我可以将代码粘贴到某个地方。

    我把它贴在我的 blog 上.

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